05 Mar 2017 - Santa Maria Goretti Parish

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Transcript 05 Mar 2017 - Santa Maria Goretti Parish

(Italian Parish)
9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1
Tel. (780) 422-8304
Fax (780) 425-7254
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm
Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC
Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan
SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026
Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment
Adoration: Every Friday at 6.00 PM. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM
Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.)
Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site: www.smgoretti.org
5 MARZO 2017
Entriamo nella Quaresima, tempo di conversione. Alla luce della Parola di Dio riconosciamo il peccato di Adamo, che Gesù ha vinto con la sua
Pasqua. A proposito sant’Agostino ha scritto: “Non fermarti al fatto che Gesù è stato tentato. Ma Gesù è stato tentato e ha vinto per te”.
A liturgia odierna ci mostra Gesù che “vincendo le insidie dell’antico tentatore ci insegnò a dominare le
seduzioni del peccato” (Prefazio). La Parola di Dio ci aiuta ad individuare sia le insidie del diavolo che gli
insegnamenti di Cristo. Satana usa la Bibbia per il proprio tornaconto. Più va avanti la narrazione evangelica,
più vengono allo scoperto le intenzioni sataniche che cercano l’adorazione di sé e il dominio sull’uomo. Le
risposte del Signore alle provocazioni del diavolo hanno ben altro sapore perché parlano di fiducia e di amore
verso il Padre.
Il Figlio di Dio non brama il potere, né svende la sua figliolanza per l’amore del guadagno: il suo cuore è per la
salvezza dell’umanità (Vangelo). Mentre Adamo ed Eva caddero di fronte ai tranelli del tentatore (I Lettura),
ora Gesù obbediente al Padre conduce i fedeli alla dignità di figli di Dio che è ridata dalla grazia del Battesimo
(II Lettura). Questo tempo quaresimale ci doni l’umiltà di confessare la nostra fragilità e i nostri peccati; lo
Spirito Santo ci conduca alla presenza del Padre che ha voluto manifestare nel Cristo suo Figlio l’amore che
salva (Salmo). Fr. Gianfranco Tinello, OFMCap
1st Sunday of Lent
AT THE BEGINNING of his ministry, Jesus responded to the Holy Spirit’s direction and went into the desert to be tempted by
the devil. Through his willingness to enter into a weakened state, Jesus showed his love for us and the ways in which we can
find strength. Through him, in him and with him, we can find renewal, freedom and the joy we seek.
Who has not been in a weakened state – emotionally wrought, spiritually tired, or physically suffering? Who has not been just
plain worn down? Do you have your own launch sequence when seeking comfort? Do you deliberately walk by the bakery on
your way to work? Or that bar? Do you flirt with the stranger at the coffee shop? Does the pressure let up a bit? Does the
relief from your discontent last?
Yet here is our God, who loves us, knowing our dark ways, showing us the way to lasting comfort and freedom: serving only
the Lord. On our own? No. In our weakness, God is strong for us. This Lenten season is our 40 days. Let us embrace the
Eucharistic love that will create a clean heart in us and renew in us a steadfast spirit. May we allow the Holy Spirit to restore
the gladness of our salvation. Let us allow God to lead us out of our desert. Johanne Brownrigg, Orleans, ON
5:00 p.m. (Italian)
 Angelo Vona dalla moglie e famiglia
 Filomena Bonanni dai figli Mario, Leo, Rossana Bonanni e
8:30 a.m. (Italian)
(No Mass intentions received)
10:00 a.m. (English)
 Nicola Lucente dalla moglie Anna e figli
 Christina Tomat from her family
 Michele Bruni dalla moglie Antonietta e figli e nipoti
