James Patterson Virgin

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Transcript James Patterson Virgin

James Patterson
Title: Virgin
Author: James Patterson
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 252
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0070488207
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.7 MB
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In Boston, a young woman finds herself pregnant--even though she is still a virgin.
In Ireland, another young woman discovers she is in the same impossible condition.
And in cities all around the world, medical authorities are overwhelmed by epidemics, droughts,
famines, floods, and worse. It all feels like a sign that something awful is coming.
Anne Fitzgerald, a former nun turned private investigator, is hired by the Archdiocese of Boston
to investigate the immaculate conceptions. Even as she comes to care about and trust the
young women, she realizes that both are in great danger. Terrifying forces of light and darkness
are gathering. Stepping into uncharted territory where the unknown is just the beginning, Anne
must discover the truth--to save the young women, to save herself, and to protect the future of
all mankind.
Insightful reviews
Goldie: Originally posted on My Book Musings.
This book just about blew my mind. It kept me on my toes and kept me going. I couldn’t put it
down because I just had to know the truth. Granted, there were times when I felt that it
contained blasphemy but I just reminded myself that it’s fiction and that no one really knows the
truth. Authors just let their minds wander free and ultimately, it’s up to the reader whether to
believe in it or not. But again, this book is FICTION.
This isn’t the first book of Patterson that I’ve read so I thought this was about child murders
(because of the title). But lo and behold, it’s not. It’s actually about the message of the Lady to
Fatima all those years ago, which until now is still kept a secret. Suddenly, the world is plagued
by various diseases, people are dying everywhere, and then the news breaks out – there are
virgin women… with child. Apparently, one will give birth to the Savior and one will give birth to
the child of the devil.
Kathleen and Colleen bought look angelic and are both verified to be virgins. However, they are
both visited by images of various men turning into animals having sex with them. But they are
intact. The race is on for Ann Fitzgerald, ex-nun, to find out who bears the child of God…and who
bears the child of Satan.
I am impressed because it actually contains no criticism of the Catholic Church but the evils of
men. Furthermore, I noticed James Patterson didn’t hesitate to point out the reality of evil in his
book. I am further impressed by the part in the book where he states that people don’t believe
in evil anymore…because Satan is so cunning, he presents the bad in such enticing
So true.
I love this book. I can’t say it enough and my mind is still reeling from the sudden twist of
events that gave the book a satisfying ending. Just when you thought it’s all explained and over
with, James Patterson gives you the another twist that leaves you wanting for more. I don’t
want to spoil it for anyone so I recommend the book for 18 and above, for the sexual imagery
and need for strong faith for this book.
Parto verginale
Niente appassiona di più dell'eterna lotta tra il Bene e il Male, soprattutto quando di mezzo ci
sono il Vaticano e i preti. Ne era ben consapevole anche James Patterson, quando, nel lontano
1980, decise di scrivere un thriller per dare la sua interpretazione al tema della Natività,
dell'attesa del Messia. Patterson si è chiesto sicuramente come avrebbero reagito la comunità
cristiana e il mondo intero, ma anche cosa avrebbe comportato questo evento d'incredibile
portata storica.
Il tema trattato da quel lontano 1980 è ancora attualissimo. Il romanzo, in questa nuova
riedizione, è stato riadattato da Patterson, con l'aiuto e la consulenza della collega Maxine
Paetro, per ristrutturare ed attualizzare la trama di questa storia. Infatti, sono proprio l'interesse,
per il tema, e l'attualità, di questa storia, a farne un ottimo bestseller, di alto livello come siamo
abituati a pretendere leggendo James Patterson. Lo stile narrativo è sempre il suo: avvincente,
dalla prima all'ultima pagina.
Appare evidente sin dall'inizio che la vicenda avrà risvolti molto particolari e, leggendo un
romanzo di Patterson, si è consapevoli di dover attendere colpi di scena a catena.
Il romanzo giunge ad investigare sulle rivelazioni di Fatima, in Portogallo, del 1917. I tre
pastorelli hanno dato voce alle rivelazioni della donna, vestita di bianco, scesa da una nuvola.
Tra i tanti messaggi, è rilevante, ai fini di questo libro, quello sull'avvento di un nuovo Messia.
La parte inquietante del messaggio segreto sta nel fatto che lo si sarebbe dovuto riconoscere.
Infatti, sembra proprio che due vergini daranno contemporaneamente alla luce due bambini. Il
primo sarà il Salvatore, l’altro, il figlio dell'angelo caduto, la reincarnazione del Male.
