Vikas Swarup Q & A - Impressions By Maria

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Transcript Vikas Swarup Q & A - Impressions By Maria

Vikas Swarup
Title: Q & A
Author: Vikas Swarup
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 318
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0739467042
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.4 MB
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Vikas Swarup's spectacular debut novel opens in a jail cell in Mumbai, India, where Ram
Mohammad Thomas is being held after correctly answering all twelve questions on India's
biggest quiz show, Who Will Win a Billion? It is hard to believe that a poor orphan who has
never read a newspaper or gone to school could win such a contest. But through a series of
exhilarating tales Ram explains to his lawyer how episodes in his life gave him the answer to
each question.
Ram takes us on an amazing review of his own history - from the day he was found as a baby in
the clothes donation box of a Delhi church to his employment by a faded Bollywood star to his
adventure with a security-crazed Australian army colonel to his career as an overly creative tour
guide at the Taj Mahal.
Vikas Swarup's Q & A is a beguiling blend of high comedy, drama, and romance that reveals
how we know what we know - not just about trivia, but about life itself. Cutting across humanity
in all its squalor and glory, Vikas Swarup presents a kaleidoscopic vision of the struggle
between good and evil - and what happens when one boy has no other choice in life but to
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Federica: Blog Stories Review: http://storiesbooksandmovies.blogspot...
Pochi film sono riusciti ad avere un successo pari a quello di The Millionaire. Caratterizzato da
un cast sconosciuto (o quasi) e da una colonna sonora in perfetto stile indiano, la pellicola
diretta da Danny Boyle ha conquistato ben 8 statuette all'edizione 2009 degli Oscar. Niente
male, vero? Appassionata ed incantata dal film, solo dopo parecchi anni ho scoperto l'esistenza
di Le dodici domande, romanzo di Vikas Swarup da cui è stato tratto questo trionfo
cinematografico. Sì, non potevo resistere a questa tentazione e mi sono subito tuffata tra le
pagine di questo libro.
Qual è il nome del protagonista?
a. Jamal Malik b. Ram Mohammad Thomas
Ecco la prima domanda che vi spiazzerà. La folta schiera di appassionati del film non avrà
dubbi nel rispondere. Chiaramente il personaggio interpretato da Dev Patel risponde al nome di
Jamal Malik. E' questa la risposta definitiva? L'accendiamo! Ecco, probabilmente tutti voi, con
questa scelta, avreste subito lasciato un programma come Who wants to be a Millionaire.
Ebbene sì, avete sbagliato. La risposta corretta è la B. Ram Mohammad Thomas è il giovane
protagonista di questo romanzo. Si potrebbe dire che dopotutto un nome è solo un nome e che
ciò non influenza la narrazione. In realtà questo particolare è molto, molto importante e
rappresenta una delle tematiche alla base di Q&A: la religione. Ogni appellativo rappresenta un
diverso credo, ogni anima dell'India: Induismo, Islam e Cristianesimo. In questo modo viene
toccato anche l'argomento dei conflitti religiosi frequenti soprattutto tra le classi sociali più
Come viene raccontata la storia?
a. Attraverso diversi flashback b. In ordine cronologico
Attenzione, questa è una domanda trabocchetto. Non sottovalutatela e state molto attenti. Ogni
(dis)avventura di Ram viene raccontata tramite numerosi flashback riguardanti diversi periodi
della sua vita, non necessariamente in ordine cronologico. L'originalità di questa lettura risiede,
infatti, nella sua particolare struttuta. Capitolo dopo capitolo, il protagonista svela una parte di
sè, un episodio significativo della sua esistenza che è stato determinante nella scelta di ogni
risposta al quiz televisivo a cui ha partecipato. Come può essere possibile che un ragazzo come
Ram, privo di un'adeguata istruzione e di esperienze importanti, sia riuscito a rispondere ad
alcune domande? Deve esserci un trucco, un imbroglio che ha favorito la sua scalata al
montepremi. Con questo sospetto si apre il romanzo, con un protagonista torturato ed
interrogato affinchè ammetta la presunta truffa. Solo nelle pagine successive, domanda per
domanda, si scoprirà tutta la verità.
