Thomas Paine

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Transcript Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine
The Crisis, Number 1
Aphoristic Style
 “There are the times that try men’s souls”
 “Summer Soldier” – (alliteration)
 “Sunshine Patriot”
 “The heart that feels not now is dead” – (Iambic!)
Logical Appeal
 Tyranny is not easily conquered, like hell . . . But, the harder
the conflict, the sweeter the victory. (Paragraph 1)
 Better for posterity to fight now so their children can have
Ethical Appeal
 Shows he is credible and knowledgable by quoting British
documents (first paragraph)
Emotional Appeal
 Argues that “God will not let us lose”
 Very Puritanical!
 Analogy: Compares the King to a common robber
 Anecdote of the Tory with his son
 Images and metaphors . . . “flame of liberty” etc . . .
Jefferson & The Declaration of
 As we read our final document of this age, annotate the
various appeals Jefferson utilizes.