Joseph Conrad Typhoon - Impressions By Maria

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Transcript Joseph Conrad Typhoon - Impressions By Maria

Joseph Conrad Typhoon

Title: Typhoon Author: Joseph Conrad Format: Paperback Language: English Pages: 144 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 0312873034 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 9.1 MB Download: allowed


Many chronicles have been written about life at sea, but few, if any, can compare with Joseph Conrad's masterpiece. It is the story of one unremarkable steamship captain, pitted against a storm of incredible fury. Captain Macwhirr has a reputation as a solid, steadfast man, who "having just enough imagination to carry him through each successive day, and no more" cannot fully believe any storm would be a match for his powerful ship. So, when the barometer and other clues begin to hint at trouble ahead, he is only moderately concerned and unwilling to change course and lose precious time-a decision that may prove more costly than he could ever have imagined.

Insightful reviews

Andrew: Conrad was the master of stories with sea-faring backgrounds,although the stories in this collection from 1903 cover much more than the waterfront & nautical language! He always has flawed characters as his protagonists,& sets them adrift in precarious environments.both

physical & psychological, whether on the open sea or ashore.He describes a lost world of relentless globe-trotters & maritime misfits,& you can taste the salt in the air on almost every page.Recommended to serious readers,as his style can be discursive & dense,almost at the same time. Having read his shorter fiction,readers might try his longer novels,which have often defeated many of my female acquaintances,who find Conrad's work 'difficult' & 'boring'.Each to his own!

Ginny_1807: "Una tempesta è una tempesta...e una nave a vapore deve affrontarla." Vero capolavoro di equilibrio compositivo e di intensità espressiva, questo racconto fonde in maniera perfetta una strabiliante potenza descrittiva dell'evento naturale e una sottile capacità introspettiva dell'animo umano.

Le scene della tempesta richiamano alla memoria immagini, atmosfere, colori e suoni dell'Inferno dantesco, sia nello scatenarsi furioso degli elementi, sia nel groviglio violento dei corpi e delle emozioni. Si sente il ruggire delle onde, il turbinio del vento, il rollio della nave, lo sconcerto e la paura degli uomini, il loro odio assurdo, le loro meschine rivalità...

Su tutto e su tutti si staglia dapprima discreta, poi via via sempre più intensa e maestosa, una delle figure più suggestive della letteratura di ogni tempo: lui, il capitano Mac Whirr, un eroe al di fuori degli schemi rappresentativi e dei canoni standardizzati.

Il suo ritratto, all'inizio tratteggiato nei toni banalizzanti e irrisori dei giudizi dei suoi sottoposti, acquista progressivamente grandezza e spessore con l'acuirsi della violenza della tempesta, fino a sovrastare e dominare, immenso nella sua struggente solitudine, tutto ciò che gli ruota intorno.

Limpido e franco come lo sguardo dei suoi occhi azzurri, questo ometto insignificante e privo di fantasia è il nocchiero che ognuno vorrebbe avere al fianco e seguire per attraversare le tempeste della vita.

Guido: Impressionante e potente; come sempre Conrad riesce a trasformare l'avventura in uno strumento d'osservazione dell'animo umano. Anticipare il contenuto di queste pagine sarebbe un crimine, è sufficiente dire che chiunque ami la letteratura di mare troverà questo racconto

prezioso, per la vicenda narrata e per la quantità di significati allegorici che vi si possono trovare.

Non dimenticherò il capitano MacWhirr, alla fine del racconto ho sentito per lui un enorme affetto. La sua decisione, quello che agli altri appare come un improvviso mutamento, è anche l'espressione della sua solitudine, un esempio di quanto rara e incompresa sia sempre stata la gentilezza in una moltitudine governata dal sospetto e dall'indifferenza. Oltre a tutto ciò ho provato una sensazione ancora più bella: tornare ai tempi delle mie prime letture di bambino, quando Verne, Stevenson e Salgari mi tenevano sveglio fino a tardi...

Darwin8u: "Don't you be positioned out by way of anything. hold her dealing with it. they might say what they like, however the heaviest seas run with the wind. dealing with it -- continually dealing with it -- that is the method to get through. you're a younger sailor. Face it. that is sufficient for any man. hold a funky head."Conrad can take an easy suggestion and progressively pull out of it the deep complexities of man. storm is a novella that actually chefs a super tale out of a typhoon + a ship + Captain MacWhirr and his crew. environment used to be fantastic. Characters have been perfect. tale was once tight. Narrative used to be apparently rigged with letters from MacWhirr to his wife, Juke to his good friend and Rout to his wife. those letters framed the narrative with a mirrored examine the space among these at sea and people who stay secure on land. I simply gave it 4 stars simply because i have learn higher novels by means of Conrad (Victory, Nostromo, center of Darkness, Lord Jim), no longer simply because i have learn many greater writers.

Larry: one of many maximum examples in literature of panorama and nature handled as character. even though on one point this vintage sea tale is ready the uneasy family members among the phlegmatic captain and his high-strung first mate, the antagonist, and in lots of methods the most character, is the typhoon itself. this can be the disintegrating energy of an outstanding wind: it isolates one from one's kind. An earthquake, a landslip, an avalanche, overtake a guy incidentally, because it were--without passion. A livid gale assaults him like a private enemy, attempts to know his limbs, fastens upon his mind, seeks to rout his very spirit out of him. This is my favourite of Conrad's novels, just because the writing is so strong, evoking all of the senses--you can consider it, hear, odor and style the wind and water, and naturally visualize it in all its shadowy hues, whereas the currents of guy as opposed to man, and males as opposed to the elements, rage round one another just like the typhoon itself. on the end, I felt like I needed to rinse the salt water from my body.

Marts (Thinker): the story of Captain Macwhirr of the Nan-Shan who, while returning chinese language employees domestic notices strange barometric readings yet refuses to alter direction believing his send may possibly face up to any traditional opposition. during the catastrophe he's ably assisted by way of his first mate Jukes.

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