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The Marketing Mix (4 Ps)
The marketing mix is a business tool used by
brands. It is crucial when determining a product
or brand's offering and image, and is associated
with the four P's:
Product, Price, Promotion, and Place.
Successful businesses ensure the 4 Ps are well
coordinated and appeal to their target market.
So how does this apply to
How you are perceived and the reputation you
have will determine how success you are.
You must answer the following questions to
discover how successful your Marketing Mix is!
This can be done as a poster, video or essay
What is “Brand You”?
1. What is unique about you and what are your best
2. How do you “add value” to the lives of others?
3. What do you want to be?
4. If you were a character in any teen movie, who would
you be and why?
5. What are you passionate about and why?
6. Do you appeal to a Niche (small) or Mass (large)
7. What is more important to you; how good you look, or
how good you are? Explain your answer.
Product Possible answers
I’m a Niche product; I have a handful
of great, close friends
I have amazing hair
I want to be rich/famous/happy/
successful/ helpful/respected.
Everybody loves me, I have 5000
friends on Facebook
I love fashion and want to design my
own clothes
1. How much money would you like to earn per
year and how do you intend to do this?
2. Why will employers be willing to pay this
much for you?
3. What can you do to make yourself more
valuable to employers?
I’ll work hard and do whatever my
boss says!
I want to earn millions!... But I’ve no
idea how.
I’ll get a great education
I’ll make sure I’m passionate about
whatever I do
I’ll make sure I’m better than and
different from the rest
1. What were your last 5 social media updates?
2. What do they say about you as a person?
3. What would your teachers and classmates
say are your strengths and weaknesses?
4. Does this link with “the real you”?
5. If not, what can be done to change this?
Everybody always loves my funny
My friends would say I’m awesome,
my teachers would say I’m lazy
I’m not very good at selling myself, but
those who do know me like me
I act confident, but really I just want
I’m the best dressed, best looking
person here
1. Where do you spend most of your time?
2. Do you want to be a local, national, or global
kinda person?
I’m usually in front of a screen / in the
library / hangin’ out with friends
I want to travel the world
I want to live in London or Paris
I want to stay close to family and
I’ll go wherever my job takes me
Coordinating the
Marketing Mix
1. How do your 4Ps link together?
2. What problems can occur if they are not
coordinated? E.g. someone who talks a lot but
doesn’t do much.
3. Which is the most important “P” in your
Marketing Mix? Explain your answer
4. Evaluate the best ways to improve your personal
marketing mix and image