Gradele de comparatie
Transcript Gradele de comparatie
Gradele de comparatie
Comparativ de superioritate si
1. Adjective scurte
2. Adjective lungi
3. Adjective neregulate
1. Adjective scurte (toate adj. monosilabice si unele
Comparativ de superioritate (mai…):
adj. + -”er”
Superlativ (cel mai…):
the + adj. + “-est”
Reguli de scriere la adaugarea “-er” si “-est”
1. Adj. terminate in consoana-vocala-consoana dubleaza ultima litera.
Big – bigger – the biggest
2. Adj. terminate in “-e”, il elimina:
Nice – nicer – the nicest
3. Adj. terminate in “-y” precedat de consoana transforma “-y” in
Funny – funnier – the funniest
4. Adj. terminate in “-l” precedat de vocala neaccentuata dubleaza “-l”-ul:
Cruel – crueller – the cruellest
fat – fatter – the fattest
thin – thinner – the thinnest
big - bigger – the biggest
pretty – prettier – the prettiest
happy – happier – the happiest
dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest
fine- finer – the finest
simple – simpler – the simplest
tall – taller – the tallest
old – older (elder) – the oldest (the eldest)
slow – slower – the slowest
clever – cleverer – the cleverest
narrow – narrower – the narrowest
2. Adjective lungi
Comparativ de superioritate (mai…):
more + adj.
Superlativ (cel mai…):
the most + adj.
beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
important – more important – the most important
Interesting – more interesting – the most interesting
recent – more recent – the most recent
expensive – more expensive – the most expensive
dangerous – more dangerous – the most dangerous
3. Adjective neregulate
Good – better –the best
(well – better – the best)
Bad – worse – the worst
(ill - worse – the worst)
Much – more – the most
Many - more – the most
Little – less – the least
Far – farther – the farthest (departe in spatiu)
Far – further – the furthest (departe in timp)
Late – later – the latest (mai tarziu – cel mai recent/ultimul)
Late – latter – the last (recent/al doilea - ultimul)
Comparativ de egalitate
Valabil pentru toate adjectivele:
as + adj. + as (la fel de… ca…)
As tall as (adj. scurt)
He is as tall as my brother.
(E la fel de inalt ca fratele meu)
As expensive as (adj. lung)
This cap is as expensive as a dress.
(Şapca aceasta este la fel de scumpa ca si o rochie.)
As much(+substantiv) as (adj neregulat)
I think my neighbour has as much money as Donald Trump.
(Cred ca vecinul meu are la fel de multi bani ca Donald Trump.
I like reading as much as you do.
(Imi place sa citesc la fel de mult ca tie.)
Comparativ de inferioritate
Valabil pentru toate adjectivele:
as + adj. + as … (nu la fel de …ca…)
Not so + adj. + as … (nu asa de …ca…)
Not as dirty as/ not so dirty as (adj. scurt)
Your windows are not as dirty as mine.
(Ferestrele tale nu sunt la fel de murdare ca ale mele.)
Not as important as/ not so important as (adj. lung)
I think Japanese is not so important as English.
(Cred ca japoneza nu e asa importanta ca engleza.)
Not as bad as/ not so bad as (adj. neregulat)
Your children are not so bad as mine.
(Copiii tai nu sunt asa de rai ca ai mei.)
Constructii care folosesc gradele de comparatie –
Din ce in ce mai….
Pentru adjective scurte si neregulate:
Comparativ de superioritate + and + comparativ de
Unfortunately our parents are older and older.
(Din nefericire parintii nostri sunt din ce in ce mai batrani.)
Your English is better and better.
(Engleza ta este din ce in ce mai buna.)
He has more and more knowledge about English.
(Are din ce in ce mai multe cunostinte despre Engleza.)
Constructii care folosesc gradele de comparatie –
Din ce in ce mai….
Pentru adjective lungi:
More and more + adjectiv
Your little child is more and more intelligent.
(Copilasul tau este din ce in ce mai inteligent.)
Food is more and more expensive nowadays.
(Mancarea este din ce in ce mai scumpa in zilele
Constructii care folosesc gradele de comparatie –
cu cât… cu atât…
Pentru toate adjectivele:
The + comparativ de superioritate + S + V, the + comparativ de
superioritate + S + V
The greater the effort is, the more satisfactory it will be.
(Cu cat este mai mare efortul, cu atat mai satisfacator va fi.)
The more interesting the book becomes, the more anxious we are.
(Cu cat mai interesanta devine cartea, cu atat mai nerabdatori suntem.)
The shorter the nights, the longer the days.
(Cu cat (sunt) mai scurte noptile, cu atat (sunt) mai lungi zilele.)
Constructii idiomatice:
So much the better = cu atat mai bine
So much the worse = cu atat mai rau
So much the more = cu atat mai mult
So much the less = cu atat mai putin