+ Beyond Facebook & Twitter How Pinterest & Instagram Are Taking Over Erica Ciporen Consulting, LLC www.ericaciporen.com.

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Transcript + Beyond Facebook & Twitter How Pinterest & Instagram Are Taking Over Erica Ciporen Consulting, LLC www.ericaciporen.com.


Beyond Facebook & Twitter

How Pinterest & Instagram Are Taking Over Erica Ciporen Consulting, LLC www.ericaciporen.com


Let me pose a quick question to you -


How many of you use Instagram either personally or for work?

Let me pose a quick question to you -


How many of you use Pinterest either personally or for work?


Erica Ciporen is an accomplished Social Media & SEO Specialist with nearly a decade of experience in marketing, branding, sales and social media. Ms. Ciporen creates successful digital marketing initiatives for a diverse range of clients.

In 2010, Ms. Ciporen started Erica Ciporen Consulting, LLC where she has worked with prestigious brands from large public corporations, to some of New York City’s prominent nonprofits.

Each client requires a unique approach.



Agenda 1.

Social media benefits 2.

Social media demographics 3.

Social media storytelling guidelines 4.

Instagram overview, best practices, storytelling & examples 5.

Pinterest overview, best practices, storytelling & examples 6.



Benefits of social media •

Sustainable growth in the number of online followers.

More followers = more influence.

Social media directs traffic to your website. The more traffic to your website, the higher you rank in Google searches.

Enhanced communications and education of your audience can create brand ambassadors for your organization.

Your competitors are all using social media.

Social media is FREE to use.


When to take the plunge When contemplating whether Pinterest and/or Instagram could be an effective marketing tool for your nonprofit, ask yourself 2 questions:  Is my target audience active on it?  Are my competitors successful with it?

If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, then there is no doubt you should be using Pinterest and/or Instagram to promote your brand.


Who is on social media by age Source: Ad Week, January 12, 2015


Facebook demographics Age 25-34 is king, then 18-24


Twitter demographics Age 18-24 is king, then 25-34


Instagram demographics Age 25-34 is king, then 18-24


Pinterest demographics Age 25-34 is king, then 35-44


Demographics summary  Instagram is taking over the Facebook demographic.

 In 2016 Instagram will grow in the same demographic where Facebook will begin to fall off.

 Pinterest leads the charge among Gen Xers and Millennials.

 Both networks are growing fast.


The rise of Instagram & Pinterest Instagram  Instagram already has more users than Twitter.

 There are now more than 300 million accounts on Instagram.

 More than 70 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram each day.

 According to Ad Week, 40% of the most shared videos on Instagram were created for marketing purposes.

 Pinterest In the U.S., females are expected to comprise 83.3% of Pinterest users this year.

 According to eMarketer, Pinterest will grow its U.S. audience to 47.1 million people in 2015.  Pinterest said that its male user numbers in the US increased 73% in 2014.  Pinterest ranks highest among social media platforms studied in lead conversion.


Social media storytelling guidelines Pinterest & Instagram are for visual storytelling  Being authentic will help you build genuine connections with your followers.

 Your brand must have a recognizable perspective and voice.

 You must always include an image or video that is compelling.

 You must always keep in mind your organization’s overall goals and what you think your audience wants to know.

 Engaging users is the gold standard in measuring success.


Things to always consider  What’s your primary goal for this post?

 What is your brand’s persona? If it were a person, how would you describe it?

 What makes your brand unique?

 What do you want people to know about your organization?

 How do you want people to feel after interacting with your brand?

 What do you want people to remember about your brand?


The 2 types of storytelling Branded Promotional Branded posts reinforce your unique perspective. What’s important to you? Promotional posts are for drawing attention to timely events like a volunteer day.


What is Instagram Instagram is singularly focused on captivating imagery  The images you post are what tell the story about your brand. You only get 1 image or a 13 second video to make an impression.  Users can tell if you’ve put thought into every image you post.  Hashtags (#) are what tie your stories to a larger narrative.

 The only clickable link on Instagram is the one in your profile. It’s really all about images and #s!

 Instagram is a mobile app only. Mobile is where the world is headed.


Elements of Instagram Your logo needs to fit in a circle Your website – the only clickable link on all of Instagram Your organization’s name & brief description


Instagram best practices  Share 1 image or video daily, or at least 4 times per week.  To gain followers on Instagram, you must be active on Instagram.  Be reciprocal, ‘like’ and comment on the posts of others.

 Post after work hours and weekends, these are dense activity periods.

 Use multiple hashtags but under 10 is best.

 Be authentic.


Storytelling example instagram.com/unicefusa @unicefusa  Unicef USA posts visually stunning picture that portray events they have put on and highlight the people they help.

 Each post has a clear goal to inspire.

 They use both branded hashtags and general ones to increase the visibility of their posts.

 Their posts show the direct impact the organization is having.


