Hanif Kureishi Intymno??

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Transcript Hanif Kureishi Intymno??

Hanif Kureishi
Title: Intymno??
Author: Hanif Kureishi
Format: Paperback
Pages: 118
Publisher: Zysk i s-ka, 1446249660
ISBN: 837150750x
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6 MB
Download: allowed
"To jest najsmutniejszy wieczór w moim ?yciu. Odchodz? i ju? tu nie wróc?" - mówi bohater Jay,
który porzuca sw? partnerk? oraz dwóch synów. W ci?gu d?ugiej nocy poprzedzaj?cej odej?cie
wspomina wzloty i upadki swego zwi?zku z Susan. Ze wzruszeniem, cz?sto bez taryfy ulgowej
dla siebie, analizuje rado?ci i smutki wspólnego ?ycia z inn? osob?. Refleksje o mi?o?ci i
przyja?ni pomagaj? mu w podj?ciu ostatecznej decyzji.
Insightful reviews
Paola: Va dove ti porta il pisello...
5 stellette per aver messo in prosa una magnifica e ineccepibile razionalizzazione di un
comportamento umano vecchio come il mondo, che sintetizzato sino all'osso ho espresso nel
Ci sono proprio tutti i clichés:
la vita senza amore (traduzione non scopo abbastanza);
la moglie noiosa e prevedibile, naturalmente appesantita e occupata a fare andare avanti la
baracca mentre lui si macera nelle dolorosissime elucubrazioni sull'amore, il desiderio, la libertà
di essere e fare; (traduzione non scopo abbastanza e in più ho una donna che non mi attizza);
i figli amatissimi, bellissimi, tenerissimi, ma ciò non comporta che io mi assuma la responsabilità
di crescerli troppo occupato a pensare al mio pisello;
la nuova donna, giovane, sconosciuta scopabile, carne fresca, probabilmente affascinata
dall'intellettuale tenebroso che si macera sulle cose dell'amore, mentre invece si sta guardando
solo il pisello da un po' troppo vicino...
Oh Hanif! spero che un giorno tutte le Nine del mondo al vedere il 5oenne in mutande e calzini
con pancetta e pelo semibianco, facciano una risata satanica che li seppellirà!
Così come spero che tutte le Susan del mondo dicano al loro compagno troppo occupato a
guardarsi il pisello di farsi una doccia in più ogni tanto, di bere meno, di farsi venire i six pack e
un bel culo sodo, che magari gli viene anche voglia di portarselo a letto, oltre che sbolognarli
figli e casa per 6 mesi mentre lei si macererà in elucubrazioni tristi e dolosore sull'essere e
sull'amore (magari con un bel giovanotto con i requisiti di cui sopra).
Charlotte: After reading loads of reviews, what amazes me is that apparently not all women take
this self-indulgent crap as a personal affront. Yes, Kureishi is a gifted writer. Okay, his take on
the excruciating ruminations of a husband plotting to leave his family is 100% believable. But I
can't get past my desire to castrate the narcissistic bastard. It must have been fun to write--a bit
like writing from the perspective of a mafia hit man--without any compulsion to tie together the
the disparate aspects of character (the loving father who abandons his children). Intimacy is
such a clever title, because it's what Jay (the bastard) wants (from his young, life-affirming
lover) and also what he finds most revolting and smothering (in his marriage). I think it's a
brilliant book and I hated it.
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Hol: One celebrity is just too generous. I completely despised this book. I needed to learn it for a
school presentation. If i did not need to i'd haven't even accomplished the book. I even threw it
around the room a number of times. the most personality is an arrogant, sexist pig and there his
personality has subsequent to no development. The finishing was once additionally anti-climatic
and never well worth the wait. i actually hate books approximately humans jogging out on their
households yet i will tolerate most. no longer this booklet though. I heavily can't examine
whatever strong to claim approximately it. The writing type is various and poetic, but it contrasts
with the subjects and the character, as it really is written in first person. keep away from this
book. i wouldn't suggest it.
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tee: Upon analyzing this, I felt that it was once rather noticeable that the writer wrote this e-book
with intimate wisdom of failed relationships and break-ups. The small info rather do make this
story. The disagreements of the way to make tea, for instance which leads either the characters
feeling like they need to kill every one other. The wife's badgering, the narrator's air of
weariness, the disconnectedness of all of it ... like they're simply simply lacking the target, that
in the event that they attempted that little bit harder, possibly they can come again on track. It
particularly does hit a sore spot for someone who has been during this place before. I loved
following his teach of thought, how he confident himself that he'll pack and leave, done! after
which a number of pages on, he contemplates waking his spouse to talk. He wishes her to claim
i admire you, please stay! but additionally feels (knows?) that he does not are looking to try. he's
indecisive, thoroughly actual and human. i believe like i'm inside of somebody's head and being
dragged alongside at the emotional journey. To throw a few little ones into the combo used to
be simply agonising and as a mum or dad - i used to be sucked correct into the confusion and
pain. i believe the one factor I struggled with was once the inability of sorrow he had at leaving
his children. Of course, he was once bothered, it was once one of many major topics of the ebook - yet his international did not appear rocked via it. i'd were a neurotic mess, rocking myself
forwards and backwards in a gloomy nook somewhere! after which I most likely should not have
left within the end. I definitely shouldn't have been thinking of on which items to take with me
whilst I left, which fits and sneakers might go well with my new life, which books should still I go
away for my sons to take pleasure in (although the nonchalance can have certainly been a
coping mechanism).I've learn a number of people's evaluations at the book, on a number of web
pages and locate lot of individuals hate the book, as a result of the narrator. yet this is the
reason i admire it, he is a shitty person, he does not recognize what he wants, he is placing
himself first, leaving behind his family, chasing after a few elusive excellent of love. it isn't pretty.
it truly is gritty, he is imperfect and that i like having the ability to see a glimpse into his lifestyles
after which be ready to positioned the booklet down and savor my own.I imagine the object is,
relationships do fail. And this fairly is a first-rate instance of ways it will possibly ensue ... lazily,
cowardly and bleakly.
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