gesù promette ai suoi discepoli il dono dello spirito

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Transcript gesù promette ai suoi discepoli il dono dello spirito

(Italian Parish)
9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1
Tel. (780) 422-8304
Fax (780) 425-7254
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm
Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC
Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan
SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026
Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment
Adoration: Every Friday at 6.00 PM throughout the Year of Mercy. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM
Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.)
Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site:
1 MAGGIO 2016
IN questa domenica del Tempo Pasquale la I Lettura pone alla nostra attenzione la prima comunità cristiana.
L’assemblea di Gerusalemme, di fronte al problema dei cristiani provenienti dal paganesimo, vede gli
apostoli e gli anziani decidere, sotto l’azione dello Spirito Santo, di non imporre loro più obblighi di quelli
indispensabili. Gesù nel Vangelo definisce lo Spirito Santo Paraclito, cioè «colui che ha il compito di
comunicare la verità di Dio», nella sua interezza: la persona e il messaggio di Gesù Cristo.
Il Signore Gesù, vero Maestro e vero Pastore, manifesta il suo amore concreto verso i discepoli, e, attraverso
di loro, verso tutti coloro che crederanno nel suo nome, mediante il dono del Paraclito, lo Spirito Santo che è
la sua stessa vita. I credenti, animati da questo Spirito, potranno vivere con amore, nella loro esperienza
quotidiana, le parole e i gesti del Signore e testimoniarlo. Sarà proprio lo Spirito a guidarli verso la nuova
Gerusalemme, venuta dal Cielo, da Dio, figura e immagine della Chiesa nel tempo, in cammino verso
l’eternità, città che non ha un tempio, perché il Signore Dio, l’Onnipotente, e l’Agnello, sono il suo tempio (II
Lettura). Giuseppe Lipari
DID YOU EVER know a family that didn’t have disagreements? Members of families often squabble over things trivial to
cataclysmic. But when the disagreement passes, peace is restored and the family emerges stronger.
This is true of the Church as well, as we hear in today’s readings. There were disagreements when the groups the apostles
left behind wrestled with questions of how to separate cultural practices from the essentials of Scripture. There are still
differences today as bishops around the globe try to reconcile Christ’s teachings in a world of clashing cultures.
The apostles had no road map to the New Jerusalem – the city of peace – beautifully and mystically described in Revelation.
But Jesus gave them a key to unlock the mystery: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you… Do not let your hearts
be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”
This is no ordinary peace. It is a peace that is alive and leavened with compassion and justice. “The Holy Spirit… will teach
you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you." ”The Holy Spirit is alive today, guiding the Church in the
perpetual reinterpretation of the gospel. These words are as relevant today as they were at the beginning. This is the
eternal peace we are promised. Patrick M. Doyle, Carlton Place, ON
5:00 p.m. (Italian) FIRST HOLY COMMUNION
8:30 a.m. (Italian) No Mass Intentions received
10:00 a.m. (English)
 Iolanda Casciaro dai figli
 Christina Tomat from her family
 Giovanni Corazza from wife Ada and family
 Florence Plishka from friends in Edmonton & Vegreville
 Louisa Del Fabbro from Gilda Del Fabbro & family
 Giovannina Caputo (dec. in Roma, Italia) dalla sorella Ana Feraco,
cognata Rosaria Caputo e cognato Eugenio Grimaldi e le loro
Il prossimo incontro di preparazione per il battesimo sarà
mercoledì, 1 giugno 2016 alle ore 7 PM a Santa
Maria Goretti Community Centre. Entrambi i genitori
e i padrini devono attendere. Vorremmo ringraziare
Antonio e Mireille Simpatico per la loro assistenza a
Larry e Eugenia Kowalczyk i coordinatori del corso di
preparazione per il Battesimo. Diamo il benvenuto a tutti
i bambini che sono presentati per il Battesimo nella
nostra chiesa durante questi mesi, aprile e maggio 2016:
Donyvyn Markus Michetti, Luca Antonio Hall, Mila
Tina Parsons, Kendrick Peter Haydey, Alessio
Francesco Saccomanno, Isabella Sara Orlando, and
Matteo Roman Paterson, Milania Grace Lemire, e
Naiya Grace Valle.
11:30 a.m. (Italian)
 Per i genitori di Luigi e Anna Cosentino
 Michele, Salvatore, Enrichetta e Pasquale Arnieri da Maria e
Giuseppe Arnieri e figli
 Francesco, Valeverde e Giovannina Sansano dalle figlie Maria e
Carmela e famiglie
 Carlo & Giovanna Zen dalla figlia Maria Gazzola
 Giustino e Esterina De Stefanis da Antoinette SanMartin e famiglia
 Luisa Nelson dalla amica Angela Dottor
 Per tutti i membri del Fogolar Furlan d’Edmonton
 Filomena Pontieri dalle Donne del Santo Rosario
 Maria Pullano dalla figlia Antonia Mirante e famiglia
 Raffaele e Emma Filice dalla figlia Maria Borrelli e famiglia
 Grazia Zumbo (11 anni) dalla famiglia
 Teresa Paolini da Salvatore e Pina Campese e famiglia
 Aldo Pizzi e Luciana Pizzi Sivertson dalla moglie e mamma e
 Raffaele Rotella from wife and children
Martedì, 3 maggio Mass 7:00 p.m.
