Transcript Curriculum

Komponen2 Utama Pendidikan

(Sukmadinata, 2008) Lingkungan Pendidik Interaksi Isi Proses Evaluasi Kurikulum Tujuan pendidikan Pendidikan Pesertadidik Alam,sosial,budaya,politik,pekonomi,religi


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dan raga lari.


(Yunani kuno), jarak yg harus ditempuh dalam olah Zais (1976);

concepts of the curriculum; 1) curriculum as the program of studies, 2) curriculum as course content, 3) curriculum as planned learning experiences, 4) curriculum as experiences “had” under the auspices of the school, 5) curriculum as a structured series of intended learning outcomes, and 6) curriculum as a (written) plan for action.

Saylor (1981);

concepts of the curriculum: 1) curriculum as subjects and subject matter, 2) curriculum as experiences, 3) curriculum as objectives, 4) curriculum as planned opportunities for learning.

Unruh &Unruh (1984);

curriculum development is planning process of assessing needs, identifying goals and objectives, preparing for instructional, and meeting the cultural, social, and personal requirements that the curriculum is to serve.


   Oliva (1992);

curriculum responds to and is changed by social forces, philosophical positions, psychological principles, accumulating knowledge, and educational leadership at its moment in history.

Murray Print (1993);

curriculum is defined as all the planned learning opportunities offered to learner by the educational institutional and the experiences learners encounter when the curriculum is implemented.

Longstreet (1993);

the curriculum should meet the needs of the individual child, of society, of business, of the art


Five Concurrent Curricula

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Official curriculum:

the curriculum described in formal documents.

Operational curriculum:

the curriculum embodied in actual teaching practices and tests

Hidden curriculum:

institutional norms and values not openly acknowledged by teachers or school officials

Null curriculum:

the subject matters not taught

Extra curriculum:

the planned experiences outside the formal curriculum

Six Common Concepts of Curriculum

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Scope and sequence

: the depiction of curriculum as a matrix of objectives assigned to successive grade level and grouped according to a common theme


a plan for an entire course, typically including rationale, topics, resources, and evaluation

Content outline:

form a list of topics covered organized in outline


Instructional materials used as the guide for classroom instruction

Course of study:

a series of courses that the student must complete

Planned experience:

all experiences students have that are planned by the school, whether academic, emotional, or social.

Planning Elements

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What knowledge, skill, or attitudes should students acquire?

Rationale or educational philosophy behind the curriculum:

Why should they learn this? What is the value of this?


What content, topics, concepts, skills, atc., should be covered?

Characteristics of target audience:

Who is this for (consider interests, abilities, background knowledge)


What should they do?


What resources will they need?

Sequencing principles:

In what order should this be done?


How long will each part take?

Teacher training and attitudes:

What do the teachers need to know, be able to do, and be committed to?

Evaluation :

How will success be determined? What will count as success

Administrative structure, school facilities, and financial constraints:

How will it be implemented in a school?

Other parts of curriculum:

How will it related to other subjects?

Hub. Kurikulum dan Pengajaran

(Oliva, 1992)

The Dualistic Model Curr Teaching The Interlocking Model Curr Teaching The Concentric Model Curr Teaching Teaching Curr The Ciclical Model Curr Teaching

Kreteria Penyusunan Kreteria Pemilihan Sistem Pengembangan Kurikulum Sumber (isi budaya yang sesuai untuk pengajaran) Rangkaian pengajaran tentang hasil belajar yang diharapkan Konten instrumental Sistem pengajaran Repentoir Prilaku Mengajar Hasil Belajar (Bellack and Kliebard dalam Sanjaya, 2008)

The Process of Curriculum Analysis

Sumber: Posner, 1992 How is the curriculum documented?

What situation resulted in the development of the curriculum? What perspectives does the curriculum represent What are the purposes and content of the curriculum? How is the curriculum organized?

How should the curriculum be implemented? What can be learned from an evaluation of the curriculum?

What are the curriculum’s strengths and limitations?

Curriculum documentation and origins (Set 1) Curriculum proper (Set 2) Curriculum in use (Set 3) Curriculum critique (Set 4)

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Pendekatan mata pelajaran Pendekatan interdisipliner/ rumpun Pendektan integratif Pendekatan sistem


Grade 12


Breadth and Depth Within Discipline

Social Studies

Sumber: Fogarty, R., 1991 Kindergarten

Language Art

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Relevansi, Fleksibilitas, Kontinuitas, Efektifitas, dan Efisiensi.

   Konservatif: M elestarikan berbagai nilai budaya sebagai warisan masa lalu, agar identitas dan jati diri sebagai bangsa tidak hilang.

Kreatif, k urikulum harus mampu menjawab setiap tantangan dan perubahan jaman, ok kurikulum harus mampu mengembangkan, mengajarkan, dan memberikan kegiatan kreatif dan konstruktif.

Kritis dan evaluatif, Kurikulum tidak hanya mewariskan semua unsur kebudayaan yang ada, tetapi harus menilai dan memilih yang akan diwariskan. Demikian juga dengan kebudayaan baru/asing yang masuk, tidak semuanya jelek, disinilah peran kritis dan evaluatif kurikulum sangat diperlukan sebagai control sosial dalam proses pendidikan.

Crucial curriculum issues:

(McNeil, 2006)      Development of thinking Competition in education with other nations Vocational education Moral education School safety