 Artemisia Mazzotta from her grandchildren and families
 Iolanda Casciaro dai figli
 Silverio Mazzotta from wife Etalka and daughters
 Antonio Marghella (12 anni) dalla moglie Gemma Marghella
 Tutti i defunti di Marghella e Mazzuca
 Concetta, Salvatore e Eugenio Prete dai figli e sorelle Anna
Mazzuca e Valeria Pianchetto e famiglie
 Giuseppina, Giovanni, Vincenzo e Nicola Marghella dalle figli
e sorelle e famiglie
 Tutti i defunti di Mario e Mafalda Chiarello e famiglia
11:30 a.m. (Italian)
 Palmira e Matteo Bordignon dalla sorella e cognata Maria
 Tutti i defunti di Alfredo e Maria Ingrosso e famiglia
 Michele, Salvatore, Enrichetta e Pasquale Arnieri da Maria e
Giuseppe Arnieri e figli
 Francesco, Valeverde e Giovannina Sansano dalle figlie Maria e
Carmela e famiglie
 Per i genitori di Luigi e Anna Cosentino
 Nunzio Morelli dalla moglie Vanda, figlie e nipoti
 Trieste Cairo dalla figlia Maria Cairo Rosanova
 Tutti i defunti della famiglia Aldo e Teresa Esposito
 Tutti i amici defunti di Aldo e Teresa Esposito
 Tutti i defunti di Maria Francese
In onore della Madonna di Monteberico da Armida e Marco
Marini per la protezione della famiglia Marini
Per tutti i malati delle Donne del Santo Rosario
Martedì 7 marzo Mass 7:00 p.m.
(No Mass intentions received)
Mercoledì 8 marzo Mass 7:00 p.m.
 Maria Gennaro dalla famiglia, figlia Mena e figli
Giovedì 9 marzo Adorazione/ Eucharistic Adoration 6:00
p.m., Mass 7:00 p.m.
Venerdì, 10 marzo Mass 7:00 p.m.
Via Crucis/Stations of the Cross
(only during Lent) dopo la S. Messa/ after the Holy Mass
Riposa in Pace/ Rest in Peace
Il prossimo incontro di preparazione per il battesimo
sarà mercoledì, 8 mar 2017 alle ore 7 pm a Santa
Maria Goretti Community Centre.
The next Baptism Preparation Course will be on
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Santa
Maria Goretti Community Centre.
March 8, 2017
Santa Maria Goretti Parish:
From 9 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Giornata diocesana
per le confessioni
8 marzo 2017
Mercoledi’ 8 marzo dalle ore 9.00 a.m. – 6:00
p.m. tutto il giorno la Chiesa sara’ aperta per
le confessioni. Questo giorno e’ dedicato alle
confessioni nel archdiocese di Edmonton.
On Wednesday, March 8, you are invited to
celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on
this 5th annual Day of Confessions. On this
day throughout the archdiocese, priests are
available all day for confession. In our parish,
the schedule for this special day is shown
above. It doesn't matter if you've been away
for a while, it doesn't matter what you have to
confess. Drop by the closest Catholic church
and experience the grace of God in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.
http://caedm.ca/confessions for instructions,
prayers, resources, and video links.
Avviso/ Notice
VIA CRUCIS IL VENERDÌ - every Friday of
Lent, after Mass/ dopo la S. Messa.
Adorazione-- il giovedì, alle ore 6.00 -7.00 p.m.
Adoration- every Thursday, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
2016 Income Tax Receipts
Please pick up your Income Tax receipts for your 2016
donations to both the Parish and to the Sons of the
Immaculate Conception (CFIC) Congregation at the
entrance of the church.
All’ingresso della Chiesa ci sono le ricevute delle
donazioni dell’anno 2016 sia della Parrocchia e
della Missione.
2017 Donation Envelopes
The 2017 weekly donation envelopes are
ready for pick up at the church entrance.
Please support our parish through your
generous donation. Please inform us about
any change in address. Thank you and God
bless you.
Le buste per le donazioni settimanali per il 2017
sono pronte. Aiutate la nostra parrocchia
portando le vostre donazioni. Cortesemente fateci
sapere se avete cambiato il Vostro indirizzo.
Grazie mille. Dio vi benedica sempre.
