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Engage and Optimize: Social Media
Business Tools You Can't Ignore
 Social Media 101
 Why use Social Media
 Social Media vs Social Marketing
 Building a community
Fun Facts
 Facebook has 1.01 billion people using the site each
month, 584 million active users each day (10.23.2012)
Twitter has 175 million users
Pinterest has 11 million users, 80% are women between
the ages of 25 – 55 years old
Instagram has 90 million users who check in once a
Spotify has 15 million active users (September 2012)
There are 31 million bloggers in the United States with
42 million blogs and 329 million viewers of these
In 2012 YouTube passed 4 billion daily video views.
Social Media 101
 Who is your audience?
 What is your voice?
 What are the rules?
 What is your brand?
 How often?
 What to post? Tweet?
 Facebook? Twitter? Pinterest? Blog? Spotify?
YouTube? LinkedIn?
 Hootsuite!
Fun Facts 2
 23% of Facebook users check their account 5 times a
80% of social media users prefer to connect with
brands through Facebook
77% of B2C and 43% of B2B companies acquired
customers through Facebook
56% of customer tweets are being ignored
69% of follows on Twitter are suggested by friends.
26% of retweets are incited by a request to retweet.
Why use social media
 Engage more intimately
 Create conversations
 Customer Service
 Keep customers up to date real time
 Pass along more information to customers
 Crowd Sourcing
Fun Facts 3
 In August 2012 Instagram averaged 7.3 million daily
active users
 The average Instagram user spent 257 minutes in
August 2012 using the app, during the same period
Twitter averaged 170 minutes
 The average Pinterest user spends 98 minutes per
month on the site, compared to 150 minutes on Tumblr
and 420 minutes on Facebook.
 69% of online consumers who visit Pinterest have
found an item they have bought or wanted to buy,
compared with 40% of Facebook users.
Social Media vs Social Marketing
 Do you have a theme for the year?
 How do your print pieces, website, paid advertising, e-
newsletters and social media fit your marketing plan?
 Plan out contests
 Host special days on your Facebook page or Twitter
feed, Ask the Coach, Ask the Nutritionist, Physical
Therapist, etc.
 Use holidays (especially obscure ones) to interact with
your community in a fun way!
Building a community through social media
There is a difference between a community and a crowd.
In a crowd people push and shove and try to get a step
ahead. In a community, people look around, they smile,
say hi, share a story, because they know that a
community doesn’t move forward unless they all move
forward together.
 Dough Ulman, President and CEO of LIVESTRONG
 How do you build your community
 I Conquered the Hill
 Engage your community
 Crowd Sourcing
 #Hashtags
 Listen, answer, respond
Thank You!
 Questions & Answers
Beth Salinger
[email protected]