Transcript Document

‫مکتب شناخت گرایان‬
Cognitive Theories
Cognitivism is a study of how
learning occurs from a change in
mental state.
‫• رفتارگرا‬
• Objective, systematic observations of
people's behavior should be the focus of
scientific inquiry,
‫• شناخت گرا‬
• focuses on an unobservable change in
mental knowledge.
‫شناخت گرا‬
• Some learning processes may be unique to
human beings.
‫مکتب شناختی‬
• learning cannot be described in terms
of a change in behavior.
• Individuals are actively involved in the
learning process.
• Learning involves the formation of menatal
assocaitions that are not necessarily reflected
in overt behavior changes.
‫مکتب شناختی‬
• Knowledge is organized.
• Learning = process of relating new
information to previously learned
Perception- fantasy- problem solvingthinking
‫مکتب شناختی‬
• Learning can occur without reinforcement.
• Intervening variables must be considered.
‫• یادگیری در اثر شناخت روابط بین محرک هاست نه‬
‫رابطه محرک و پاسخ‬
‫مکتب شناختی‬
• Behavior is purposive.
• Expectations affect behavior.
• Learning results in an organized body of
‫مکتب شناختی‬
• input & information
• information is filterd by the individual and
short-term memory begins processing.
‫مکتب شناختی‬
• the learner makes a decision to "work"
with a particular piece of information,
continuing to process the information.
• how the information is important??????
organized and stored for later retrieval.
‫مکتب شناختی‬
• an instructor can produce learning
by transferring information to
the learner and helping them to
organize it in such a way that they
are able to recall it later.
‫نظریه یادگیری گشتالت‬
Marx Wertheimer - Wolfgang Kohler - Kurt Koffka
• Perception is often different from reality.
• The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
• The organism structures and organizes
‫نظریه یادگیری گشتالت‬
• The organism in predisposed to organize
experience in particular ways.
• Problem solving involves restructuring
and insight
‫• گشتالت= طرح – قالب‪ -‬الگو‪ -‬شکل – سازمان‬
‫• افکار انسان از تصورات ‪ +‬اشارات کلی و معنی دار‬
‫تشکیل شده‬
‫نه اجزا که از طریق تداعی و همخوانی بهم ربط پیدا‬
‫کرده اند‪.‬‬
‫‪Good Gestalt=similarity+ regularity+stability‬‬
Insight Learning
‫بکارگیری بینش در حل مساله‬
• Solving problems by
understanding –
• insight learning, the
"aha!" solutions to
Gestalt Theory:
individuals use insight &
their prior
experiences to
determine their
responses to stimuli.
‫قوانین یادگیری گشتالت‬
‫‪laws of Gestalt theory‬‬
‫• قانون مشابهت ‪ :‬شباهت شکل و رنگ‬
‫• قانون مجاورت ‪ :‬اشکال نزدیک به هم‬
‫• قانون بستن ‪ :‬سطوح بسته و اشکال کامل‬
‫• قانون نیک پیوستگی ‪ :‬اشکال متقارن‬
‫‪Good Continuation‬‬
‫مکتب شناختی و کاربردهای آموزشی‬
• Cognitive processes influence learning.
• As children grow, they become capable of
increasingly more sophisticated thought.
• People organize the things they learn.
• New information is most easily acquired
when people can associate it with things
they have already learned.
• People control their own learning
‫• بر حل مساله تاکید شود‬
‫• نقشه را به فراگیر ندهید تا شهرها را یاد بگیرد نقشه خالی‬
‫دهید تا فراگیر انها را تکمیل کند و با نقشه اصلی مقایسه کند‬
‫• انگیزه یادگیری بیشتر‬
‫• فکر انتقادی تر بیشتر‬
‫• فراموشی کمتر‬
‫• انتقال یادگیری اسانتر‬
‫• اعتماد به نفس بیشتر‬
‫کاربرد نظریه گشتالتی‬
‫قبل از تدریس باید اهداف اموزشی برای فراگیر قابل‬
‫درک باشد‬
‫ابتدا بخش های ساده و بعد بخش های مشکل تر ارائه‬
‫قبل از اغاز موضوع باید کلیات مطالب به فراگیر‬
‫گفته شود‬
‫برای کسب بینش از وسیله موثر مثل ترسیم نمودار‪-‬‬
‫چارت – پوستر – ازمایش علمی استفاده شود‬
How Do People Learn?