Blessing of families and their homes is a
Catholic tradition during Lent. Therefore, if
you wish to have your house blessed this Lent,
or just wish to be visited by the Father George
and talk with him or have him listen to you and
your concerns, etc. please call the Parish Office
at tel. (780) 422-8304 to let Father George
E' una buona tradizione cattolica di benedire
le famiglie durante la quaresima. Chiamate
per favore all'ufficio (780.422.8304) per
organizzare la benedizione.
The schedule of our Parish Radio
Program Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian
Radio Program) – has been changed
from 9:00 a.m. to start at 8:30 a.m.
effective March 12, 2017.
Cambio dell’orario – programma
radio sara’ alle ore 8.30 – 8.45
iniziando domenica il 12 marzo.
Inviting all our Parish families, especially the
young families, who are new in our parish, to
register for active membership in the Santa
Maria Goretti parish community.
Please fill out registration forms at the church
entrance and either drop off your registration
form at the Parish Office (tel. 780-422-8304) or
place it in the Sunday Mass collection basket.
Thank you/grazie mille.
Growing in faith and spirituality
All are invited to take and read at home those
magazines and periodicals, both in English and
in Italian, at the entrance of the church, and to
borrow spiritual books from the office library (and
please return after reading), in order to continue
growing in knowledge and appreciation of the
richness of our faith and to deepen one’s
Our Parish is blessed to have Father
Sagayaraj Devadoss, a Salesian Priest
from India, who is serving at St. Thomas
More Parish here in Edmonton, to be our
speaker for our Lenten Retreat. The date is
March 29, Wednesday. Mass will be at 6:30
Father Sagayaraj has had the opportunity to
study and work in the Athenaeum Salesianum
in Rome. He considers this as an enriching
experience for him both religiously and
culturally. Over the recent past years he
served in the Salesian institutions in Chennai,
India working for school children and young
people in youth centres. This year he is in
Canada serving together with other Salesian
priests for the Diocese of Edmonton.
Let us warmly welcome Fr. Sagayaraj!
Il ritiro quaresimale per la nostra parrocchia sarà
il 29 marzo alle ore 7 pm . Il 29 marzo s. messa
sara' alle ore 6.30.
Padre Sagayaraj
condividera' la parola di Dio con noi
in italiano e inglese .
Padre Sagayaraj e' un missionario salesiano
dall'india, vice parroco alla parrocchia di St
Thomas More, Edmonton. Ha studiato e
insegnato a Roma all'università Salesiana
(Athenaeum Salesianum). Partecipiamo in questo
ritiro come preparazione per la Pasqua.
Accogliamo con gioia Padre Sagayaraj nella
nostra parrocchia.
carità di aiutare o sponsorizzare un
religiosa (CFIC ).
LENT— An Act of
The CFIC (Sons of the
Immaculate Conception)
Community of our Pastor
Father George in India is taking care of
children who are either physically or mentally
challenged, poor, abandoned or orphaned.
You, too, can be a part of this Great Mission,
especially to live out truly our Lenten charity.
A Lenten Charity:
The CFIC Congregation of Father George,
our Pastor, is appealing to our parishioners
during this Lent to generously support
CFIC seminarians being prepared for the
priesthood in India. Please take a copy of
the seminarians’ list showing their photos
as well as their formation year, at the
church entrance.
Please support by sponsoring
seminarian, thank you very much!
Aiutiamo un seminarista durante la
Quaresima. Padre George invita la
parrocchia di considerare durante
la quaresima come
opera di
Le bambine del villaggio
Aiutiamo i
poveri nella
quaresima. per fare la carità durante la
quaresima cerchiamo di aiutare i
bambini poveri , così' viviamo nostri
propositi per la quaresima.
Grazie per l'aiuto che avete offerto per
la CFIC missione dei bambini in India.
The CFIC Congregation and Father
George personally would like to thank
you so much for your continuing
generous support of this mission.
CFIC will issue tax receipts for all of
your donations to the mission.
Please contact Fr. George at 780-4228304. Thank you and God bless you
and your families for sharing your
blessings with those in need.
Santa Maria Goretti Council 12836
As we enter into the first weekend after Ash Wednesday,
please keep in mind the reason for Lent, and know that
God's love for us could not be greater than it already is.
