Transcript Slide 1

Sharing Experiences in Writing Scientific Research Articles

Past is experience, present is experiment. Future is expectation

Use experience in your experiment to accomplish expectation

Universitas Terbuka 2 – 4 February 2015

Paradoxal ...

1. Answering the question, but it does not solve the problem 2. Solving the problem, but it is unworkable 3. Granting a solution despite it has no problem at all

Pre-condition …

Is your manuscript prepared to be: 1. Presented in a world conference?

2. Published in an international scientific journal?

3. … or others …?

General Overview


Accessible Affordable

Education Quality

Konteks Ranah Penelitian UT ...

Keilmuan, Kurikulum, OER, MOOCS, Riset, ...

Sistem Operasional

Akademik Administratif Manajerial Bahan Ajar Cetak, noncetak Banbel Evaluasi T muka, media LM, UAS, TAP Registrasi DP, mata kuliah Distribusi Modul, kit Ujian Kelas, online SDM, Finansial, Fasilitas, Angka partisipasi, Simintas, ......

Central focus of an article review*

1. Significance and clarity of the research problem – purpose of the paper 2. Significance and clarity of the central argument 3. Strength of the theoretical framework and literarture review 4. Adequacy and relevance of the evidence relative to the argument 5. Organization, style and quality of the language

   

Acceptable in its present form Acceptable subject to (relatively minor) revision or amendament Rejected in its present form, but a resubmission of a substantially revised paper should be encourgaed Rejected

* International Journal of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning

Types of Manuscripts*

Research Paper Aims at investigating a particular aspect through empirical study Case study Describes a specific institutional, program or course setting in order to contribute to the development and sharing of such best practices Concept paper Proposes new theoretical/conceptual models/frameworks relevant to certaint field of interest Position paper Provides original perspectives, interpretations and insights pertaining to some aspects of research, practice or policy of opinion of scholar * Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

Research article structures*

AIMRaD Abstract – Introduction – Materials & Method – Result – and Discussion AIRDaM Abstract – Introduction – Results – Discussion – and Materials & Methods AIMRaD*C Abstract – Introduction – Materials & Methods – Combined Results & Discussion – Conclusions AIBC Abstract – Introduction – Body of Paper – Conclusion * Margaret Cargill & Patrick O’Connor

13-Typical questions in Evaluating Manuscripts 1. Is the contribution new?

2. Is the result significant?

3. Is it suitable for publication?

4. Is the organization acceptable?

5. Do the methods and the treatment of results conform to acceptable scientific standards?

6. Are all conclusions firmly based in the data presented?

7. Is the length of the paper satisfactory?

8. Are all illustration required?

9. Are all the figures and tables necessary?

10. Are all figure legends and table titles adequate?

11. Do the title and abstract clearly indicate the content of the paper?

12. Are the references up to date, complete, and the journal titles correctly abbreviated?

13. Is the paper excellent, good or poor?

Relevant Methods

RATIONALE Background

Literature Review

The Logical Framework

Abstract: What you did & got?

RESULTS Discussion & Argument

Concluding Remarks

Conclusions, Implications & Recommendations

All CITATION is in APA format

Rationale –

Background …

• • •

Introduction of the problem

Start with identifying the research issues Development of the background

Review the pertinent literature (be very concise) by underlining variables manipulated and how they are measured Statement of purpose and the reasons

Be very explicit (based on the relevant literature reviewed for prediction)

The typical length of 400 – 600 words

Literature Review …

 

Conceptual framework

For each and all variables involved: Cited from relevant field of studies (referred to minimum 7 of recent publications)

 Finding the General Model

Operational framework

Contextualization from conceptual level to operational level

Use as a bases of developing hypothesis, instruments and later for the sake of analysis

The typical length of 600 – 800 words

Deductive Inductive Union

Methodology ...

Quantitative Qualitative Mixed Meth Comparative Experiment & Expost Facto Associative Correlational, Causal, Causal Model & Measurement Narrative, Phenomenology, Ethnography, Case Study, Grounded Theory & Content Analysis Evaluation (Policy, Program), Research & Development, Action Research

Methods …

Invloving: Participants, materials & Procedures

The typical length of 300 – 500 words

1. Participants: Who participated, how many of them, how they are selected – identify important participants’ characteristics 2. Materials: Provide a complete description of the materials used 3. Apparatus: Report all physical characteristics 4. Procedures: Review what was done to the participants from the beginning up to the end 5. The design of experiment and how the participants were assigned to each activity are described


– Discussions & Arguments Present all results – including non-significant one

When reporting statistical results, always include associated measures of variability

Give verbal description of the results taken from Tables, Figures, and Graphs)

Do not interpret the results in the results section In the discussion, review argumentatively whether:

The results supported by the hypothesis, or vice versa

• •

They are consistent with the published literatures The results are tied in with the hypothesis stated in the beginning

The typical length of 1500 – 2500 words

Concluding Remarks …

Conclusion Critical output and outcome of the research, the most significant one up to the less one; theoretically, practically and methodologically Implication Lessons learnt that might by useful for others from their specific need Recommendation Alternative important keypoints that shlould be taken into account for future direction, internally amd externally

The typical length of 200 – 400 words

Artikel “Mulus” Publikasi ... ?

Berbasis Penelitian Ilmiah!


Proses mengumpulkan, mengolah, menganalisis dan menyimpulkan data yang didukung kajian konseptual dan kerangka teoretik guna memecahkan suatu masalah untuk tujuan* tertentu * Menjelaskan, mengeksplorasi, menguji, menemukan, atau mengembangkan


Bersifat – bercirikan keilmuan: Logis/rasional, empiris, dan sistematis


Iman, Ilmu, Ikhtiar, Istikomah, Ikhlas

Absolute –


Isoteric – Zero Conflict Strategical



Hakikat Think big


Syariat Start small Act now Up to finish