Piaget's Development Theory
Jean Piaget
• mental events - logical reasoning processes
and the structure of knowledge.
• language, logical reasoning, moral
judgements, conceptions of time, space,
and number.
Simple reflexes-------------------- complex
cognitive activities
• People are active processors of
• Knowledge can be described in terms of
structures that change with development.
• Cognitive development results from the
interactionns that children have with their
physical and social environments.
• The process through which people interact
with the environment remain constant.
• People are intrinsically motivated to try to
make sense of the world around them.
• Cognitive development occurs in distinct
Sensorimotor stage
(birth - 2 years
• physical interaction
with environment,
a child does not
know that physical
objects remain in
existence even when
out of sight (object
• Preoperational stage (ages 2-7)• -The child is not yet able to conceptualize
abstractly and needs concrete physical
• ‫برای یادگیری به موقعیتهای عینی نیاز دارد‬
Concrete operations (ages 7-11)• logical structures
• Abstract problem solving
• For example, arithmetic equations can be solved
with numbers, not just with objects.
‫• از عملیات عینی برای حل مسائل انتزاعی استفاده میکند‬
‫حل معادله ریاضی با استفاده از اعداد نه فقط اشیا‬
‫‪• Formal operations (beginning at ages 11‬‬‫—)‪15‬‬
‫‪• conceptual reasoning.‬‬
‫میتوان به نوجوان موقعیت فرضی داد تا در مورد‬
‫ان فکر کند‬
‫باالترین مرحله تحول ذهنی‬
‫امور انتزاعی درک میکند‬
‫شبیه بزرگساالن و استدالل مفهومی‬
‫کاربرد تئوری پیاژه در آموزش‬
‫‪Curriculum‬‬‫‪must plan a developmentally appropriate‬‬
‫'‪curriculum that enhances their students‬‬
‫‪logical and conceptual growth.‬‬
‫برداشت کودک از مفاهیم ‪ /‬طرز فکر کودک متفاوت با‬
‫بزرگسال است اموزش پیش از موقع مفاهیم ‪----‬‬
‫یادگیری طوطی وار می شود‬
‫کاربرد تئوری پیاژه در آموزش‬
‫‪Instruction-‬‬‫‪• interactions with the surrounding‬‬
‫‪environment--play in student learning.‬‬
‫کودکان پیش دبستانی با اشیا و لوازم محسوس و عینی بهتر‬
‫یاد میگیرند‬
‫‪• the permanence of objects‬‬
‫برنامه آموزشی باید با تجربه عینی و ملموس همراه باشد نه‬
‫تنها مفاهیم کلی و غیر تجربی‬
‫آموزش انفرادی بر آموزش جمعی و همگانی ارجح است‬
Learning Styles
‫سبک های یادگیری‬
should not ask, "Is this person smart?
should ask "How is this person smart?
• Concrete and abstract perceivers—
• Active and reflective processors—
‫سبک های یادگیری‬
Concrete perceivers—
doing, acting, sensing, and feeling.
abstract perceivers
through analysis, observation, and thinking.
• Active processors—
make sense of an experience by immediately
using the new information
Reflective processors ---make sense of an experience by reflecting on
and thinking about it.
• Traditional schooling tends to favor abstract
perceiving and reflective processing.
• Other kinds of learning aren't rewarded and
reflected in curriculum, instruction, and
assessment nearly as much.
‫کاربرد سبک های یادگیری در آموزش‬
• Curriculum• -Educators must place emphasis on
intuition, feeling, sensing, and imagination,
in addition to the traditional skills of
analysis, reason, and sequential problem
‫کاربرد سبک های یادگیری در آموزش‬
• Instruction—
• various combinations of experience,
reflection, conceptualization, and
experimentation. Instructors can introduce a
wide variety of experiential elements into
the classroom, such as sound, music,
visuals, movement, experience, and even
‫کاربرد سبک های یادگیری در آموزش‬
• Assessment• -Teachers should employ a variety of
assessment techniques, focusing on the
development of "whole brain" capacity and
each of the different learning styles.