Anne Stuart Nightfall

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Transcript Anne Stuart Nightfall

Anne Stuart
Title: Nightfall
Author: Anne Stuart
Format: Library Binding
Language: English
Pages: 313
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 1574900773
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.7 MB
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This no-limits, no-holds-barred thriller takes readers to the heart of erotic obsession, where a
woman falls in love with a convicted murderer and will do anything to have him--even after she
learns the truth about his wife's death and his children's disappearance.
Insightful reviews
HK: Unbelievably boring, from the beginning I'm waiting things to happen, and nothing happens.
A daughter (28) Cassidy Roarke of a writer, Sean O'Rourke invites her to his home to help him
with writing a book about a killer, Richard Tiernan, who is convicted of killing his wife with a knife
and his children disappeared, age 7 and 5.
Richard is living with Sean and his wife, Mabery in NYC after Sean paid bail for Richard.
Richard has plans, but we don't know what his plans are. He is not fighting against his crime
conviction, but trying to get Cassidy his for whatever reason. Over 400 pages, and even at page
300, I want to stop reading.
Sean has cancer and he is dying. Richard has his children hidden in England. His father-in-law,
general Scott is strange with young women. Rally bad book to take on a trip where I have plenty
of time to read but not enjoying the story.
Richard finally told Cassie the truth, which was that Dianna, his wife tried to take their children
away from him and she had a butcher knife and came at him. She was stabbed during struggle
and it was an accident. He has been hiding his children from General Scott who is the father-inlaw and children molester. Richard and Cassie went to General Scott's house in Vermont where
he took Cassie's half sister as leveledge. During the fist fights between Richard and Scott,
Scott's wife who has been heavily drugged with medication shot her husband. Richard was
released from his crime, and he came back to Casie 5 weeks later.
I could care less about any characters in the book. I drifted away from the story often. Bought
the book based on AAR's Leigh T's review which was an A.
Missy: Confession. I used to read a LOT of romance novels. I had boxes and boxes of them.
Then I got bored of the general romance formula and would only read a few authors here and
there. Anne Stuart is the only one that I still look for and that I still read almost religiously. Anne
also has her own formulas, and I tend to like her historical novels a little more (with the "main
stubborn and hard-headed couple and the side-kick best friends" formula). But she also does
the "dangerous and slightly creepy hero" formula really well, and Night Fall has always been my
favorite of these. The sex is always hot without being overly kinky (there are other authors for
that), but the writing always keeps me interested.
Sandra ~ ? Cross My Heart ?: Nightfall was my introduction to the book world of Anne Stuart,
and I'm now a fan. From the very first page through the last page, I lived in this world of dark,
psychotic madness, sucked in so deep that I was unable to let go. I had to keep turning pages,
desperately trying to find out the truth about Richard Tiernan, convicted (he confessed) of taking
a butcher knife and brutally murdering his pregnant wife, and suspected in the deaths of his two
young children who have disappeared as well as his former lover. Then we meet insecure,
innocent, boring Cassidy Roarke, sacrificed by her own father as he will do anything to write his
next bestseller - even make a deal with the devil. His deal is to deliver his daughter to Richard in
exchange for the exclusive rights to write his story, but why does the dark, moody, manipulative,
dangerous Richard want Cassidy? What is he looking for? Richard is out of jail on appeal and
living with Cassidy's father when her father suddenly calls her home. Cassidy returns home,
walking into an empty house...empty except for a convicted murderer who is lurking and waiting
for her in the shadows. And thus the mind games begin.
Richard has a master plan...Cassidy needs to figure out what it is in order to survive. Along the
road to discovering all the horrific truths, she falls in love with a man who will be put to death in
three months...a man who refuses to fight his death sentence...a man who both terrifies her and
yet draws her to him like a moth to a flame. She knows she will lose everything - her heart, her
soul, her sanity and possibly her life if she doesn't run and so she tries...time and time again.
But her heart and soul will not allow her to resist the magnetic pull he has on her. Richard has
nothing and yet everything to lose. He wants Cassidy like he's never wanted or needed another
woman...but for what? What is his mysterious plan for her? This is a book of mind games...and
nothing is as it seems. Anne Stuart has crafted a story of murder, lies, deceit and guilt and
intertwined it with a story of love, desire, truth, and strong characters who are pushed to their
absolute limit. A must read for lovers of romance/suspense. This book goes on my Favorites
Kelly: not anyone does a tortured hero like Anne Stuart. It was once darkish and now and then
disturbing, yet I totally enjoyed it!
_Ya~: 3.5-starsThis booklet has-> a heroine who wasn't smart.-> a hero who pressured the
heck out of me.-> an improbable storyline that gave me many roll-my-eyes moments.-> one
anxious plotline that made me unwell to my stomach.I wasn't yes how I should still expense this
novel simply because there have been many parts in there I disliked. the 1st 75% of the e-book
was once simply okay, yet then Ms. Stuart took the tale to the darkest aspect that absolutely
grabbed my attention. i feel this can be a solid decide for enthusiasts of Anne Stuart. no longer
for everyone:/
tsukino: Una lettura dark, gotica.Bello, cupo, intrigante, sensuale, claustrofobico ed
angosciante. Sicuramente originale.Le atmosfere mi ricordano i movie noir degli anni ’50; los
angeles descrizione dell’appartamento del padre contribuisce a creare questa
sensazione.Richard è un personaggio veramente enigmatico. È buono? È cattivo? Mi fa pena,
però è pericoloso; sembra un ragno che tesse los angeles sua tela intorno a Cass in step with
catturarla e farne l. a. sua preda (anche se non è los angeles definizione più giusta; dei ragni ho
solo repulsione, Richard invece …). È un manipolatore che alla high quality rimane vittima delle
sue macchinazioni e riesce advert uscire da quella voragine torbida in cui period
precipitato.Pagina dopo pagina ti chiedi: è colpevole? È innocente? Sicuramente nasconde l. a.
verità ma cosa? E perché? Anche quando piano, piano l. a. realtà dei fatti si dipana, il dubbio
rimane fino alla fine, quando è svelato il terribile segreto.Cassidy, al di là di quello che può
sembrare superficialmente, non è stupida, non è debole, si accorge di essere los angeles
vittima predestinata, di essere manipolata però, come le falene con los angeles luce, non riesce
advert allontanarsi dal “pericolo”.Tutto sommato mi è piaciuto anche il padre, Sean, nonostante
il suo egocentrismo; non so, però, cosa pensare del fatto che offra su un piatto d’argento l. a.
figlia advert un possibile killer e poi si offende se il presunto killer ne parla volgarmente.Il livello
di sensualità è altissimo e, status ovation, l’autrice lo crea senza l’uso di descrizioni
particolareggiate delle parti anatomiche o volgarità varie. È una sensualità raffinata. Nella prima
parte del libro è fatta solo di sguardi, di avvicinamenti e allontanamenti; non ci sono tocchi ne
sfioramenti.Se nella parte mystery si possono riscontrare, forse, alcune debolezze (questo però
non è un mystery puro, e ho letto romanzi gialli dei tanto celebrati scrittori nordici e nostrani, che
sono molto più imbarazzanti), il resto è veramente appassionante, ben scritto e l’introspezione
dei personaggi è approfondita egregiamente.C’è chi definisce, dispregiativamente, i libri come
questo, con un semplice: è un Harmony, consistent with indicare una narrativa di serie B. In
questo caso, non sanno quanto si sbagliano!
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