Cees Nooteboom Rituals - Dream Speech Turns 50

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Transcript Cees Nooteboom Rituals - Dream Speech Turns 50

Cees Nooteboom
Title: Rituals
Author: Cees Nooteboom
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 145
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0140157905
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.8 MB
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A man of independent means oddly suited to survival amid the chaos of modern life, Inni
Wintrop is a committed dabbler, content to casually wander the streets of Amsterdam, follow the
dips and rises of the stock exchange and commodities market, speculate in art and love, and
write a newspaper horoscope column. But his inconsistencies are interrupted when he meets
two men who are the epitome of order and regulation.
Insightful reviews
Denys: A story of a man, who still kept something of a human being inside himself living in the
"brave new world" and just refusing to deal with it. Some passages are just striking. No wonder
this book became a kind of international "breakthrough" for the author.
Marc: In vergelijking met eerste werk terugkeer naar realisme, maar onderbedding van
vervreemding en absurditeit blijft bestaan (sterk sartriaans).
Inni wordt geconfronteerd met verschillende figuren die die absurditeit zin trachten te geven
- pater romualdus via katholiek ritueel
- arnold taads via hyperordentelijke levenswijze
- tante therese in de bourgondische stijl
- philip taads in het oosters ascetisme
Inni zelf aanvaardt uiteindelijk de wereld en wil in het bestaan staan. Door zijn scepticisme
doorziet hij het absolutisme van de anderen en wijst hij dat af
Bijzonder probleem: vrouwenfiguren en vooral Petra en het Amsterdams meisje; trekken zich
schijnbaar niets aan van conventies (hebben verloofde maar flirten toch met Inni, zonder gène),
blijkbaar hebben zij door dat het bestaan inhoudsloos is; zij zitten duidelijk een dimensie verder
dan de mannen.
Rituelen: verbinden de mens met het verleden; maken bestaan zinvol; maar risico op
Ruta: Man is a sad mammal that combs its hair.
Madhuri: Nooteboom is a traveler. His books shuttle via places, weaving rules from many
various cultures. And it truly is outstanding that during all cultures and folks he's capable of
finding unifying issues which hyperlink them together. Of course, like in such a lot postmodern
works, in his works the protagonist stands alone, disconnected from the realm round him/her,
regardless of which position on the planet he stands.In Rituals, the protagonist Inni is a drifter.
Married to a girl he loves, he nonetheless keeps to float to different girls looking for a misplaced
memory. whilst his spouse leaves him, he attempts (fleetingly) to discover a ritual to synthesise
his lifestyles around.It is in this interval of seek that we're brought to 2 males of rituals whom
Inni has met and may meet in an area of twenty years - Arnold and Philips Taads - father and
son.The father's method of facing his disbelief in God is in developing a lifestyles divided in
time. every one unit of time and the duty assigned to it turns into absolutely the law. This makes
Arnold a loner simply because his legislation don't let the uncertainties of others. He spend a
wide a part of the yr in a cottage in Swiss Alps.The son, nevertheless reveals aid in spiritualism
and japanese philosophy. He too lives on my own in a cottage, wrapped in his rituals.Both
males lead unenviable lives, and during their stories, Inni looks justifying a scarcity of rituals in
his personal life. simply because while either those males have met their lonely deaths, he
nonetheless lives - the silent observer with out rituals of his own.The e-book is wealthy in ideas.
the most effective passages is on memory, on how Inni recollects his personal lifestyles in
random snapshots instead of like a movie. On why he recalls a few beside the point poems and
evidence yet now not the tales of his personal life. There also are a few exciting
recommendations on loneliness, on religion. And more.
Jonfaith: Jesus, all I do is consider books, motion pictures and people elections I examine within
the father or mother and Economist. i believe approximately Rituals often, it needs to be radical.
I know. probably I may still admit my affectation for coffee and the most efficient League.
Sandra: Inni Wintrop, protagonista del romanzo, è un personaggio smarrito e confuso dinnanzi
alla contraddittorietà del mondo che si muove intorno a lui, prototipo dell’individuo gettato nel
mondo di cui parla Sartre. Inni si definisce “un buco, un’assenza”, uno che dalla vita si lascia
distrarre. Mentre gli altri due personaggi che egli incontra nel corso della narrazione -in cui sono
raccontati trenta anni della sua vita non in sequenza, ma con ritorni al passato iniziando los
angeles storia dagli anni ’60 quando Inni è trentenne, tornando indietro di dieci anni al
momento in cui fa l’incontro in keeping with così dire “pedagogico” con Arnold Taads,
consistent with finire con Inni quarantenne che conosce consistent with caso Philip Taads, figlio
che Arnold ha abbandonato quasi alla nascita- ammantano il loro disagio esistenziale con rituali
diversi, ma sempre finalizzati advert impedire che il mondo li aggredisca, Inni è disarmato
perché svuotato di contenuti e al contempo imperturbabile consistent with l’indifferenza con cui
gli accadimenti gli scivolano addosso. l. a. conclusione cui Nooteboom, con una scrittura densa
e coinvolgente, giunge è che i rituali, nel mondo di advantageous millennio senza più certezze
nè fede, non sono altro che il tentativo di porre un argine alle mille paure che assillano l’uomo:
così Arnold Taads vive con il suo cane, in odio perenne verso sé stesso ed il genere umano,
sottoposto al comando ferreo del pace con cui scandisce ogni momento della sua giornata in
attività sempre uguali e ripetute, mentre Philip Taads, uguale according to molti versi a suo
padre pur non avendolo mai conosciuto, trascorre il suo pace in una casa silenziosa come un
monastero, immerso nella meditazione zen e ossessionato dal rito della cerimonia giapponese
del te. Ambedue con los angeles vocazione inesorabile all’autodistruzione, arrendendosi
all’insensatezza del vivere.
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