Storytelling to convey brand perspective


Storytelling example (working around stigma) instagram.com/twloha @twloha  To Write Love On Her Arms is dedicated to helping people struggling with addiction, depression and suicide. They often ask supporters to share images on their other social media sites and it re-posts to Instagram.

 Their #FearVsDreams campaign photos have an average of 2,500 likes and hundreds of comments.

 They create branded hashtags to inspire engagement that appeal to their audience but also have a universal draw.


User engagement using #FearVsDreams


Storytelling to convey brand perspective #NoOneElse14


Instagram contests A great way to incentivize user engagement  Contests can incentivize more people to start following you.

 Delivering perks to followers in the form of giveaways and contests will form a buzz around your account and help establish your feed as the user’s priority to view.

 Contests can be run directly on Instagram and shared throughout your other social accounts to ensure visibility.

 Asking followers to include one common hashtag ties all submissions together.  The creative possibilities of contest ideas are endless.


Instagram contest example instagram.com/charitywater @charitywater  All you need to do is capture your favorite water themed image and post it on Instagram using the hashtag #748million.  Each day between 23-26th March 2015, 5 images selected by @BeautifulDestinations and charity: water will be posted to @charitywater on Instagram.  This is a community-driven popularity contest where the most liked image (over 24 hours) will win their owner an invitation to India.


Charity Water contest example One of the winning submissions


Creative use of the platform @Hillsongnyc #CrossEqualsLove Double-tap the photo to get the answer! Don’t forget to join us for any of our Easter Sunday Services happening tomorrow in NJ and NYC!


What is Pinterest Pinterest is a collection of sharable inspirational Pins categorized onto Boards that tell your brand’s story  Pins are useful, visually appealing and actionable.

 Pins are categorized, or ‘pinned’, onto different Boards that represent a certain theme.

 Each Pin can be clickable and link to your website or anywhere.  The description you give each Pin & Board is how people find them.

 Sharability is key.


Elements of Pinterest Your website & links to your other social networks Your Boards Your logo needs to fit in a circle Your organization’s name & brief description


Pinterest best practices  Pin at least once a day so your followers get fresh content.  Don’t just Pin your own stuff. You can tell a richer story by adding Pins from others (re-pinning).  Make sure your Pins link back to your website so you can get more referral traffic.  Pins are more likely to be found when people get specific in searches, so add a searchable description.  The best times to pin are 2-4pm and 8pm-1am. The best day to pin is Saturday, Pinterest sees its highest traffic on the weekends.

 Create a range of Boards. People can choose which Boards they want to follow, so not every board has to appeal to everyone.


Storytelling Example – American Diabetes Association (ADA)  They use Pinterest as a storehouse of useful information for their followers - from recipes and books to fashionable medical alert bracelets.

 They have well organized Boards with good descriptions.

 They promote fundraising goals in an appealing way.


ADA Pinterest Page


ADA Pin Examples – storytelling to convey brand perspective


ADA Pin examples – storytelling with user engagement


Storytelling example (working around stigma) – The Trevor Project  They use Pinterest offer inspiration and support to their followers.

 They showcase prominent/celebrity supporters.

 They utilize Pins added by users.

 They showcase fundraising merchandise.


The Trevor Project Pinterest Page


The Trevor Project Pin Examples – user engagement examples


The Trevor Project Pin examples – storytelling to convey brand perspective


Curated Boards A way to inspire sharing and create buzz for your brand  Curated boards are a great way to tap into the popularity of the guest curator and bring new users to your page.

 Curated boards open up new participation opportunities for users.

 Curated boards can bring together the influence of your partner organizations to reach fundraising goals and cause awareness building.


Group Curated Pinterest Boards Invite your followers to create their own board (Shutterfly + 15 customers)


Celebrity Curated Boards Aerin Lauder’s Valentine’s Board for The New York

Times Style Magazine


Strategic Partner Curated Boards Oxfam, One Campaign, World Food Program, Care.org & more join forces for #BelowTheLine


Pinterest Contests Endless possibilities & a great way to encourage user participation  Contests can entice more people to start following you or your boards.

 Contests can turn users into brand ambassadors by incentivizing them to pin your content or content related to you on their own boards for their own audience to see.

 Contests can help sell merchandise and fundraise for a specific goal.


Pinterest Contests Examples


In conclusion  Have a distinct perspective and voice.

 Be creative with imagery and copy writing.

 Show off different aspects of your brand.

 Always research what others in your space are doing to stay current and get inspiration.

 Using Instagram & Pinterest can offer strategic protection for your marketing efforts in the ever changing landscape of social media.

 Social media is not the kind of marketing you can do just ‘some times’.

+ Services:

 Social media strategy & implementation  Social media content creation  Interactive promotional campaign creation  Social media training for all levels  Social media policy creation  Blogging  And much more…..

Ask me about special NPL Summit packages.



Thank You!


How Pinterest & Instagram Are Taking Over Erica Ciporen Consulting, LLC www.ericaciporen.com