19 Feb 2017 - Santa Maria Goretti Parish

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Transcript 19 Feb 2017 - Santa Maria Goretti Parish

(Italian Parish)
9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1
Tel. (780) 422-8304
Fax (780) 425-7254
E-Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm
Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC
Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan
SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026
Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m.
Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment
Adoration: Every Friday at 6.00 PM. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM
Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian)
Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.)
Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site: www.smgoretti.org
19 FEBBRAIO 2017
IL segreto della santità sta nel riconoscere Dio come nostro Padre (Vangelo). Questa consapevolezza
ci fa considerare ogni uomo come un fratello, perché figlio dello stesso Padre. Nasce da qui
l’esigenza di amare gli altri come elementi-base della nostra stessa famiglia. Come fare? Se
guardiamo l’altro non con gli occhi del mondo, ma con quelli di Dio, potremo aprirci al
comandamento dell’amore. È questo che permette di arrivare ad amare perfino i nemici, perché in
essi scorgiamo il riflesso di Cristo che si è incarnato per salvarci tutti.
Solo allora potremo fare il salto di qualità e dal perdono giungere ad amare chi ci odia. Perché in
ogni famiglia convivono Caino e Abele. Ma nessuno può cancellare il fatto che sono entrambi
fratelli. Nel Levitico (I Lettura), il Signore invita i membri del suo popolo a essere santi. Possono
diventarlo nella misura in cui riusciranno ad amare il prossimo come se stessi. Paolo (II Lettura)
insiste sulla santità del battezzato che è diventato tempio di Dio. Nicola Gori
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
I HAVE NEVER really been put to the test when it comes to the set of expectations that Jesus places before us in today’s
gospel. I really don’t know what I would do in the heat of the moment, if someone struck my cheek or demanded my coat. I
do know that my instinctive responses seldom follow the path of “WWJD – what would Jesus do?” movement.
I think Jesus knew we would have a problem with this set of instructions. So instead of beating myself up about where my
instincts lead me, I look to see if Jesus had some additional purpose in mind. Did he have an additional message that he hid
among all those expectations? As I look more deeply I find a message about our “heavenly Father.” I see that Jesus has
actually painted for us a picture of the rich merciful love that God showers on us every day. All these extravagant behaviours
are modelled on the extravagant behavior of God toward us.
The extravagance of God is precisely why we gather today and every Sunday: to celebrate God’s abundant love revealed to
us in our very own lives. God’s style of love is a hard act to follow, but nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, we take up
the challenge to show God’s love to those who most need to experience it. Margaret Bick, Toronto, ON
SATURDAY/ SABATO, 18 febbraio
5:00 p.m. (Italian)
 Bruno Manella dalla moglie Adelina e figlie Giuseppina e
Maria e famiglie
 Maria Rosa Miceli dalla sorella Giuseppina Cerisano e famiglia
 Gaetano Maione dalla moglie Adelina e figli
SUNDAY/ DOMENICA, 19 febbraio
8:30 a.m. (Italian)
 Salvatore Cosentino dalla moglie Mafalda e figli e famiglie
 Antonio Madon dalla famiglia
Il prossimo incontro di preparazione per il
battesimo sarà mercoledì, 8 mar 2017 alle ore 7
pm a Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre.
10:00 a.m.(English)
 Christina Tomat from her family
 Alberto e Eugenia Pagnotta dai nipoti Paolino, Ida e famiglia
 Kathleen and Joseph Kowalczyk from Larry and Eugenia
 Maria Mancini dal marito Algemiro Mancini
 Carmela D’Andrea dalla famiglia
 Santina Chiarello dalle sorelle e fratelli
 Antonio Chiarello dalla moglie Eugenia e figli
 Raffaele Sellitto dalla zia Eugenia Chiarello e famiglia
 Eugenio Chiarello dalla zia Eugenia Chiarello e famiglia
 Giulio Di Pietro dal figlio Giovanni e famiglia
 Guerino Di Marcello dalla moglie Maria e famiglia
 Salvatore Pagliuso from his loving wife Maria, daughters and
 Emilio (11 anni) e Caterina Pagliuso dalla figlia Santina Pullano
e famiglia
 Salvatore Pagliuso (10 anni) dalla sorella Santina Pullano e
 Vittorio Guidoccio (dec. in Germania) dalla zia Gemma
Marghella e famiglia
11:30 a.m.(Italian)
 Angelo Gazzola dalla moglie e figlia
 Tutti i defunti di Antonietta Palladino e famiglia
 Francesco Carchidi dalla moglie Teresa e figli
 Franco Roccia dalla moglie Carmela e famiglia
 Tutti i defunti di Carmela Roccia e famiglia
 Pio Marseu dalla moglie e figlie
 Tutti i defunti della famiglia Maria Marseu
In onore della Madonna del S. Rosario, S. Lucia, e S. Antonio di
Padova da Angela Padovani
Martedì 21 febbraio Mass 7:00 p.m.