Per quale motivo Ram partecipa al quiz?
a. Ritrovare un amore perduto b. Riscattarsi
L'infanzia di Ram non è stata semplice. Abbandonato in tenera età, è cresciuto circondato dai
peggiori problemi che affliggono la società. Non solo povertà ma anche pedofilia, sfruttamento,
prostituzione minorile e criminalità. Tutte le sfumature, anche le più crude, vengono riportate,
tutti i pezzi del puzzle vengono messi nel posto giusto ricostruendo un percorso di crescita
popolato da numerosi personaggi a tinte oscure e, allo stesso tempo, luminose che, tuttavia,
non ostacolano la lettura sovraccaricandola di dettagli superflui: ogni particolare è necessario e
nella giusta misura. La somma di tutte le esperienze, negative o positive, sarà il riscatto del
giovane protagonista e porterà ad un risultato inaspettato.
Meglio il libro o il film?
a. Libro b. Film
Ecco la domanda finale da un milione di euro. Mai quesito fu più angosciante. E' inevitabile una
conclusione con un confronto tra il libro e l'adattamento cinematografico. Volete conoscere la
mia opinione? Probabilmente avrete già compreso che esistono molte, moltissime differenze
anche sostanziose. Dopo alcuni capitoli ho compreso che, in realtà, raccontano due storie
differenti, con obiettivi diversi e tematiche spesso molto distanti fra loro. Spesso uno di essi si
concentra su alcuni aspetti che l'altro sfiora solamente. E' proprio questo che paradossalmente
ho apprezzato molto. Le pagine di Swarup mi hanno regalato emozioni contrastanti che mi
hanno coinvolto sin dalla prima domanda mentre le sequenze cinematografiche affrontano con
un diverso sguardo la narrazione evitando sia di deludere lettori affezionati che di limitarsi ad un
'copia-incolla'. Difficile scegliere tra i due estremi, così lontani ma così strettamente legati ed
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Ev: Good idea for a story. Poor, uneducated orphan kid wins a billion rupees (About $20 million
USD) on a game show.
Other than that it was somewhat of a struggle to get through this book. I think it was all the
Indian names. I know this book is written by an Indian and was translated into English but I had
a hard time getting into it when every sentance had some Indian word I didn't know what it
meant and there were no other explaining to help figure it out. Maybe if I spoke that language it
wouldn't have been such a huge distraction.
Things I liked:
- The basis of the story
- How the story was told, a life event helped answer every question on the game show
Things I didn't like:
-Too many characters, with names like; Rani Sahiba,Shakil, Shankar,Salim, Swapna
Devi,Mahendra Singh, Shan Jahan, etc, etc. I couldn't keep track really of any of them.
- The constant mention of the lady with the white sari (his mother?), no point.
- Too predictable, you knew he wins the billion rupees from the beginning. About halfway
through the book, I was like "I bet his "lucky" rupee has "heads" on both sides, etc, etc.
- This teenage kid, kills people at will, robs people at will, has sex with underage prostitutes, is a
fraud and liar, had no problem finding work or money, and guess what he wins a billion rupees!
Dale: i'm a self-avowed suckers for satisfied endings, even if they're a little contrived or a bit too
pat. So it isn't particularly mind-blowing that Q&A might delay good for me, as the entire premise
of the ebook is all approximately pat contrivances and satisfied endings. The e-book opens with
the arrest of the narrator, Ram, who has simply received 1000000000 rupees on an Indian
video game show; the manufacturers think he should have cheated to reply to the entire
questions correctly. he's rescued from brutal police interrogation by means of an altruistic
younger legal professional who intends to safeguard him opposed to the dishonest fees - all she
wishes is to appreciate how he knew the answers. So Ram tells his existence tale in snippets,
targeting the formative moments of his adolescence which occurred to offer him the data he will
be quizzed on in entrance of a t.v. studio audience. it is a bit of a Picaresque experience as
Ram is going from an orphanage to a rectory to the houses of the rich and robust (as a servant)
to a ghetto residence to the Taj Mahal (as a journey guide) to tending bar within the ghetto. As
destiny may have it, in each one of these locations he learns a few vague minutiae which is
available in miraculously convenient at the quiz show. In my brain that is a make-or-break
premise - when you can swallow it, you will fairly benefit from the book, and if it kind of feels too
far-fetched, the booklet will most likely annoy you to no end. i discovered it to be correct up my
alley - i love trying to find the little connections in lifestyles and that i may possibly examine how
residing subsequent to an alcoholic former astronomy professor whose daughter named a kitten
after Pluto simply because Pluto is the smallest planet ends up in an illiterate boy understanding
that's the smallest planet (but now not what percentage planets there are) all day.The
impressive factor in regards to the e-book is that the finishing has a number of plot twists and
revelations of its own, tangential to the imperative query of even if the attorney can assist Ram
get his billion rupees the manufacturers try to renege on. and people revelations are hugely
coincidental and not going in and of themselves, yet with the foundation the publication lays
previously in making coincidences appear commonplace, all of it feels correct (if a piece
rushed).Most importantly, Ram is a smart protagonist, likable and virtuous and extremely
effortless to root for, so it really is certainly fulfilling to work out the celebs align for him. bad
issues take place to him and throughout him all through his life, yet his tale was once by no
means too painful to be witness to. And, for a sucker like me, his well-merited chuffed finishing
used to be candy reward.
