Dave McKean Cages

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Transcript Dave McKean Cages

Dave McKean
Title: Cages
Author: Dave McKean
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 496
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 1561633194
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.9 MB
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McKean, famous for Arkham Asylum and his covers for Sandman, presents a highly allegorical
tale of the dwellers of an apartment building. Their lives and stories intertwine and relate
inevitably to each other in ways that point to the mystery of life.
Insightful reviews
Chrissy: Wow.
Dave McKean, you need to do more solo work, because this was spectacular. As an artist,
McKean has a keen (no pun intended) eye for composition and a skilled hand for form; every
page is beautifully crafted and stylistically evocative, seamlessly blending a number of
techniques, materials, and moods to tell an intricate visual story. His linework strikes a difficult
and haunting balance between fine weightlessness and heavy schizophrenic uncertainty, while
his broader brush strokes serve alternately to lighten, to darken, to evoke a sense of blank
canvas, to suffocate, to give motion to the lines, and so on. I really could go on forever talking
about the art in this book, and forever and a day talking about how perfectly the art amplifies the
story and each individual character within. But my words would fall short of how stunning it is to
feast your brain on, so you should probably just feed it to your own brain instead of listening to
As a writer, he is perhaps a touch over-explicit. Whereas the first 90% of the book is a beautiful
enigma, he spells out a bit to plainly what his objective was by the book's conclusion.
Nevertheless, his ideas are demonstrably ambitious and his execution remarkably thoughtful; he
explores every angle of the book's themes, of which I can distinctly count about five and none of
which were skimped on in the slightest. The story-within-a-story motif is pushed to its limits,
creating an onion of narrative that echoes and adds to itself with every layer, often switching
between layers like orchestral threads.... the musical analogy maintained throughout the story
is, I think, particularly apt for describing the overall shape of it, and you could easily argue that
metaanalysis itself is a sixth theme if you wanted to. And I think I do want to argue that, now
that I think about it.
The book is ostensibly about God and creation, but I think reading too literally into that idea
would be a misguided attribution, and scientists and atheists and other godless types should not
shy away as a result. What McKean has created is, I think, a universally appreciable hymn to
the intricate mess that is humanity and the impossibly recursive ways that our serendipitously
meta-capable minds are equipped for thinking about it.
Ken-ichi: I remember nothing about the story, but the art is gorgeous.
figura4: Non aspettatevi una trama concreta e razionale da questo volume, una storia che inizia,
si sviluppa e arriva ad una conclusione. Cages è più una sequenza di situazioni, dialoghi,
emozioni, impressioni, collegate da un esile filo conduttore (che sono i personaggi, ma forse
neanche quelli).
McKean tenta di raccontare quello che passa per la mente di un artista durante il processo
creativo, che sia questi uno scrittore, un pittore o un musicista (perchè McKean è anche un
musicista, giusto per non farsi mancare niente accidenti a lui).
E per affrontare un tema del genere è indispensabile accantonare la razionalità e lasciarsi
trasportare dell'istinto. Che è un po' quello che viene richiesto anche al lettore.
Se si è disposti ad accettare queste premesse, Cages ripaga alla grande, offrendo
un'esperienza (non so come altro definirla) quantomeno unica. Il "mood" che McKean riesce a
ricreare è qualcosa di incredibile, onirico, sfuggente, impalpabile, eppure intenso e viscerale.
Lo stile delle tavole è molto essenziale, sembrano quasi disegni tratteggiati a penna in fretta e
furia (ma solo all'apparenza). Questo stile scarno viene spesso inframmezzato da tecniche che
mischiano la fotografia e il ritocco digitale, creando un mix che è un po' il marchio di fabbrica di
McKean, e che personalmente adoro. Prima o poi dovrò procurarmi qualche stampa da
appendere in salotto.
Steve: attention-grabbing examine inventive process; now not continually the simplest writing or
web page format on the planet - hit and miss (when it hits, its particularly brilliant). however the
paintings and ideas are great. a few completely stunning silent vignettes. fascinating reviews on
God - cycles of construction (god created us, we create gods); all is connected. turns out very
pessimistic for many of it, yet creativity (and the styles of the universe) act as a few degree of
Benjamin Shehu: A masterpiece in either storytelling, and the totally appealing illustrations.A
whole image novel that makes use of the absurd elements, jumps via either house and time,
and manages to totally captivate the reader.The use of differing artists, the painter, the author
and the musician is used as an awesome tool, that contrasts completely to the Cat, and the
opposite characters that provide the tale its substance.From the hugely non secular beginnings
of the book, how it breaks conference that's so comparable to The Sandman, and the hugely
relaxing texts which are opened up among artistry of the top order.
kkurtz: simply essentially the most notable visible narratives ever created. bar none. Dave
McKean creates a global of such intrigue & ask yourself that one can not help yet revisit it time
& time again. at any time when experiencing his lush, dream-like(& convinced occasionally
jarring) drawings as though for the 1st time.
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