The key is to focus on repenting of sin and consecrating
oneself to God. It is a good time to continue to develop a
spirit of humility and sacrifice. And your Knights are
reminded that humility and service to our fellow man is
central to what we do. During Lent it is common for
people to give up a particular food or habit, as a form of
self-discipline and dedication. But it would be a great idea
to further take up the habit of community and parish
service. How much stronger we are when we work
together, for each other! Please call Tony at 780-297-4479
if you have any questions about your SMG Knights. Have
a blessed and wonderful week.
Think About It
The last weeks and days of a dying person’s life are often a
time of spiritual journey and a time of reconciliation with
family, friends, and God. Choosing to end life prematurely
may prevent the person from living those profound human
experiences, and can rob his or her family members of them
Called to love, not euthanasia
The only antidote to the culture of death is love, says
Alex Schadenberg, international chairman of the
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.
Schadenberg was in the Archdiocese last week,
speaking at three parishes that hosted screenings of
“The Euthanasia Deception,” a documentary he
produced to illustrate the dangers of physicianassisted suicide and euthanasia.
The documentary aims to battle a “one-sided”
narrative on euthanasia by sharing the stories that are
not heard in the mainstream media and exposing the
most common misconceptions, or “deceptions,” about
the practice which is now legal in Canada. It also
presents a provocative call to action to all of us -- to
commit to accompanying the sick and suffering, to
assure them that their life has value and that they are
Catholic Social Services needs volunteers
Calling all volunteers! Welcome Home is a volunteer-based
ministry with Catholic Social Services that provides
companionship to individuals and families making the
transition from homelessness to settling into a home.
Operating in collaboration with professional housing and
support services, Welcome Home provides companionship
to reduce the loneliness and social isolation faced by many
newly housed individuals. Volunteers aim to help the
participants feel truly at home in their new communities.
To find out more information about volunteering, contact
the Welcome Home Coordinator at 780-378-2544.
Speak Out for Conscience Rights
With physician-assisted suicide now legal in Canada,
healthcare practitioners and facilities in some
provinces are in a compromised position. Those who
cannot support assisted suicide or euthanasia because
of their conscience, faith, or commitment to the
Hippocratic Oath could be forced to compromise their
convictions. They shouldn't have to. The Coalition for
Health CARE and Conscience has recently launched a
petition campaign protect these conscience rights;
please do your part by signing the petition at
From March 1 to April 9, our community in
Edmonton will take part in the 40 Days for Life.
Please join your Lenten prayers so that with
God’s help, this year will mark the beginning of
the end of abortion in Edmonton – and
beyond. Join us by signing up for an hour (or
more) to pray, fast and witness for life across
from the Morgentaler Clinic of Edmonton. For
more information, please contact the Edmonton
Coordinator for 40 Days for Life, Melody
Berscheid at 780-710-5188. Please join us with
your Lenten prayers so that with God’s help we
can save lives by ending abortion.
SMGCC Annual General Meeting
Sunday May 28th, 2017,
3:00 PM in the Theatre Hall
Santa Maria Goretti Community Center
Hello March! Springtime is only a few weeks away.
It is a season of renewal. As we enter Lent, it can be
looked as a season of spiritual renewal. Let us set
aside time to reflect upon Jesus' death and
resurrection, and what it means to our Christian lives.
Our Pranzo for this Sunday, March 5: Antipasto,
Cream Potato with Leak and Pancetta, Rotini
Bolognese, Insalata, Chicken Cacciatore, Mashed
Potato, Broccoli and Cauliflower, Black Forest Cake,
Coffee and Tea.
Our Pranzo for NEXT WEEK, March 12: Antipasto,
Chicken Rolls, Penne Marinara, Insalata, Italian-style
Meatloaf, Baby Red Potato, Green Beans and Roma
Tomatoes, Vanilla Panna Cotta, Coffee and Tea.
