Transcript End of WWI:

End of WWI:
Treaty of Versailles
New Technology of WWI
Dirigibles (a.k.a. zeppelins,
 Submarines
 Giant Artillery Guns (Big Bertha)
 Tanks
 Poison Gas (Mustard Gas)
 Airplane (Bi-Planes)
 Trenches
Fourteen Points
Before the end of the war, Wilson
addressed Congress on his 14
points for peace
Open treaties
2. Freedom of seas
3. Removal of trade barriers
4. Reduction of armaments
5. Adjustment of colonial claims with
regard to native people
6-13. readjust European boundaries to
acknowledge ethnicity
14. League of Nations
Treaty of Versailles
Between Allies and Germany
 Dominated by “Big Four”
David Lloyd George – GB
 Make
Germany Pay
Georges Clemenceau – France
 Security
against future invasions by
Vittorio Orlando – Italy
 Enlarge
Italy’s territory
Woodrow Wilson – US
 Create
peace by 14 points
Major Treaty Provisions
War Guilt Clause: total blame to Germany
Reparations: Germany had to pay $33
Germany Lost colonies
Alsace-Lorraine returned to France
Germany’s military power diminished
Limited to 100,000, no conscription
Could not build new subs or airplanes
Rhineland demilitarized
League of Nations established
Weakened because US refused to join
(isolationism) and Germany and Russia were
forbidden to join
Treaty Map
Other Results
Almost an entire generation of men killed, less
marriage and children, Birth rate declined in
Italy and Japan angry at not receiving territory
Ottoman Empire reduced to present-day Turkey
Austria-Hungarian Empire dissolved
New Nations: Yugoslavia, Hungary,
Russia lost territory to Romania and Poland;
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland gained
Poland restored, given a “Polish Corridor” to Baltic
Ottoman Empire divided into mandates; GB
controlled Iraq and Pakistan, France controlling
Syria and Lebanon