Aim: How did imperialism affect the development of China?

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Transcript Aim: How did imperialism affect the development of China?

Do Now: examine the political cartoon & answer the 3
questions that follow
1 – What do you see in this political cartoon?
2 – Which countries are shown in this political cartoon?
3 – Why do you think they were interested in China?
 copy Imperialism in China Vocabulary into your
 Read Imperialism in China & fill out the Cause &
Effect chart
 Opium War – conflict between Britain & China in 1839 over the opium
trade. Britain’s superior military & industrial strength led to a quick
Treaty of Nanjing – treaty signed in 1842 that ended the Opium War,
Britain forced China to pay for Britain’s war costs, open ports to British
trade & give Britain the island of Hong Kong
Spheres of Influence – an area in which an outside power claims
exclusive trade privileges.
Taiping Rebellion – peasant rebellion in China occurring between
1850 & 1864
Boxer Rebellion – event in 1900 in which a group known as Boxers
assaulted foreign communities across China
Sun Yat-sen – Chinese Nationalist leader who called for an end to
foreign domination, a form of representative government & economic
security for the Chinese people. Named the 1st President of the Chinese
 In your groups, read the back of the handout
 Underline or highlight the important information
 Fill out the graphic organizer with information on the
Taiping & Boxer Rebellions in China
 How did Imperialism lead to a rise of nationalism in
 The 3 Principles of the People
 Nationalism
 Democracy
 Livelihood