The Current Status of Special Educational Needs Lorraine

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Transcript The Current Status of Special Educational Needs Lorraine

Thursday 22nd November 2012
19.8% of pupils identified with SEND
2.8% with Statements
17% without Statements- a reduction
39% (of the 19.8%) maintained special schools
53.7% (of the 19.8%) maintained mainstream schools
19.8% of statements for ASD
24.6% of those in special school SLD
21.8% primary & 22.6% secondary with MLD
29.1% Primary pupils SLCN – 29% Secondary BESD
DfE Statistical First Release – National Statistics
October 2012
Boys two and half times more likely to have
statements at primary school
Three times more likely at secondary school
24.5% boys with statement or SA+ - BESD
Looked after children 10 times more likely to have
Pupils with SEND more likely to be eligible for free
school meals
SEND Green Paper: Support and Aspiration Progress & Next Steps
Draft Legislation on reform for children and young
people with SEN
Ofsted Inspection Arrangements for Schools – Sept
New Teachers’ Standards & CPD – Sept 2012
Increase of the number of pupils with complex
needs in mainstream schools
DISS outcomes & recommendations
Funding and Pupil Premium
Achievement for All
 Early
Identification and support
 Giving parents control
 Learning and achieving
 Planning for adulthood
 Services working together
for families
Training and Development-Teaching Schools/CLDD
Single School Category (for SEND)
Single assessment/ Education, Health and Care
Health and wellbeing boards – new role
Widening the range of special educational
provision- special academies and free school
Local Offer- clarity of what is available for families
Parents – Greater control over services
School Funding Reform
Preparing for adulthood
 Draft
Bill by Summer 2012
 Consultative stages Autumn 2012- Spring 2013
Education Select Committee call for evidence
 Children & Families Bill introduced in Spring 2013
 Royal Assent and implementation 2014 (thought to
be implemented from September 2014)
 Pathfinder funding now extended to Sept 2014
There are 20 Pathfinders covering 31 LAs- details can
be found at
Legal definition of special educational needs remains the same
Local authorities and clinical commissioning groups must make
arrangements for jointly commissioning services for children with SEN in
their area
Local authorities must produce their ‘local offer’ of available education,
health and care services
Education, Health and Care Plans (0 – 25) replace statements of SEN
Section 139A assessment (Learning Difficulty Assessments) cease to
apply and is replaced by a re-assessment /annual review of the EHC Plan
All of the provisions of the Bill will apply to all schools including
Academies and Free Schools
Schools must still have an SEN Co-ordinator
Right to a mainstream education remains the same
Local authorities must prepare personal budget in relation to an EHC
plan where a request has been made by the parent or young person
Compulsory requirement for a parent or young person to participate in
mediation before they can appeal to the Tribunal
There will be a revised Code of Practice
There is no requirement for teachers in
independent schools to have achieved QTS,
nor for the standards to be used in any
performance management process. However,
it is likely that some independent schools will
choose adopt the new standards.
From April 2012, the new Teaching Agency
use Part 2 of the teachers’ standards, relating
to professional and personal conduct, to
assess cases of serious misconduct against
teachers in any educational setting.
2011 – 2012 £625m rising to £2.5bn by 20142015
£488 per pupil in 2011 – 2012 (FSM)
Eligibility in 2012-2013 – FSM in last 6 years
£600 per pupil in 2012 – 2013
Up to £50m to be spent on Summer Schools
Children in Care
Children of Parents in Armed forces - £250 per
The quality of teaching
◦ Value added progress
◦ Moderation
◦ Above average progress
Use of assessment information
Use of support staff
Working independently
Behaviour and safety
Leadership and management
◦ Disproportionate representation of pupils – attendance,
punctuality, exclusions etc.
◦ Rigorous tracking
◦ Accuracy of identification, rigorous observation, evaluation,
assessment of pupils with SEND
Single legal framework
Consolidates all pre-existing equality duties
Covers many different areas of life
‘Responsible body’ -‘proprietor’ of an
independent school and a non-maintained
special school
Disability: Reasonable adjustments
Disability discrimination
Three elements:
 Curriculum
 Physical environment
 Information for disabled pupils
Can a school charge disabled pupils or
their parents for the additional cost of
providing auxiliary aids?
No, the Act prohibits schools from
passing on the cost of reasonable
adjustments to the disabled pupil
Senior leadership - status
Relevant skills, knowledge, understanding
and attributes
Raising Standards
School Improvement
Lead Teaching and Learning
Every teacher is a teacher of children and
young people with SEND
Whole school professional development
Wider workforce
Specialist teachers
TDA Salt and Lamb training
Voluntary Sector
Parents, Carers and Families
Health and Social Care
2 year project
Development of a SEND training tool-kit for
Year 1 – Secondary – Year 2 – Primary
Delivery by Lead SENCOs to clusters of
SENCOs across England
Support to SENCOs in whole school action
planning and future CPD needs
Changes in provision; Academies, free
Reduction of LA SEN support
Joining forces
Increased parental choice; personal budgets
Developing your “Whole School Approach”
Tool- kit
Jane Friswell
Lead Consultant SEND
 [email protected]