Koel: you could learn the html model of this evaluate at
http://anaroiterbookreviews.blogspot.....The brouhaha on Slumdog Millionaire hasn’t totally
subsided but and i've already forgotten the identify of the e-book which galvanized the Academy
award successful film. i used to be the canopy of the ebook Q and A – via Vikas Swarup and
that i felt there has been whatever usual approximately it. Had I heard approximately this book?
I nonetheless couldn't remember. i ultimately checked out the canopy and made up our minds to
take it.I be aware of you're not presupposed to pass judgement on a booklet through its disguise
yet i made a decision it doesn’t damage to make a try.I additionally beloved the truth that it
didn’t have an interesting cover. a few covers have attractive pictures, a few have the author’s
identify swamped far and wide , nearly enveloping the virtually invisible booklet name and a few
have exciting covers; the notice we'd have utilized in collage might were fundoo. You didn’t
even recognize what used to be outstanding approximately it, yet there has been a unusual
attraction. now and then I felt the mere charm within the disguise used to be the truth that its
writer used to be well-known or the ebook had gained a few prestigious award. for that reason
while I observed a white booklet with a major Q and A in pink-magenta combos throughout it, i
used to be particularly pleased. After i stopped the book, i used to be particularly pleased with
the story. It was once a feel-good and so they lived fortunately ever form of story.I haven’t
noticeable Slumdog Millionaire yet. i've got an inclination to hold up staring at such blockbuster
hits. God basically is familiar with why. even though this time it helped me to learn the ebook
with none bias of gazing the tale on reveal earlier.Ram Mohammed Thomas is a waiter who's
punished for being fortunate and his good fortune is helping him in successful the truth quiz
convey “ Who Will Win a thousand million “ or W3B. whereas analyzing the total story, it feels
that Thomas as he's known, is far too lucky. An orphan by means of abandonment, Thomas
perspectives all form of baby and human abuse yet he by no means faces it himself. In a few
occasions it truly is defined that his wisdom of English saves him from loads of troubles.
regardless of Hindi being the nationwide language, India has a die-hard appeal in the direction
of English. the information of the language does make a distinction everywhere in the nation yet
saving oneself from highway gangs, baby abusers with aid of English is maybe pushing the
envelope a section too far.The layout of the tale is interesting. as soon as Thomas proceeds to
inform his tale, it proceeds in line with different degrees of the W3B game. whereas the tale is
interesting, the twists in every one incident develop into quite predictable. a few how the total
tale has a Bollywood suppose to it the place Thomas escapes road gangs, police quite simply
and manages to kill villains as well. within the end, it simply feels that Thomas is made to reside
various lives during one tale which doesn't even hide his whole life. the various tales do tug at
your heart, yet in some way there's this sense of déjà vu whereas examining approximately
Thomas’ travails and it really is most likely all as a result of the predictability issue emanating
via out the story.I wager i'm going to need to applaud Danny Boyle for making this into an Oscar
winner as i might have by no means dared to imagine past Bollywood for one of these story.
Anne: i stopped studying Q&A this morning, a completely stress-free learn and a true pageturner. If the film, Slumdog Millionaire, in accordance with this novel is wherever close to as
good, then it will likely be one to watch. Q&A starts off with Ram because the winner of the most
important prize in a television quiz show, he's arrested at the grounds of dishonest as not
anyone believes waiter in a restaurant in Mumbai might be able to solution all twelve questions
correctly.The following twelve chapters are in accordance with incidents that experience
occurred in Ram's short, yet very complete life. each one incident pertains to a question within
the quiz. this can be a really unusual manner of writing a novel, however it particularly works.
The occasions aren't in chronological order yet each one bankruptcy is a suspenseful tale of it
truly is own.This is a beguiling mix of excessive comedy, drama, and romance that unearths
how we all know what we all know — not only approximately trivia, yet approximately lifestyles
itself. taking a look at humanity in all its squalor and glory, Vikas Swarup provides a imaginative
and prescient of the fight among solid and evil — and what occurs while one boy has no different
selection in lifestyles yet to survive.An very good read.
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