Vikas Swarup Q & A

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Transcript Vikas Swarup Q & A

Vikas Swarup
Title: Q & A
Author: Vikas Swarup
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 318
Publisher: Scribner, 1446260700
ISBN: 0739467042
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7 MB
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Vikas Swarup's spectacular debut novel opens in a jail cell in Mumbai, India, where Ram
Mohammad Thomas is being held after correctly answering all twelve questions on India's
biggest quiz show, Who Will Win a Billion? It is hard to believe that a poor orphan who has
never read a newspaper or gone to school could win such a contest. But through a series of
exhilarating tales Ram explains to his lawyer how episodes in his life gave him the answer to
each question.
Ram takes us on an amazing review of his own history - from the day he was found as a baby in
the clothes donation box of a Delhi church to his employment by a faded Bollywood star to his
adventure with a security-crazed Australian army colonel to his career as an overly creative tour
guide at the Taj Mahal.
Vikas Swarup's Q & A is a beguiling blend of high comedy, drama, and romance that reveals
how we know what we know - not just about trivia, but about life itself. Cutting across humanity
in all its squalor and glory, Vikas Swarup presents a kaleidoscopic vision of the struggle
between good and evil - and what happens when one boy has no other choice in life but to
Insightful reviews
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Federica: Blog Stories Review: http://storiesbooksandmovies.blogspot...
Pochi film sono riusciti ad avere un successo pari a quello di The Millionaire. Caratterizzato da
un cast sconosciuto (o quasi) e da una colonna sonora in perfetto stile indiano, la pellicola
diretta da Danny Boyle ha conquistato ben 8 statuette all'edizione 2009 degli Oscar. Niente
male, vero? Appassionata ed incantata dal film, solo dopo parecchi anni ho scoperto l'esistenza
di Le dodici domande, romanzo di Vikas Swarup da cui è stato tratto questo trionfo
cinematografico. Sì, non potevo resistere a questa tentazione e mi sono subito tuffata tra le
pagine di questo libro.
Qual è il nome del protagonista?
a. Jamal Malik b. Ram Mohammad Thomas
Ecco la prima domanda che vi spiazzerà. La folta schiera di appassionati del film non avrà
dubbi nel rispondere. Chiaramente il personaggio interpretato da Dev Patel risponde al nome di
Jamal Malik. E' questa la risposta definitiva? L'accendiamo! Ecco, probabilmente tutti voi, con
questa scelta, avreste subito lasciato un programma come Who wants to be a Millionaire.
Ebbene sì, avete sbagliato. La risposta corretta è la B. Ram Mohammad Thomas è il giovane
protagonista di questo romanzo. Si potrebbe dire che dopotutto un nome è solo un nome e che
ciò non influenza la narrazione. In realtà questo particolare è molto, molto importante e
rappresenta una delle tematiche alla base di Q&A: la religione. Ogni appellativo rappresenta un
diverso credo, ogni anima dell'India: Induismo, Islam e Cristianesimo. In questo modo viene
toccato anche l'argomento dei conflitti religiosi frequenti soprattutto tra le classi sociali più
Come viene raccontata la storia?
a. Attraverso diversi flashback b. In ordine cronologico
Attenzione, questa è una domanda trabocchetto. Non sottovalutatela e state molto attenti. Ogni
(dis)avventura di Ram viene raccontata tramite numerosi flashback riguardanti diversi periodi
della sua vita, non necessariamente in ordine cronologico. L'originalità di questa lettura risiede,
infatti, nella sua particolare struttuta. Capitolo dopo capitolo, il protagonista svela una parte di
sè, un episodio significativo della sua esistenza che è stato determinante nella scelta di ogni
risposta al quiz televisivo a cui ha partecipato. Come può essere possibile che un ragazzo come
Ram, privo di un'adeguata istruzione e di esperienze importanti, sia riuscito a rispondere ad
alcune domande? Deve esserci un trucco, un imbroglio che ha favorito la sua scalata al
montepremi. Con questo sospetto si apre il romanzo, con un protagonista torturato ed
interrogato affinchè ammetta la presunta truffa. Solo nelle pagine successive, domanda per
domanda, si scoprirà tutta la verità.
Per quale motivo Ram partecipa al quiz?
a. Ritrovare un amore perduto b. Riscattarsi
L'infanzia di Ram non è stata semplice. Abbandonato in tenera età, è cresciuto circondato dai
peggiori problemi che affliggono la società. Non solo povertà ma anche pedofilia, sfruttamento,
prostituzione minorile e criminalità. Tutte le sfumature, anche le più crude, vengono riportate,
tutti i pezzi del puzzle vengono messi nel posto giusto ricostruendo un percorso di crescita
popolato da numerosi personaggi a tinte oscure e, allo stesso tempo, luminose che, tuttavia,
non ostacolano la lettura sovraccaricandola di dettagli superflui: ogni particolare è necessario e
nella giusta misura. La somma di tutte le esperienze, negative o positive, sarà il riscatto del
giovane protagonista e porterà ad un risultato inaspettato.
