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What/Who is creative?
Folded bike, breathing sofa, futon
 Fried instant noodles, (your own ideas)
 Shipping containers, hybrid car, HSR
Can creativity be taught?
Language used to describe the
foreseen/unforeseen consequences of the
innovations: (p. 30 bottom)
leading to + n.
due to + n.
because of + n.
-- as a result
-- because S. + V.
-- consequently
Socializing: Positive responses
Offering A: Would you like to…?
B: (accept) _______.
B: (reject) ________.
Requesting  A: Would you mind Ving…?/Would you mind if
I V.ed…?/Could you V.…?
B: ________________.
Asking permission  A: May I…? B: ________________.
Suggesting  A: Why don’t we…?/Let’s…/
How/What about…?
B: _____________________.
Thanking  A: Thank you for….
B: _____________________.
Apologizing  A: I’m very sorry.
B: _______________________.
Socializing: Positive responses
Gift-giving  A: I’ve brought you a small present.
B: __________________________.
Agreeing  A1: I thought it was an excellent presentation.
B1: __________________________.
A2: I hope our sales improve.
B2: ___________________________.
Saying goodbye A1: It was a lovely evening.
B1: ______________________.
A2: Have a good weekend.
B2: ______________________.
A3: I look forward to our next meeting.
B3: ______________________.