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(Italian Parish)
9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1
Tel. (780) 422-8304
Fax (780) 425-7254
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm
Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC
Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan
SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026
Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment
Adoration: Every Friday at 6.00 PM. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM
Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.)
Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site:
12 FEBBRAIO 2017
C’È un nuovo modo di osservare i precetti della Legge. È stato inaugurato da Cristo con la sua Pasqua.
L’uomo non segue più la Legge come fine a se stessa, ma la vive per essere veramente libero. La libertà è il
bene più prezioso che Dio ha concesso all’umanità. Essa però esige un prezzo da pagare. Gesù non
nasconde che occorre sacrificio per conquistarla. Però rivela un segreto per conquistarla in maniera più
agevole: uscire da se stessi e andare verso il fratello. Se sapremo riconoscere la presenza di Dio negli altri,
la Legge non sarà più un fardello, ma una bussola per orientarsi nella vita.
Se capiremo che la nostra salvezza è vincolata al bene che riusciamo a fare agli altri, allora avremo
acquisito quella sapienza che nessuno potrà sottrarci. Infatti, il Signore ha voluto che la salvezza di ognuno
passi anche per quella dell’altro. La prima lettura tratta dal Siracide afferma che l’osservanza dei
comandamenti divini è vita per l’uomo. Anche san Paolo (II Lettura) nella prima Lettera ai Corinzi parla
della sapienza umana che è lontana immensamente dalla sapienza divina che si rivela solo grazie allo
Spirito. Nicola Gori
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE PASSAGES echo and re-echo the same essential concept. The verses of Psalm 119 will guide our
response. “Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart.”
The reading from Matthew’s Gospel is packed with potential actions, optional responses and possible consequences. “But I
say to you” signals that the stakes are being raised to a whole new level. We find the same approach in the reading from
Sirach: fire and water, life and death, good and evil. The Lord is not interested in half measures or lukewarm responses. Pick
one or the other; there is no room here to sit on the fence. The message is unchanging: come to the Lord completely.
This should not surprise us, for it is from the One who chose to empty himself completely and become one of us to show us
the way to God. It comes from the One who lived among us and then gave himself up to pain and death for us. It comes from
the One who fully and absolutely understands what it is to be human.
And it comes with the promise that we can spend our whole life in a constant and profound relationship with divine grace and
love, immersed in God forever. Marilyn F. Sweet, Falmouth, NS
SATURDAY/ SABATO, 11 febbraio
5:00 p.m. (Italian)
 Giovanni Colangelo (1 anno) dalla moglie Lina e figli Pina e
 Ettore Carinelli (5 anni) dalla moglie Eleonora e figli e le loro
 Fiorina Pino Coccimiglio (dec. in Italia) dalle sorelle Ida
Vittoria Pagnotta e famiglia e Nella Mannarino e famiglia
SUNDAY/ DOMENICA, 12 febbraio
8:30 a.m. (Italian)
(No Mass intentions received)
10:00 a.m.(English)
 Resi and Primo Del Piccolo from their son and daughter
 Giuseppe Casciaro dai figli
 In memory of all the deceased of the Mazzotta family
 Grazia Bennardo (1 anno) from husband Luigi Bennardo,
daughter Rita &Tim Summers, son Joe Bennardo, and grandkids
Jason & Nicole and Michael & Courtney
 Vincenzo Citriniti (dec. in Italia) dai cognati Ernesto e Anna
 Giovanni Corazza from wife Ada and family
 Giovanni Alimonti dalla moglie figli e nipoti
 Giovanni Del Cioppo dalla moglie e figli
 Adelina e Francesco Donato dai figli e le loro famiglie
 Giustino Lepore dalla moglie Fortunata e famiglia
 Ugo and Ernestina Albo from son Lou Albo and family
 Ernesto Marco Rizzi dalla sorella Luisa Rizzi e famiglia
11:30 a.m.(Italian)
 Antonio e Anna Andreana dai figli Domenico e Carmela
 Gaetano Andreana dal fratello Domenico e cognata Carmela
 Francesco Valeverde e Giovannina Sansano dai figli Carmela e
Domenico e famiglie
 Francesco Marangoni dalla famiglia
 Michele Arnieri dalla moglie Maria e famiglia
 Giuseppe Corazza dalla moglie Anna e figli
 In memoria di Eva Predy (Filice) dai genitori
 Bruno Carchidi (5 anni) dalla moglie Maria e famiglia
 Tutti i defunti di Maria Carchidi e famiglia
 Nicola Cristello dalla moglie Antonietta e famiglia
 Tutti i defunti di Antonietta Cristello e famiglia
 Francesco Palladino dalla moglie e famiglia
 Demetrio Zumbo dalla moglie e figli
Martedì 14 febbraio Mass 7:00 p.m.