Meglio il libro o il film?
a. Libro b. Film
Ecco la domanda finale da un milione di euro. Mai quesito fu più angosciante. E' inevitabile una
conclusione con un confronto tra il libro e l'adattamento cinematografico. Volete conoscere la
mia opinione? Probabilmente avrete già compreso che esistono molte, moltissime differenze
anche sostanziose. Dopo alcuni capitoli ho compreso che, in realtà, raccontano due storie
differenti, con obiettivi diversi e tematiche spesso molto distanti fra loro. Spesso uno di essi si
concentra su alcuni aspetti che l'altro sfiora solamente. E' proprio questo che paradossalmente
ho apprezzato molto. Le pagine di Swarup mi hanno regalato emozioni contrastanti che mi
hanno coinvolto sin dalla prima domanda mentre le sequenze cinematografiche affrontano con
un diverso sguardo la narrazione evitando sia di deludere lettori affezionati che di limitarsi ad un
'copia-incolla'. Difficile scegliere tra i due estremi, così lontani ma così strettamente legati ed
Scurra: Finding innovative hooks for short stories has been a staple of literature for centuries
(think the Canterbury Tales, the Decameron or the Arabian Nights.) In Q&A Swarup has found a
doozy, utilising a format most readers will be able to easily relate to whilst springing continual
surprised in the non-linear timeline. Even when you know a particular story is due to be told,
when it arrives the details are always fun. And the punchline is fantastically plausible and
consistent with the established story and characters.
Not particularly brilliantly written, but very easy to read and with characters that engage all the
way through, this is a gem. The only downside is the somewhat rampant homophobia, which
dominates the opening sections for no apparent reason. Then again, if it had been spread more
subtly through the book, perhaps that would have been worse. It's not a deal-breaker, but it
does ring some alarm bells.
I enjoyed the movie adaptation too (although it does expose some flaws in the timeline that the
book disguises quite well.) Hopefully a lot more people will get to read the original as a result.
Lexie: i've got infrequently been as ambivalent a few e-book as i used to be approximately Q&A.
i noticed approximately half-way via that i'll positioned it down, by no means choose it up again,
and never consider any regret at all. but it was once simply attractive adequate to proceed
reading, and that i comprehensive it. i used to be reasonably intrigued throughout, yet not
anything in it lit a keenness in me at all.Basically, i am pleased I checked it out of the library.
Nicole: As an immense fan of the movie, Slumdog Millionaire, i used to be very excited to learn
the e-book on which it was once based. However, the one similarity among the publication and
the movie is the final plot of a tender guy within the slums who is going on a online game exhibit
and solutions questions which are on the topic of his lifestyles experiences. The relationships
among the characters have changed, just about all of the questions have changed, and the
affection tale is totally different. I nonetheless loved the book, even if the discussion is
frequently very stilted. the writer frequently will depend on conversations among characters to
provide an explanation for info of the plot or supply heritage information, however it sounds not
anything like how humans relatively speak and will be distracting.
Catie: this is often a kind of infrequent events while i'll need to say that i love the motion picture
even more than the book. For one, the motion picture has the completely lovable Dev Patel. For
two, i believe that it used to be a beautiful selection at the a part of Danny Boyle et. al. to edit
out the homophobic stereotyping that permeates the start of this book.I’ve in simple terms learn
75 pages, so perhaps it will get better. I don’t know. this kind of factor has a tendency to trouble
me rather a lot and that i simply can’t get prior it.Let’s overview in particular what has grew to
become me clear of completing this book:1) In the vignette for the outlet question, the hero’s
adolescence ally is enthusiastic about movie famous person Armaan Ali, who has lately been
featured within the gossip rags for a truly public get a divorce together with his co-star. What’s
even worse is that these slanderous writers have accused him of gay tendencies, which leads
the easiest buddy to shop for up all of the copies of acknowledged journal that he can manage
to pay for and burn them. The hero tells us that his buddy “hates homosexuals” after which is
going directly to say:”I, too, be aware of of perverts and what they do to unsuspecting boys. In
darkish halls. In public toilets. In municipal gardens. In juvenile homes."2) As the hero and his
BFF are looking at Armaan’s latest, a creepy previous guy sits down subsequent to them, after
which proceeds to fondle himself and molest the easiest friend, prompting the buddy to leap up
and threaten murder. In a quick second of clarity, they notice that their attacker is none except
Armaan himself, donning a faux beard.3) For the very subsequent vignette, the kid hero resides
in a church, because the ward of a priest. while a tender priest arrives, the hero spies on him
and observes gay pornography crammed in his mattress, males wearing leather-based and
chains (and using motorcycles!) displaying up in any respect hours of the night, and cocaine
use. The younger priest cheekily flaunts his habit and scoffs the younger hero.4) About 24
hours after a fifteen 12 months previous customer arrives on the church, the hero walks in at the
younger priest raping him. Now, when you can learn all of that and it doesn’t hassle you at all, I
recommend you decide up this book. probably i'm overreacting, yet this feels an excessive
amount of like blatant stereotyping of homosexuals as perverted pedophiles. It’s the
broadcasting of the homophobic trust that gay males will “go after” younger boys at any
opportunity. A trust that, in 1970, 70% of usa citizens agreed with.(1) In a 2005 survey, in basic
terms 54% of usa citizens acknowledged that they “would enable homosexual humans to be
simple tuition teachers.”(1)So, i feel that this inaccurate trust remains to be out there, and that i
don’t intend to help something that retains it alive. Now, in fairness, Vikas Swarup has
acknowledged that he didn't intend for this to be homophobic, yet as a substitute spotlight the
“exploitation of the vulnerable through the strong.”(2) Honestly, I don’t purchase that at all. i
am hoping that this evaluation can tell these that, like me, have a really low tolerance for this
type of thing.Perfect Musical PairingStreet Sweeper Social membership – Paper PlanesSure,
Tom Morello is a guitar-playing god, yet doesn’t this moment cost disguise simply make you
need to hearken to the M.I.A. version? Likewise this booklet simply makes me lengthy for the
even more clever movie.1.
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