Transcript Chapter 4

Ch. 4 The Triumph of Industry 1865 1914 4.1 Technology and Industrial Growth

4.1 Learning Objectives




Analyze the factors that lead to the industrial revolution of the United States in the late 1800’s.

Explain how new inventions and innovations changed American lives. Describe the impact of industrialization in the late 1800’s.

Encouraging Industrial Growth      Civil War-products needed quickly Natural Resources-coal, forests, rivers, oil Workforce grows-immigration Entrepreneurs- “rags to riches” Government policies-protective tariffs, laissez-faire

Innovation Drives the Nation     Patent-grant by federal government giving an inventor exclusive rights to develop/sell product Electricity-Thomas Edison Communications   Samuel Morse=telegraph Alexander Graham Bell=telephone Steel   Bessemer Process Suspension bridges


 Trains  time zones  Stimulated business growth  Mass production

Impact of Industrialization

  Linking world markets  U.S. grew as economic world power Farms become mechanized  People move to cites  Harming the environment