(No Mass intentions received)
Mercoledì 15 febbraio Mass 7:00 p.m.
Giovedì 16 febbraio Mass 7:00 p.m.
Il prossimo incontro di preparazione per il
battesimo sarà mercoledì, 8 mar 2017 alle ore 7
pm a Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre.
The next Baptism Preparation Course will be on
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the
basement of the Santa Maria Goretti Community
2017 Donation Envelopes
The 2017 weekly donation envelopes are ready
for pick up at the church entrance. Please
support our parish through your generous
donation. Please inform us about any change in
address. Thank you and God bless you.
Le buste per le donazioni settimanali per il 2017
sono pronte. Aiutate la nostra parrocchia
portando le vostre donazioni. Cortesemente fateci
sapere se avete cambiato il vostro indirizzo.
Grazie mille. Dio vi benedica sempre.
Special Notice/Avviso Speciale
2016 Income Tax Receipts
Please pick up your Income Tax receipts
for your 2016 donations to both the Parish
and to the Sons of the Immaculate
Conception (CFIC) Congregation at the
entrance of the church.
(No Mass intentions received)
Venerdì, 17 febbraio
Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 p.m., Mass 7:00 p.m.
 Domenico e Rosina Capozzi & Ida Unger (3 years)
 Emma & Cristoforo Gabriele
Riposa in Pace/ Rest in Peace
All’ingresso della Chiesa ci sono le
ricevute delle donazioni dell’anno 2016
sia della Parrocchia e della Missione.
Those who are unable to attend Mass are asked to
please call the office (tel. 780.422.8304) and inform
Fr. George. He will be more than happy to bring
communion and to take care of the spiritual needs of
our sick and elderly parishioners. Please also inform
Fr. George when someone is hospitalized.
Coloro che non possono venire alla messe sono pregati di telefonare all’ufficio (780-422-8304) e di
informare Padre George. Egli sarà felicissimo di
portarvi la comunione e assistere ai bisogni
spirituali dei malati e degli anziani della nostra
parrocchia. Inoltre informate Padre George quando
qualcuno viene ospedalizzato.
Office of the Archbishop
Special Memorial Mass/
Messa Memoriale
Grace this Week
Leader: Lord Jesus, we thank you for your Word. You
call us to be the salt of the earth and light for the world.
(Matthew 5:13-16)
All: May the light of our good works, Lord, lead others to
you and give glory to our Father in heaven.
Leader: Lord Jesus, we thank you for your Word.
Through St. Paul you teach us to accept and offer our
weakness with trust in your power (1Cor 2:1-5).
All: Give us strength and courage, Lord, to be your
witnesses in our world.
Invitiamo tutti i nostri parrocchiani ad una
Messa Memoriale per tutti i nostri cari defunti in
2016-2017, il giorno 15 febrraio, mercoledì, alle
ore 7.00 p.m. Ci sara’ café nella sala dopo la S.
Our Parish will have its special annual Memorial
Mass in remembrance of all our dearly departed
family members for 2016-2017, on February 15,
2017, Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments
will follow next door at the Santa Maria Goretti
Community Centre after the Mass.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 12-18
Be Kind to One Another
Our Confirmation students have prepared
a Random Act of Kindness that they will
share with our parishioners today.
"It's not the magnitude of our actions but the
amount of love that is put into them that
matters." --- Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Message from the Archbishop for World Day of the Sick, 11 February 2017
I have often considered time to be one of my greatest teachers. It has afforded me the opportunity to see clearly the
action of God in my life. Over time I also perceive, with gratitude, the great things God has accomplished in and
through persons around me. My friend and brother, Bishop Fred Henry, recently published his resignation letter to
Pope Francis. It is a beautiful personal witness to his life as an Apostle - and patient. As he put it, “pain is my best
friend, we are always together.”
