Transcript SEN Changes

March 2015
New code of Practice brought out in July 2014
since updated in January 2015 coming into
force April 1st 2015 - 292 page document
outline the statutory guidance regarding
young people identified as
having SEND from 0-25.
DFE have produced a document for parents to explain the
changes. This can be found on the DFE website at:
This guide explains how the system that supports children and
young people with special educational needs and disabilities
(SEND) works.
It covers:
the law and guidance on which the system is
places to go for help and further information
details about changes to the system from
1 September 2014 (DFE website)
Covers 0-25 age range and includes guidance for disabled
pupils as well as those with SEN
More joined up approach between all professionals including
Focus on participation of the pupil and family involvement at
all levels
Person centred approaches
Outcome focused – where are we going?
All schools required to publish a school information report
showing the support that they may provide for children with
SEND (Found on School website)
All Local Authorities required to publish a local offer showing
the support and services they offer to young people and their
families with SEND:
1. Communication and Interaction
2. Cognition and Learning
3. Social, Emotional and
Mental Health
4. Sensory and or physical needs
Clear guidance to identifying and supporting a pupil with
SEN-SEN Support replaces school action, school action plus
and statements (eventually) moved to Education, Health and
Care Plans (EHCP)
SEN support – Essex Educational Psychologists have produced
a document for all schools to support in the identification of
pupils with SEND and the provision provided
High quality Teaching
Additional school intervention and support
High need
Local authority will be transferring statements
over to Education, Health and Care plans over
the next 4 years.
SEN support in schools
6.44 Where a pupil is identified as having SEN,
schools should take action to remove barriers to
learning and put effective special educational
provision in place. This SEN support should take the
form of a four-part cycle through which earlier
decisions and actions are revisited, refined and
revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s
needs and of what supports the pupil in making good
progress and securing good outcomes. This is known
as the graduated approach. It draws on more detailed
approaches, more frequent review and more
specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to
match interventions to the SEN of children and young
people. (COP 2015)
Takes the form of:
Assess the child’s needs
Plan what are we going to do and how, who
will be involved
Do carry out the plan
Review what has worked, not worked so well,
where are we now, how effective the support
was and what impact it has had.
School information report (School website)
School policy (in process of being updated)