GET-Renewables presentation

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Transcript GET-Renewables presentation

Zero Carbon Home
Damien Phillips – Manager, Green Energy Technology
Renewable Heat & Power Specialists
Renewable Heat & Power Specialists
Founded in 2004
Certified Micro-Generation Certification
Scheme (MCS) suppliers and installers
Renewable Energy Consumer Code Listed
Most accredited N.I. based company
Wood Pellet Boiler
26kW Grant Spira
Solar Hot Water
Kingspan Thermomax
Solar Electricity
4kWp Sharp panels
Thermal Store
300L pressurised tank
Solar PV
Panels that harness the sun’s energy and convert it
into useable electricity via photovoltaic cells
It does not require direct sunlight
Panels create DC power, which is converted into AC
by an inverter
Systems are generally ‘grid connected’ – there is
no storage of electricity
Your premises become a ‘mini’ power station
4kW Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
Produces up to 3,400 units of
electricity per year
Assuming 50% used;
£275 saving per year on
electricity bills
£100 per year payment for
exporting units
Typical cost: £5,800
£580 per year paid for
generating green electricity
-----------------£955 total benefit per year
This is higher if more electricity
is used, and as electricity prices
Increasing energy costs and the need to reduce carbon
Proven technology
Photovoltaic concept proven in 1839
Commercially available since 1959
Panels installed in 1982 are still producing
Power production warranty to ensure panels are still
producing 80% of their original rated output after 30
No moving parts
Minimal servicing
Self cleaning at 15° tilt or more
Save on electricity costs & Generate an income
Biomass Heating Systems
26kW Wood Pellet Boiler
Fully automatic
Over 95% efficient
Self cleaning
Integrated hopper holds
equivalent of 100 – 125 litres of
heating oil
Option to add larger wood pellet
silo (3.5 tonne+)
Empty ash once per month in
Install cost £5,000 - £6,000
£2,500 grant available
Wood Pellets
Available in 10 & 15kg bags
(£2.40 per 10kg)
Available in bulk blown form
(£2.10 per 10kg)
Heating oil @ 58p per litre is
5.8p/kWh, Pellets are 4.4p/kWh
25% saving on fuel costs
-------------------Available from Verdo, Balcas,
LandEnergy, Blazers, Laois
Sawmills, and Forever Fuels
Biomass Heating for Businesses
Not a new technology
Automatic wood fuel boilers
developed c. 30+ years ago
e.g. Austria in some regions more
that 50% of all space heating
(commercial & domestic) from
wood-fired boilers.
UK & Ireland catching up.
Currently only 2% heat in NI is from
Target is 10% by 2020
Significant government support needed to
meet target
£25m fund allocated by Stormont
The Renewable Heat Incentive is for 20 years
RHI paid on heat produced (non-domestic only)
Heat meter(s) fitted to measure units of eligible
heat generated
Essential that the biomass boiler will last &
operate reliably & efficiently with minimum parts
replacement and servicing for at least 20 years
20 to 99kW
 6.1p per kWh paid quarterly for 20 years
100kW to 999kW
 1.5p per kWh paid quarterly for 20 years
Not normally economical to install boilers
above 99kW
Pellets are the most straightforward option
No.1 boiler manufacturer
in Austria and France
100% Family owned
90%+ of the boiler
components are
manufactured on site
Spares for every boiler
ever made (since 1984)
are held by Hargassner
c.12,000 boilers annually
Pre-fabricated biomass heat plant room
Nursing home
Current oil usage of £22,000 per year, boiler
efficiency of 85%
Move to 94% efficient pellet boiler saves £5,500
in fuel costs
Annual RHI payments of £14,000
Payback of 3-4 years
Any business in Northern Ireland can apply for a loan.
Business loans are available from £3,000 - £400,000. The size of
the loan offered and its repayment period will be based on the
projected CO2 savings of a project, which will be assessed by the
Carbon Trust.
£1,000 of loan for every 1.5 tCO2 saved per annum for a project.
Loans are Government-funded and unsecured
No arrangement fees
You have up to four years to repay your loan
Now closed in England, Scotland & Wales
N.I. page 27/1/2014;
If interested, move quickly
Not available for Solar PV
Visit us at:
Shop on-line at:
[email protected]
028 38 881228