For many amongst us pain and suffering are very much like the “friend” we wish we had never met. Twenty-five
years ago, Saint John Paul II named February 11th the World Day of the Sick. It is a feast that calls us to seek out
with love and mercy all those on the margins of our society: the homeless, the imprisoned, the sick, and the dying.
They are not simply patients to be treated; they are our brothers and sisters. I pray that all who suffer pain,
abandonment, loneliness, neglect, abuse, or poverty experience through the ministry of the Church the healing that
only Jesus Christ can give.
The World Day for the Sick is also an opportunity to give thanks for those who serve humankind’s struggle with
disease, poverty, and death. Acting as a sign of God's healing love are those who work tirelessly as physicians,
nurses, and other healthcare and emergency services workers; persons who serve generously as pastoral ministers
and volunteers; friends and family members who care for their ill, disabled, or elderly loved ones. Their efforts are
often heroic. We give thanks to God for their service and witness.
Inspired by His Holiness’s message for the 25th World Day of the Sick, I invite the faithful to offer the following
prayers of intercession (11-12 February 2017):
For His Holiness Pope Francis,
together will all the bishops, clergy and religious;
may Christ, the Author of Life,
sustain and strengthen them as servants of life.
For those in public office;
that they serve faithfully as stewards of the common good,
and, in particular, that they ensure effective palliative care,
and treatment for all those who suffer with mental illness.
For all those who suffer illness,
poverty, and loneliness;
may they, and all those who love them,
find in Jesus Christ all consolation, courage, and healing.
For all those who serve and love the sick, disabled and elderly
as physicians, nurses, other healthcare professionals,
friends and family;
may their witness be a font of hope for all those who suffer.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
 Richard W. Smith
Archbishop of Edmonton
Inviting all those families, especially the young families, who are new in our parish, to register for active
membership in the Santa Maria Goretti parish community. Please fill out registration forms at the church
entrance and either drop off your registration form at the Parish Office (tel. 780-422-8304) or place it in the
Sunday Mass collection basket.
Growing in faith and spirituality
All are invited to take and read at home those magazines and periodicals, both in English and in Italian, at the
entrance of the church, and to borrow spiritual books from the office library (and return after reading), in order to
continue growing in knowledge and appreciation of the richness of our faith and to deepen one’s spirituality.
La parrocchia ringrazia le Donne del Santo Rosario per il contributo alla
parrocchia , alla CFIC missione e alla formazione dei seminaristi. Grazie mille!
Donne del Santo Rosario has donated to SMG Parish, CFIC Mission and to
the formation of the seminarians – Thank you!
The Parish needs more help for cleaning the church
We are ever grateful to our parishioners who had previously responded to our appeal for volunteers especially to help clean the
church regularly and keep it always presentable.
We still need new volunteers to help clean the church, specifically one more male person to join the Calabria group. Their next
cleaning is scheduled for Saturday, 25 February, starting at 8 am. If you are willing to help, please call tel. 780-908-9763 and
leave a message. Thank you very much for your help. God bless you and your families always -- Father George
Siamo sempre grati ai nostri parrocchiani che in precedenza avevano risposto al nostro appello per volontari in particolare per
aiutare a pulire la chiesa regolarmente e tenerla sempre presentabile.
Abbiamo ancora bisogno di nuovi volontari per aiutare a pulire la chiesa, in particolare ancora un'uomo di unirsi al gruppo
Calabria. La loro successiva pulizia è previsto per sabato 25 febbraio, a partire dalle 8 am. Se siete disposti ad aiutare, si prega
di contattare tel 780.908.9763. Grazie mille per il tuo aiuto. Dio vi benedica e le vostre famiglie sempre -- Padre George
Santa Maria Goretti Council 12836
We are all quite familiar with the merciful works of Mother St. Teresa. Her service to the poor in Calcutta in feeding the
hungry set such a great example to all of us. She made a great difference to the lives of those individuals. And we can
make a difference to individuals in need, as well. We can take practical and necessary steps to help bring hope to those
in need. Let St. Teresa's works inspire us in charitable endeavours in our community and in service to our Parish!
Your Knights are always mindful of our responsibility to serve. And an incredible thing happens. Your heart grows when
you give by serving our Parish and community. You build stronger ties and develop new friendships. A win-win scenario
set-up perfectly by our Lord! Please call Tony at 780-297-4479 for any information or questions you have about your
Knights. We wish you a joyful week!
