Introduction to GNSS opportunities in different Market Segments

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Transcript Introduction to GNSS opportunities in different Market Segments

Introduction to GNSS opportunities in different Market Segments

Fiammetta Diani Market Development [email protected]

LBS 47.0%

Cumulative core revenue 2012-2022

Agriculture 1.4% Surveying 4.1% Rail 0.1% Road 46.2% Aviation 1.0% Maritime 0.3%

What is the secret receipt?


GNSS market report issue 3: the most up-to-date global overview of GNSS market

• • • • • • •


LBS Aviation Road transport Maritime Rail Surveying Agriculture

1 billion GNSS devices by 2020 in Europe. LBS and Road leading in revenues… Installed base of GNSS devices by region

9 1 0 3 2 8 5 4 7 6 CAGR: 22% CAGR: 9% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EU27 North America Rest of the World LBS 47.0%

Cumulative core revenue 2012-2022

Agriculture 1.4% Surveying 4.1% Rail 0.1% Aviation 1.0% Maritime 0.3% Road 46.2% 27 Jun 4

… and GNSS is a main driver for innovative applications

Just few examples:

Connected vehicles  Location based  payments New supply chain monitoring concepts

1999: Garmin launches e-trex, first affordable GPS 2005: TomTom creates the PND category What’s next? New markets, new applications?

2009: GNSS becomes a standard feature of smartphones all over the world In the mean time

… the EU policy is already creating new markets: eCall (estimation of 120 millions light vehicles equipped by 2025) and Digital Tacograph on all trucks

But what GNSS? Multi-constellation is already happening

• • SBAS (eg EGNOS) capability is commonplace in today’s receivers – Extra accuracy when you need it – at no cost – Level of confidence of GPS signal In the near future, multi-constellation (e.g. GPS/Galileo/Glonass) will be the baseline some systems will deliver multiple frequencies – Much improved robustness and performance for users

Europe’s contribution to satellite navigation


 Worldwide navigation system “made in EU”  Fully compatible with GPS*  Early services starting from 2014  Open service free of charge and delivering dual frequencies (better performances)


 Augmentation system of GPS  Improves GPS performance  European coverage (but under extension in other regions, e.g. North Africa)  Available NOW, free of charge and widely available in automotive receivers *GPS: Global Positioning System The European GNSS Programmes 7

30 April, 2020

Galileo has already taken-off

   4 operational satellites have been launched, as 12 October 2012 (in addition to the 2 test satellites launched in 2005/2008) All industrial contracts necessary have been signed to ensure up to 26 satellites

Early Galileo Operational

Services will start in 2014

The European GNSS Programmes 8

12 th March 2013: Galileo starts transmitting the navigation signal…

The first 4 satellites start transmitting the navigation message: it is then possible to compute the position.

Zenith View @ ESTEC (GNOR Station)

…the same day, all over the world the first “position fix” with Galileo is computed

Source: European Space Agency Source: NavSAS - Politecnico di Torino

  The first positions computed with Galileo confirms the excellent expected performances, at the state-of-the art in satellite navigation.

The satellites also transmit a time reference of atomic standard.

Leverage EGNOS & Galileo Early Services in each market segment Segment Service Open Service Safety of Life Mass Market Open Service Authentication High Precision Public Regulated Service Search and Rescue Intelligent Transport Systems Aviation Maritime Operational today Early Services Rail Professional Governmental User Test / Service Demo

4/30/2020 12

Thank you!

Fiammetta Diani [email protected]