Friedrich Hölderlin Hyperion

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Friedrich Hölderlin Hyperion

Title: Hyperion Author: Friedrich Hölderlin Format: Paperback Language: English Pages: 320 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 0826403344 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 9 MB Download: allowed


A Greek hermit recounts the pivotal phases of his life, from his discovery of the vanished glory of antiquity, through his encounter with his beloved Diotima, who embodies his goal of merging with "the All of nature," to his participation in a Greek uprising against Ottoman Turkish tyranny.

Insightful reviews

Andrea: This is mostly the kind of high-drama romantic self-absorbed and overblown narrative that I hate -- and I mostly hated it. It's actually written as a series of letters...they don't work as letters of course. What I did like was that the 'introduction' was in the translator's postscript -- I so prefer reading about authors after I've encountered their work. The postscript also reconciled me just a little--not to the content, but to Holderlin himself. I feel that in the shorter form of poetry, where the undeniable beauty of some of his phrasing could shine without being enmeshed in a long outpouring of sameness that makes your eyes glaze over. Particularly if I read German. I still find it a little hard to see what Nietszche liked about this book, or anyone.

Holderlin's descent into madness, however, though unsurprising from the high-maintainence hyper-sensitivity and self-obsessions of the prose, made me feel a little guilty about my desire to slap all of the characters and the author himself.

Of course, this guy was one of the inventors of romanticism. From the vantage point of today I find him a stereotyped figure, but this was all new at the time, and it's interesting for the new and undeniably fresher views of god and religion and nature. But if you need a cure for using too many exclamation marks, this is for you: Oh heaven and earth!I cried, this is joy!…yes! Yes! With your glorious soul, O man! You will save my fatherland!

From that day on we became ever holier and dearer to each other. Profound, indescribable seriousness had arisen between us. (40) It continues like this throughout. People like me will find it painful. This is from the bromance section, which was so explicit to my modern eyes I was quite sure and fairly surprised that he was so openly celebrating ancient Greece in all of its traditions. I can't quite bring myself to believe that it was not read so at the time, even though apparently it wasn't, and the passionately rampant love he felt for Alabander was more of a metaphor than anything else.

They sank to the ground in each other's arms and everything.

It is also often unintentionally humorous: 'And should I taste at times like a crab apple to you, press me for as long as it takes until I am drinkable' (42). As for the role of the poet: Like the ray of light you must descend; like the all-refreshing rain, you must go down into the land of mortality, you must illuminate like Apollo...I implore you, go into Athens, one more time, and look at the men, too, who walk about there among the ruins, the coarse

Albanian and the other good, childlike Greeks...(118) Ah, the lonely exalted destiny of the great...

Anthony Galluzzo: Holderlin's Hyperion catapults eighteenth- century epistolarity into another dimension. Holderlin transforms the sociability embodied by the epistolary form into a vision of fully delineated subjectivities in dialogue. What is most interesting is the novel's weird erotic push-and-pull, as Hyperion yo-yos between Alabanda and Diotima. This sexual indeterminacy is in turn echoed by the narrative's postrevolutionary oscillation between intense lyrical introspection and strident depictions of political commitment. Here is another counterintuitive example of a Jacobin novel that is simultaneously the highest of high romanticism...beautiful, strange, and unsettling.

Niam: Hölderlin, quien nunca conoció Grecia, hizo una novela epistolar con un protagonista loco por la Grecia antigua. Está ambientada en esa región de finales del siglo XVIII -o sea, bajo el régimen del Imperio Otomano-, pero naturalmente no hace el menor caso a la forma de vida contemporánea del pueblo griego. ¿O acaso es la representación de la negación de Hiperión ante esa subordinación? Al comenzar a leer esta novela estaba bastante inseguro de poder seguir con ella, pero al final quedé impresionado. El autor se vale de la forma epistolar para convertir en objeto de reflexión la tragedia generada por un espíritu libre, para llevarla a una instancia más alta, donde los que están separados se reencontrarán. Me maravilló la visión final porque allí confluyen todos los elementos plasmados en la obra -discusiones filosóficas, descripciones de la naturaleza (bien cargadas de subjetividad), confesiones desesperadas, etc.

Me curó la alergia a la novela idealista.

Eustachio: A metà tra l'ideale della Grecia classica e l. a. realtà storica vicina all'autore (la guerra russo-turca della seconda metà del Settecento), Iperione è composto according to lo più dalle lettere di Iperione all'amico Bellarmino in cui descrive i propri pensieri e le proprie vicende: l'addio advert Adamas, il maestro, l'incontro con Alabanda, l'amico-amante, e los angeles storia d'amore con Diotima, interrotta poi a causa della guerra.Qua e là riflessioni sulla [ri]educazione dell'uomo, il contrasto tra l. a. Grecia classica, ormai depredata dagli europei e composta da «barbari», e los angeles Germania, un popolo «dilacerato» di «operai», uomini ammaestrati a servire il loro scopo, incapaci di sognare. l. a. guerra russo-turca quindi diventa un'occasione in keeping with riscattare i greci, una guerra giusta e necessaria agli ideali di Iperione, in keeping with a ways sì che «natura e umanità si fondino in una sola divinità, nella quale tutto sarà contenuto».Iperione è un romanzo influenzato molto dalla vita dell'autore e dai movimenti culturali a lui vicini: oltre l. a. già citata riscoperta della Grecia classica, ci sono le idee di Schiller (il libero gioco e l'educazione al bello), il buon selvaggio di Rousseau e los angeles relazione di Hölderlin con una donna sposata, Susette, nel libro nelle vesti di Diotima. Quando Schiller critica il primo quantity perché troppo astratto, Iperione deve agire, deve essere attivo, e va in guerra; quando Susette deve interrompere l. a. relazione con Hölderlin, los angeles separazione tra Diotima e Iperione è inevitabile.Iperione è uno di quei libri che non può essere letto e basta, va studiato con attenzione. A una lettura superficiale salta agli occhi uno stile pesante e pomposo, farcito di esempi pseudo lirici. Alla lettura più attenta lo stile si rivela consistent with quello che è: poetico, caratterizzato da esempi più che adatti.È obiettivamente apprezzabile, ma non lo consiglierei a cuor leggero, a meno che uno non sia interessato al

Powered by TCPDF ( periodo storico o alla letteratura tedesca o al libro in sé, ingiustamente interpretato da Hitler come anticipazione degli ideali del nazismo.

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Andreas Enderlin: I learn Hyperion for my Philosophy lecture and it used to be a welcome change, in view that interpreting philosophers, specially Kant, are fairly tricky to learn and understand. Hölderlin was once a poet and for that reason it is very magical to learn his words. i feel every body attracted to poetry and philosophy can achieve whatever from Hyperion for himself, given that it really is a couple of individual studying existence and discovering it truly is personal path. error included.

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