An early reminder for our Easter Brunch. Easter, this
year, is on Sunday, April 16. Call your Centre for
further details, or to reserve. 780-426-5026.
tickets, please contact Filomena 780.456.4216;
Archbishop O’Leary High School Open
House/ Grade 9 Registration Day
8760 – 132 Avenue. Tel. 780-476-6251.
Open House – Thursday, March 9
at 7:00 p.m.
Grade 9 Registration Day – Saturday,
March 11, 9:00-2:00
Join us for the
Ital Canadian Seniors
Western Canadian Catholic Home School
Conference. All parents welcome.
March 9-11 at Providence Renewal Centre, 3005119 Street, Edmonton
9111 -110 Ave
Yoga Classes starting at 7:00 to 8:00 for 6 Weeks
dates are. Drop In Fee - $2.00
March 6, March 13, March 20, April 03, April 10,
and April 24
Our keynote speaker is Holly Pierlot with Fr. Penna,
John Carpay and Karen Hanlon. For more
information, contact Veronica at 780-4678410 or
email [email protected], or visit us online
at www.wcchsc.net.
For more information, please call Connie
Saccarello Ital Canadian Senior Association
Executive Director. Email - [email protected]
Ph: 780-424-1255 Cell 780-940-1955 Fax: 780-424-1039
Day of Information and Sharing
Attention all members and non-members interested
in becoming members of the Club Molise, the Annual
General Meeting will be held today, March 5 at 1pm
at the Santa Maria Goretti Centre. Everyone is
Join Club Molise on Saturday, March 25, 2017 to
celebrate the 24th anniversary dinner dance at
the Santa Maria Goretti Centre. Tickets are $60
for members and $65 for non-members. Tickets
for kids 6 to 12 years old are $25 and gratis for
kids 0 to 6 years old. Entertainment provided by
Mario DJ. For more information or to purchase
Calling all youth and young adult ministry
coordinators! You are invited to a day of information
sharing and discussion with your fellow youth and
young adult ministry coordinators at the Pastoral and
Avenue, on Saturday, March 11, at 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. This event will give you an opportunity to know
each other and connect with the Office
of Youth Evangelization for the Archdiocese.
Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible by
emailing [email protected] or by contacting Lisa
MacQuarrie by phone (a message or text is fine) at
403-392-2409. If you are not able to attend but would
like to be added to the contact list for future
gatherings and to receive important information from
the Coordinator of Youth Evangelization, please call
[email protected]. We look forward to
hearing from you!
CCCB Survey on Catechetics
The Office for Evangelization and Catechesis of
the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is
conducting a survey to assess the catechetical
needs across Canada.
The Lenten Season is with us once again, and the Vatican
has released Pope Francis’ Lenten message for 2017.
Titled “The Word is a gift. Other persons are a gift,” the
Holy Father reflects on Lent as “a favourable season for
opening the doors to all those in need and recognizing in
them the face of Christ.” It largely focuses on the parable of
the rich man and Lazarus.
One can view the full text of his message, in Italian and in
English, in our Parish website, www.smgoretti.org.
A Message for Lent
In his message for Lent 2017, Archbishop Smith
makes a "simple yet challenging request" of us:
"Spend time with the Word of God. In our
considerations of what we shall 'give up' during
these forty days, let us also determine to 'take up'
the Bible and thus seek to be taught, nourished
and challenged by God's sacred teachings. He
offers us his Word as a gift of love. Together with
the grace He pours out in the sacraments, His
Word shapes, guides and transforms our lives
along our pilgrim journey toward the eternal life
God wills for each of us.
The survey is designed to be completed by
anyone involved in catechesis; clergy, diocesan
catechetical coordinators, parish catechetical
coordinators, and catechists. The survey can be
completed by clicking on the following link:
We estimate that the survey will take 10-15
minutes to complete, and it will remain open until
Friday, March 17.
We encourage you to complete the survey, and
forward it to your colleagues working in this
important ministry so we may receive a wide
variety of responses from across Canada.
If you have any questions, please contact the
Office for Evangelization and Catechesis of the
Canadian Conference
Marg Shea-Lawrence
Office for Evangelization and Catechesis, CCCB