The next Baptism Preparation Course will be on
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the
basement of the Santa Maria Goretti Community
March 1, Ash Wednesday, Mass at
7:00 p.m. All are welcome to the Ash
Wednesday Mass and let us begin
our Lenten journey and pray for
1 marzo Mercoledì delle Ceneri, S.
Messa alle ore 7.00 p.m. Iniziamo il
camino quaresimale. Preghiamo per
la conversione.
Special Notice/Avviso Speciale
2016 Income Tax Receipts
(No Mass intentions received)
Mercoledì 22 febbraio Mass 7:00 p.m.
(No Mass intentions received)
Giovedì 23 febbraio Mass 7:00 p.m.
(No Mass intentions received)
Venerdì, 24 febbraio
Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 p.m., Mass 7:00 p.m.
(No Mass intentions received)
Riposa in Pace/ Rest in Peace
Please pick up your Income Tax receipts
for your 2016 donations to both the Parish
and to the Sons of the Immaculate
Conception (CFIC) Congregation at the
entrance of the church.
All’ingresso della Chiesa ci sono le
ricevute delle donazioni dell’anno 2016
sia della Parrocchia e della Missione.
2017 Donation Envelopes
The 2017 weekly donation envelopes are ready for pick up at the church entrance. Please support our
parish through your generous donation. Please inform us about any change in address. Thank you and
God bless you. Le buste per le donazioni settimanali per il 2017 sono pronte. Aiutate la nostra parrocchia
portando le vostre donazioni. Cortesemente fateci sapere se avete cambiato il vostro indirizzo. Grazie
mille. Dio vi benedica sempre.
Lunedi 20 febbraio, giornata della famiglia, l’ufficio parrocchiale sara’ chiuso. Auguri a
tutte le famiglie.
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 20 for Family Day. May God bless
all families.
Thank you/ mille grazie
to all our parishioners and families who
participated in our Special Memorial Mass/
Messa Memoriale in remembrance of all our
dearly departed family members for 20162017 last February 15.
Thank you also to all the volunteers who
prepared for the Mass. Grazie a tutti i
volontari per la presenza e l’aiuto per la
Messa Memoriale.
Office of the Archbishop
Grace this Week
Leader: Lord Jesus, we thank you for your Word. You
came not to abolish but to fulfil the law of God
(Matthew 5:17).
All: Help us, Lord Jesus, to be faithful in all things to the
commandments of God.
Leader: Lord Jesus, we thank you for your Word.
Through St. Paul you teach that the Holy Spirit "searches
everything, even the depths of God.” (1Corinthians
All: By the gift of your Spirit, Lord Jesus, search our
hearts and make us your faithful disciples
March 8, 2017
Santa Maria Goretti Parish:
From 9 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Giornata diocesana
per le confessioni
8 marzo 2017
Mercoledi’ 8 marzo dalle ore 9.00 a.m. – 6:00
p.m. tutto il giorno la Chiesa sara’ aperta per
le confessioni. Questo giorno e’ dedicato alle
confession nel archdiocese di Edmonton.
On Wednesday, March 8, you are invited to
celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on
this 5th annual Day of Confessions. On this
day throughout the archdiocese, priests are
available all day for confession. In our parish,
the schedule for this special day is shown
above. It doesn't matter if you've been away
for a while, it doesn't matter what you have to
confess. Drop by the closest Catholic church
and experience the grace of God in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation.
To help prepare, please visit
http://caedm.ca/confessions for instructions,
prayers, resources, and video links.
Inviting all those families, especially the young families, who are new in our parish, to register for
active membership in the Santa Maria Goretti parish community. Please fill out registration forms at
the church entrance and either drop off your registration form at the Parish Office (tel. 780-422-8304) or
place it in the Sunday Mass collection basket. Thank you.
Growing in faith and spirituality
All are invited to take and read at home those magazines and periodicals, both in English and in Italian, at the
entrance of the church, and to borrow spiritual books from the office library (and please return after reading), in order
to continue growing in knowledge and appreciation of the richness of our faith and to deepen one’s spirituality.