Mentre l’intero pianeta è devastato da epidemie, carestie e siccità, al Vaticano giunge una
notizia singolare: due adolescenti, prossime al parto, si dichiarano entrambe vergini. La prima a
Boston, l’altra in un villaggio irlandese. Memore della Profezia di Fatima il papa affida a padre
Nicholas Rosetti, la massima autorità in materia di miracoli, il compito di indagare sulla
misteriosa vicenda, e, in punto di morte, gli rivela un inconfessabile segreto.
Per partecipare alle indagini, l’arcidiocesi di Boston, invece, decide di affiancare al religioso
Anne Fitzgerald, una ex suora che lavora come investigatrice privata. In uno scenario
apocalittico, gravato dallo scatenarsi di paure incontrollate, i due si lanciano in una corsa contro
il tempo per scoprire la verità, ma Anne e padre Rosetti ancor non sanno quali demoni si
troveranno personalmente ad affrontare.
È un soft thriller dai retroscena apocalittici molto interessanti, scritto con uno stile
magistralmente avvincente. Un'ottima lettura d'intrattenimento, ricca di suspense, scritta dal
miglior autore del genere.
Jeremy Aldana: Well, there isn't too much to say about this story other than it was a great read!
The pace was perfect and the plot was masterful! This story will move to the top of my list. The
way Mr. Patterson writes is unique and his use of shorter chapters is sheer brilliance. This story
was a new plot line, when it came out, for the author. I was apprehensive, at first, but have
since breathed a sigh of relief for taking the plunge! As with all of his stories, you can easily see
the time and effort the author put into his research. As far as I know, this story marked the first
time the author ventured into the Spiritual Realm of story telling. He took a great idea and made
a magnificent book out of it. It was great, from the beginning to the end. I became a fan, years
ago, and have a lot of respect for Mr. Patterson, his writing, and his continuing push to get kids
to read. Again, for the author to step outside of his comfort zone and deliver a great story, is to
be commended at the very least. I highly recommend this story to anyone who wants to be
taken away into a wonderful world full of excitement. Well Done!!
Robjr73: i assume i am joyful i have by no means learn an Alex go story. it kind of feels those
who have, rather did not take care of this novel. So allow me let you know from an impartial new
Patterson reader that this novel used to be amazing. It was once half horror..part thriller...and
left me with chills and yearning for a sequel. i am an avid reader and my largest criticism with a
few of the large names in Fiction is that such a lot of authors write negative endings. there is not
anything worse than a booklet that builds and builds after which leaves you with an unsatisfying
conclusion. This publication doesn't fall into that trap. The finishing used to be significant (and
somewhat a shocker). move money this booklet out...and do not pass in looking forward to to
learn an Alex move novel (whoever that man is).
Vera VB: Er zijn aanwijzingen dat een nieuwe heiland geboren gaat worden. Twee meisjes,
Kathleen in de VS en Colleen in Ierland zijn beide onbevlekt ontvangen. Het vaticaan is zeer
geïnteresseerd in de toekomstige geboortes. De paus heeft weet van een boodschap tijdens
een verschijning in Fatima in 1917. Daar zou deze nieuwe geboorte aangekondigd zijn.De oude
priester die het moet opvolgen is tevens gespecialiseerd in duiveluitdrijvingen. Hoe dichter de
bevallingen naderen, hoe meer onheil de aarde treft. Een epidemie teistert west-Amerika en er
is geen oplossing tegen het virus. In India heerst een ongekende droogte en mensen sterven er
massaal. Een boer in Mexico is getuige van slangen die zich verzamelen op een heuvel. Een
komeet stevent recht op de aarde af. Volgens de boodschap uit 1917 zal er een nieuwe christus
geboren worden en een anti-christ, een duivel. Maar wie baart wie?
Kacey: I had this kind of challenging time studying this story. whereas it stored me thoroughly
baffled and not able to make your mind up the way it used to be going to end, and whereas i
used to be in a position to spend a superb period of time within the publication in making theries
or considering (maybe even over thinking) the situation.. I simply had an over-all time studying
throughout the story. it is hugely religious. whereas I anticipated religion, being the complete
virgin pregnancies and such, i used to be hoping for a extra enticing action/horror/mystery and
for faith to slip in and be a bases. I demanding a difficult time following the action/horror/mystery
whereas attempting to swim via all of the non secular references, though. possibly it was once
simply too a lot for me, personally. i have constantly had a troublesome time examining spiritual
books, no longer simply because i am opposed to God (I'm not, in any way) I simply have a
common difficult time interpreting via them. In fact, approximately 60% in the course of the
book, I felt like i could not shove via more, yet did not want to place it down with no shoving the
secret both (Patterson did a very good task wrapping this e-book in secret and making you will
want it solved).. so I skipped via till the births, and skimmed the remainder of the book. I felt
lousy doing it, I do love a lot of James Patterson's books. This one simply wasn't for me.
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