01-25 P Moore - Harrison County Schools

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Transcript 01-25 P Moore - Harrison County Schools

“Some Children get to Heaven
By: P Moore
What is the logical appeal?
The logical appeal of
this ad is if a parent
smokes they are not
only taking years of
their own life but
shortening the years
on their child’s life as
well. It is not just first
hand smoke that can
kill but second hand
smoke can kill, too.
What is the emotional appeal?
The emotional appeal
is the thought of an
innocent child being
killed by something
preventable. As a
parent knowing that
your smoking can
potentially lead to
your child’s death
should be enough to
make you stop.
What is the ethical appeal?
The ethical appeal
comes from the fact
that the
comes from the
Child Health
This is a creditable
source whom
parents would
Background Information
This is a Child Health
Foundation antismoking ad.
It was created in
It was published in
It was intended to show
parents that if children
are around smoking
they will feel its harmful
effects on their health,
What is the main focus of this ad?
The main focus of
this ad is the little
girl with a halo of
smoke around her
head. Also, The
white worlds
Against a black
background stand
Does it take away from the ad if the
words are missing?
It does take away
from the ad
because without
the words you may
think this
Is just a photo of a
little girl and the
halo just
represents her
Without the
creditable source
or the words the ad
is not
• Organization, Child Health. Some Children get
to Heaven Earlier. 2007. Anti-Smoking Ads,
Germany. Child Health Organization. Web. 24
Jan. 2012.