Konsep Dasar, Kebijakan dan Pembaruan Kurikulum di Indonesia

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Menjelaskan perubahan kurikulum dalam
rentang sejarah
Menemukan aspek-aspek utama kebijakan
Pendidikan Agama (termasuk Islam) di
• Disebut sebagai ‘Rencana Pelajaran’ di era Orde Lama
• Terdiri dari 16 Bidang Studi (BS) di SR, 17 BS di SMP dan 19 BS di SMA
dengan Bhs Indnesia sebagai pengantar.
• Merupakan pedoman kurikulum terstruktur yang pertama kali dengan
tujuan untuk membentuk manusia Pancasilais sejati
• Bersifat correlated subject curriculum, yang terdiri dari 10 BS di SD, 18 BS
di SMP dan 18-20 BS di SMA
• Diorganisasi dengan model integrated-curriculum
• Di SD mempunyai satu struktur program terdiri 9 BS, di SMP dan SMA
terdiri dari 11 BS dan mulai dikelompkkan program IPA, IPS dan Bahasa di
• Mengacu pada content-based curriculum
• Di SD ada 11 BS, di SMP ada 12 BS dan SMA ada 15 BS; sedangkan penjurusan di
SMA ada 5: A1 (Fisika), A2 (Biologi), A3 (Ilmu Sosial) dan A4 (Ilmu Budaya) dan A5
(Ilmu Agama)
• Mengacu pada objective-based curriculum
• Di SD dan SLTP masing-masing ada sebanyak 13 mata pelajaran (MP) dan di SMU 10
MP dan penjurusan meliputi IPA, IPS dan Bahasa.
• Dinamakan KBK (competency-based curriculum)
• Di SD ada 7 MP, di SMP ada 11 MP dan di SMA ada 17 MP (penjurusan dilakukan sejak
kelas II a.l. Ilmu Alam, Sosial dan Bahasa)
• Dinamakan KTSP (school-based curriculum)
• Kurikulul di tiap sekolah mengacu pada SNP (Standar Nasional Pendidikan)
Beban belajar (konten yang dipelajari)siswa di
Indonesia kelebihan 20% jika dibandingkan dengan
beban belajar siswa di luar negeri yang berkisar antara
800-900/tahun (Media Indonesia, 23/11/05).
Indra Djati Sidi (2003) menyatakan bahwa
pembenahan kurikulum mesti mengacu pada
penguasaan kemampuan dan keterampilan dasar
minimal (minimum basic skills), menerapkan konsep
belajar tuntas (mastery learning) dan membangkitkan
sikap kreatif, inovatif, demokratis dan mandiri bagi
peserta didik (lihat: Kunandar, 2007, p. 114).
Nationally, the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) gives NAES
(National Agency for Education Standards) an authority to determine
national standard for education including RE curricula.
The 1945 Constitution (Amended) states that, ‘The government shall
manage and organize one system of national education, which shall
increase the level of spiritual belief …’ (Article 30).
‘Education is conducted democratically, equally and non-discriminatorily
based on human rights, religious values, cultural values, and national
pluralism’ (The 2003 EA, Article 4).
In the sense, the constitution of the Republic supports educational
processes which build a typology of Indonesians who are individually and
socially pious.
The 5th International Indonesia Forum, July 9-10, 2012----Nurwanto
Main Issues of RE curriculum in Indonesia
 The 2003 Education Act (article 3) reveals that ‘intellectual capacity’
and ‘human values’ are the key concepts which assert that the main
purpose of education is to make people individually pious and
achieved, and socially responsible. Students need to ‘understand and
practice religious values’ (The 2003 EA, Article 9).
 ‘Every learner in an educational unit is entitled to receive religious
education in accordance with his/her religion, imparted by an educator
who has the same religion (The 2003 EA, Article 12).
 Students are able to ‘practice their own religion fitting with teenage
development’; and ‘respect for social diversity in terms of religions,
cultures, ethnicities and socio-economic groups at the national level’
(The Regulation of the MoNE Number 23, 2006, p.4)
The 5th International Indonesia Forum, July 9-10, 2012----Nurwanto
Teaching Strategies
 An effort to develop more interesting and appropriate methods of RE
teaching has longer been contested because there is evidence that
even if RE has been regarded as a moral compass, its presence is often
less considered compared from other certain subjects (Puskur, 2007c,
p.2). Such a viewpoint is possibly correlated with the main problem of
RE teaching which tends to be monotonous and doctrinaire,
practically not linked to the real social challenges.
 According to the GRRE, RE teaching therefore should build on
interactions, inspirations, creativity, happiness and motivation to
reach achievement (Article 5). Here the concept of PAKEM (an active,
creative and joyful learning) has been promoted by the MoNE.
The 5th International Indonesia Forum, July 9-10, 2012----Nurwanto
Religious Education Tendency
Statutory Body MoNE through NAES (national)
QCDA, (national) LEA/SACRE (local)
Main Issues
Religion taught is fitted with
what a learner embraces
Religions/beliefs taught are
Christianity, other religions,
philosophies, ethics and even nonreligious beliefs such as Humanism
and Atheism
Mono-religion/confessional/more Multi-religions and beliefs/nonstrengthening students’ belief/in confessional/learning about religions
many cases: doctrinaire
and learning from religion
The 5th International Indonesia Forum, July 9-10, 2012----Nurwanto
Setopo, H. dan Soemanto, W. 1993. Pembinaan dan
Pengembangan Kurikulum sebagai Substansi Problem
Administrasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Subandijah. 1993. Pengembangan dan Inovasi
Kurikulum. Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada.
Nurdin, S. 2002. Guru Profesional dan Implementasi
Kurikulum. Jakarta: Ciputat Pers.
Nurwanto. 2012. ‘RE Curriculum Policy in Indonesia
and the UK’. Paper dipresentasikan di Konferensi
Internasional, Yale University & UGM.
Ornstein, A.C. dan Levin, D.U. 1985. An Introduction to
the Foundations of Education Third Edition. USA:
Hughton Mifflin Company.