 Domenico Zanon dalla moglie Immacolata, figlie e famiglie
 Raffaele e Immacolata Gallace dalla sorella e cognata Immacolata
 Antonino, Rocco, e Giuseppe Gallace dalla zia Immacolata Zanon
 Franco Sarro dalla sorella Elvira Cilento e famiglia
 Salvatore Cilento dalla moglie Elvira e famiglia
 Silvio e Italo Sarro dalla sorella Elvira Cilento e famiglia
Mercoledì, 4 maggio Mass 7:00 p.m.
No Mass Intentions received
Giovedì, 5 maggio Mass 7:00 p.m.
No Mass Intentions received
Venerdì, 6 maggio
Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 p.m., Mass 7:00 p.m.
No Mass Intentions received
The next Baptism Preparation Course will be on Wednesday,
June 1, 2016 at 7 PM in the basement of the Santa Maria
Goretti Community Centre. Both parents and godparents are
required to attend. We would like to thank Antonio & Mireille
Simpatico for assisting BPC Coordinators Larry & Eugenia
Kowalczyk in the conduct of the Course. Let us welcome into
our faith community the following children presented for the
Sacrament of Baptism at our church in April and May, 2016:
Donyvyn Markus Michetti, Luca Antonio Hall, Mila Tina
Parsons, Kendrick Peter Haydey, Alessio Francesco
Saccomanno, Isabella Sara Orlando, Matteo Roman
Paterson, Milania Grace Lemire, and Naiya Grace Valle
Avremo l’Adorazione
ogni venerdì dalle 6.00 alle 7.00 pm
durante l’Anno della Misericordia.
We will have Eucharistic Adoration in the
Parish every Friday 6:00 – 7:00
p.m. throughout the Jubilee Year of
December 8, 2015 and will close on
November 20, 2016.
Avviso Speciale/Special Notice
Ringraziamo P. Domenico e P. James per la
loro presenza e il loro aiuto durante l’assenza
di P. George in missione nella sua patria.
We wish to thank Father Domenico and Father
James for their presence and help while Father
George is away on mission in India. Grazie mille,
Padre James e Padre Domenico – Dio vi benedica
sempre! Arrivederci!
And to Father George, welcome back!
REFLECTIONS for the Year of Mercy –
May 1, 2016 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
In formal documents, presentations,
and homilies outlining the purpose
of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope
Francis explains that compassion
and understanding for those in
difficult situations is not only our
something the whole Church
officially needs to manifest. Today’s Acts of the
Apostles reading presents a moving example of
the early church doing precisely that. Prayerful
openness to the Holy Spirit assures the assembly
that they have not acted alone in discerning the
correct resolution: “It is the decision of the Holy
Spirit and of us.” And they have chosen the
compassionate response: “not to place on you
any burden beyond these necessities” (Acts
15:28). Yet how daringly creative—the Jewish
majority sets aside lifelong rituals that establish
spiritual identity and express covenant fidelity.
How radically trustful—the church affirms
universally valid principles while respecting
uniquely local and personal situations. Exactly the
grace Pope Francis prays this Jubilee Year will
renew in today’s Church!
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Used with permission.
Year of Mercy Talk No. 3
By Archbishop Richard Smith
Come and spend an evening with
Archbishop Richard Smith on May 31, 2016
(Tuesday) at the church, and listen to him
speak on the Year of Mercy.
Mass will be at 6:30 p.m. then starting at
7:00 he will lead us in our study and
reflection. Everyone is invited.
This is the third part of the continuing
special reflections and studies about the Year
of Mercy that we started last January 21. Fr.
Stefano Penna was our resource speaker in
the previous two sessions. Join us as we
reflect together with the Archbishop on
God’s mercy and how we are called to live it
out through the corporal and spiritual works
of mercy. What better way to fully
experience and live out the Extraordinary
Jubilee Year of Mercy than by taking part in
this adult faith formation series? So let us all
come and participate in this very important
activity of our Parish. Coffee will follow at
the Hall.
Also, as we know, the Archbishop has
recently concluded the series of five (5)
sessions of “Every Life Matters” held in
different parishes of the archdiocese. We
look forward to Archbishop Smith sharing
with us his insights and thoughts on what
had happened during these sessions and their
profound significance and impact on our
lives primarily as Catholic faithful.
L’anno della Misericordia riflessione
numero 3
con L’arcivèscovo Richard Smith
Martedì 31 maggio messa 6.30 p.m.
L’arcivèscovo Richard Smith ci parlera
riguardo l’anno della Misericordia alle 7.00
p.m. Cosi’ conosciamo di piu’ sull’anno
della Misericordia.
Caffee in sala dopo la riflessione. Venite
April 30, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m.