Santa Maria Goretti Council 12836
One of the great benefits of living in Canada is we get to "enjoy" the four seasons. Yes, weather conditions can pose a burden,
but it allows for positive experiences in all types of weather. An example is the great Ice Castles at Hawrelak Park every winter.
A spectacular day out in the cold weather! A positive attitude towards weather can extend to all things in our daily lives. Faith
in our Lord helps us to maintain that positive attitude. His strength fills our hearts and souls and gives us the strength to face the
days with a positive attitude. Something as simple as a smile towards a stranger may transform that person's day for the better.
A positive attitude cultivates the virtue of hope. It gives purpose and direction to our lives. It reminds us of our duty as
Christians to practice our virtues daily. May your purpose include charitable works in our community and our Parish. And ma y
your lives be filled with smiles!
Think About It
Patients who enter a hospital expecting compassion as they live their last months, weeks or days should not have to worry about
being euthanized based on someone’s judgment about their quality of life. Care can never be killing.
Called to love, not euthanasia
The only antidote to the culture of death is love, says Alex Schadenberg, international chairman of the Euthanasia Prevention
Schadenberg was in the Archdiocese last week, speaking at three parishes that hosted screenings of “The Euthanasia
Deception,” a documentary he produced to illustrate the dangers of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.
The documentary aims to battle a “one-sided” narrative on euthanasia by sharing the stories that are not heard in the mainstream
media and exposing the most common misconceptions, or “deceptions,” about the practice which is now legal in Canada.
It also presents a provocative call to action to all of us -- to commit to accompanying the sick and suffering, to assure them that
their life has value and that they are loved.
Catholic Social Services needs volunteers
Calling all volunteers! Welcome Home is a volunteer-based ministry with Catholic Social Services that provides companionship
to individuals and families making the transition from homelessness to settling into a home.
Operating in collaboration with professional housing and support services, Welcome Home provides companionship to reduce
the loneliness and social isolation faced by many newly housed individuals. Volunteers aim to help the participants feel truly at
home in their new communities.
To find out more information about volunteering, contact the Welcome Home Coordinator at 780-378-2544.
Speak Out for Conscience Rights
With physician-assisted suicide now legal in Canada, healthcare practitioners and facilities in some provinces are in a
compromised position. Those who cannot support assisted suicide or euthanasia because of their conscience, faith, or
commitment to the Hippocratic Oath could be forced to compromise their convictions. They shouldn't have to. The Coalition for
Health CARE and Conscience has recently launched a petition campaign protect these conscience rights; please do your part
by signing the petition at http://www.canadiansforconscience.ca.
From March 1 to April 9, our community in Edmonton will take part in the 40 Days for Life. Please join your Lenten prayers so
that with God’s help, this year will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in Edmonton – and beyond.
Our Sunday Pranzo for this week, February 19: Antipasto, Artichoke and Feta Cheese Quiche, Penne with Tomato
Sauce and Salsiccia, Insalata, Beef Braciole, Polenta, Green Bean and Roasted Potato, Budino al Cioccolato, Coffee
and Tea.
Our Pranzo menu for NEXT WEEK February 26: Antipasto, Shrimp Skewer Provençal, Orecchiette Marinara,
Insalata, Porchetta, Roasted Potatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Raspberry Mousse, Coffee and Tea. Our
phone number: 780-426-5026.
Thank you to all who attended our Valentine's Spaghetti Night. It was a wonderful evening of food, conversation
and lovely accordion music.
Ital Canadian Seniors
9111 -110 Ave
Yoga Classes starting at 7:00 to 8:00 for 6 Weeks dates are. Drop In Fee - $2.00
March 6, March 13, March 20, April 03, April 10, and April 24
For more information, please call Connie Saccarello Ital Canadian Senior Association
Executive Director. Email - [email protected] Ph: 780-424-1255 Cell 780-940-1955 Fax: 780-424-1039
Archbishop O’Leary High School Open House/ Grade 9 Registration Day
8760 – 132 Avenue. Tel. 780-476-6251. www.archbishopoleary.ecsd.net
Open House – Thursday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m.
Grade 9 Registration Day – Saturday, March 11, 9:00-2:00
Pope Francis reflects on gifts in Lent
The Lenten Season is almost with us once again, and the Vatican has released Pope Francis’ Lenten
message for 2017. Titled “The Word is a gift. Other persons are a gift,” the Holy Father reflects on Lent as
“a favourable season for opening the doors to all those in need and recognizing in them the face of Christ.”
It largely focuses on the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. One can view the full text of his message, in
Italian and in English, in our Parish website, www.smgoretti.org.