Think About It
Instead of pressing for expanded access to euthanasia and assisted suicide, we need to strongly and
actively encourage governments to devote more resources towards palliative care in hospitals, homes and
hospices, and for the education of health professionals in palliative care.
Euthanasia Deception
The Euthanasia Deception is a gripping documentary that tells the stories of people with real, direct experience with euthanasia
and assisted suicide; these are not the stories we are hearing in the mainstream media. If you have not seen The Euthanasia
Deception, check it out on Wednesday, February 15, at 7:30 Good Shepherd Parish, 18407 - 60 Avenue.
Catholic Social Services needs volunteers
Calling all volunteers! Welcome Home is a volunteer-based ministry with Catholic Social Services that provides companionship to
individuals and families making the transition from homelessness to settling into a home.
Operating in collaboration with professional housing and support services, Welcome Home provides companionship to reduce the
loneliness and social isolation faced by many newly housed individuals. Volunteers aim to help the participants feel truly at home
in their new communities.
To find out more information about volunteering, contact the Welcome Home Coordinator at 780-378-2544.
Speak Out for Conscience Rights
With physician-assisted suicide now legal in Canada, healthcare practitioners and facilities in some provinces are in a
compromised position. Those who cannot support assisted suicide or euthanasia because of their conscience, faith, or
commitment to the Hippocratic Oath could be forced to compromise their convictions. They shouldn't have to. The Coalition for
HealthCARE and Conscience has recently launched a petition campaign protect these conscience rights; please do your part
by signing the petition at
On Tuesday we welcome Valentine's Day! It has evolved into an occasion where people who love each other express their love by presenting
flowers, candy, etc., but it is a wonderful Christian opportunity for us to let others know how much we care for them. The symbol of the heart
shape is appropriate since we equate the heart with love.
Our Valentine's Day PASTA NIGHT menu: Prosecco and Strawberry dipped in Chocolate...Antipasto Buffet...Spaghetti Bolognese...Spaghetti
Marinara...Dessert Buffet. Adults $25...Children 5-12 $15. Buffet from 6-8 pm.
Our Sunday Pranzo for this Sunday Feb. 12: Antipasto...Italian Sausage and Rapini, Penne Marinara, Insalata, Chicken Lemon, Rosemary
Baby Red Potatoes, Zucchini and Tomatoes, Ricotta Flan, Coffee and Tea.
Our Sunday Pranzo for NEXT WEEK (Feb 19): Antipasto, Artichoke and Feta Cheese Quiche, Penne with Tomato Sauce and Salsiccia,
Insalata, Beef Braciole, Polenta, Green Bean and Roasted Potato, Budino al Cioccolato, Coffee and Tea.
Have a peaceful and happy week!
SMGCC Valentine’s Day
Spaghetti Night Menu
February 14, 2017
Prosecco & Strawberry Dip in chocolate
Antipasto Buffet
Dessert Buffet
Cash Bar – 5:00 p.m.
-- 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Adults -- $25
Children, 5-12 yrs. -- $15
Please call the Centre at (780) 426-7026 for reservations.
A Sacred Invitation: “Come Sit With Me”
(‘Getting to Know God’)
Come Sit With Me: Getting to Know God is a sacred invitation to single young adults aged 18-40.
This retreat, led by Sister Joan Wigbers and Father Jhack Diaz, takes place on Saturday,
February 18, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Providence Centre, 3005 - 119 Street, Edmonton.
To register and for more information contact: Sr. Mae Valdez, SP – Phone 587-432-2088
Donations are welcome. Email: [email protected],
An Evening of Sancti
Do you have a desire to grow in holiness? If you are a university student or young professional, join us for
an evening of Sancti (Latin for “Be Holy!”) in the parish hall of St. Joseph Basilica — accessible via the
Jasper Avenue entrance. Led by priests and other religious, Sancti serves as the sibling event to Adoremus
(“Let us Adore!”) to provide you with formation in becoming a saint. The next event takes place on
February 25, Saturday, from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Pope Francis reflects on gifts in Lent
The Lenten Season is almost with us once again, and the Vatican has released Pope Francis’
Lenten message for 2017. Titled “The Word is a gift. Other persons are a gift,” the Holy
Father reflects on Lent as “a favourable season for opening the doors to all those in need
and recognizing in them the face of Christ.” It largely focuses on the parable of the rich man
and Lazarus. One can view the full text of his message, in Italian and in English, in our
Parish website,