Let us pray for and congratulate all of our
children who have received their first
Communion. Thank you to our Catechism
coordinator Rose Papaianni and all the
teachers and volunteers and the parents
for preparing the children for this most
important event in their faith life.
May 7, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m.
Archbishop Richard W. Smith
All are invited to join this solemn
celebration of the Sacrament of
Confirmation in our parish with
Archbishop Smith. Let us pray for and
congratulate all our candidates. Let us
also thank all the teachers and
volunteers for their service. A special
thanks to our Catechism Coordinator,
Rose Papaianni.
Siete tutti sono invitati a partecipare alla
solenne celebrazione del Sacramento della
Cresima nella nostra parrocchia con
l'arcivescovo Smith. Preghiamo per e
congratuliamoci con tutti i nostri candidati.
Ringraziamo anche tutti i docenti e i
volontari per il loro servizio. Un grazie
particolare alla nostra coordinatrice di
catechismo, Rosa Papaianni.
11:30 a.m. May 29, 2016
The Jubilarians’ celebration will be
held on May 29, 2016, 11:30 a.m.
Mass. If you are celebrating 10 years,
15 years, 20 years, etcetera, please call
and register with the Parish Office at
the Rectory at tel. 780.422.8304.
We are looking forward to celebrating
your Anniversary, with you!
Celebrazione Giubilari!
11:30 a.m., il 29 maggio 2016
La comunità parrocchiale SMG avrebbe il
piacere di celebrare il vostro anniversario con
voi, alla messa delle 11:30 a.m., il 24 maggio
2015 (celebreremmo il 10mo, 15mo, 20mo anni
ecc.). Si prega di lasciare tutte le informazioni
sui fogli che sono infondo alla chiesa o potete
chiamare Luis all’ufficio parrocchiale al
numero 780-422-8304. Sarete richiamati con
piú informazioni necessarie. Grazie.
2016 Santa Maria Goretti
Feast Day
July 3, 2016,
starting with the 11:00 Mass
Venite tutti a partecipare alla festa,
a onorare la nostra patrona
protettrice dei giovani,
Grazie anticipate a quanti vorranno
al successo della festa:
contattino l’ufficio parrocchiale
(780) 422-8304.
Uno speciale incontro dei volontari
si terrà il giorno 26 maggio 2016,
alle 7.30 di sera
presso il SMG Centre.
Santa Maria Goretti Feast Day
3 PLANNING MEETING, May 26, 7:30 p.m.
Greetings and blessings to our dear
parishioners of Santa Maria Goretti
It is time once again to plan for the FEAST
DAY celebration of our patron saint, Santa
Maria Goretti.
This year’s celebration will take place on
Sunday, July 3, 2016.
A lot of planning, time and volunteers are
required in order to prepare for and make
this celebration a success. We invite and
encourage you to attend our 3rd planning
meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at
7:30 p.m. in the SMG community hall.
We need your ideas and inspirations,
please. With your help, we are sure that
this year’s celebration will be another fun,
successful and spiritual day for everyone.
We look forward to seeing you on May 26.
For further information please contact the
parish office at 780-422-8304.
God’s blessings!
Fr. George and the SMG Planning
Avviso Speciale
Madonna di Porto
Anche quest’anno il bellissimo
quadro della Madonna di Porto sará
nella nostra Chiesa giorno 15
maggio 2016.
Santa Maria Goretti Chapter
Your SMG Knights meet once a month at our
Centre, every fourth Tuesday. It's a nice,
informal get-together of a few parishioners who
have a commitment to charity and helping our
parish. This volunteer work is entirely up to
one's ability to contribute time and energy. We
have made wonderful connections with our
community members and we'd love to see more
of our parishioners consider joining us! Please
give Tony a call at 780-297-4479 for more info.
Thank you to all our Parishioners who partake
in our church community. It is your efforts that
keep us strong! And a special mention to all of
you who do charitable works. It is fundamental
to our Catholic faith that we find ways to aid
those with challenges in their lives. Our
beloved Pope Francis has made it a priority in
his mission.
As a community, we are only as strong as the
weakest, so it is incumbent upon us to help.
God's blessings to all, have a great week!
Congratulations to our Parish boys and girls who
are having their first Holy Communion this
Saturday, April 30! It is truly one of the high points
in their young Catholic education, and a touchpoint
in having Jesus Christ become a greater part of their
spiritual daily lives. It is a wonderful day for our
Parish whose patron, Santa Maria Goretti, was such
an example for the strength of character and
devotion of youth to Christ.
Our Pranzo for this Sunday, May 1st:
Antipasto, Puffed Pizza Bites, Orecchiette with
Tomato Sauce, Insalata, Beef Braciole, Garlic
Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Vegetables, Cheescake
Tart with Mixed Berries Sauce, Coffee and Tea.
A reminder that our annual Mother's Day Buffet is
on May 8. We have an extensive buffet menu with
3 main dishes (including Roasted Alberta Striploin),
2 pasta dishes, Smoked Fish Platter and five
Homemade Salads and much more! Our price is
unchanged from last year: $40 adults, $22 kids 512. Please call our Centre to book your table 780426-5026.