Canada Takes a Stand for Independence

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Canada Takes a Stand for
Chanak Crisis
The Halibut Treaty
The Imperial Conference
The Balfour Report
The Statute of Westminster
Review WWI
The Chanak Crisis 1922
• Chanak was a Turkish
port controlled by Britain
- Condition of one of the treaties
from the Paris Peace
• 1922 British occupation
troops threatened by
Turkish Nationalists
- threat to the British Empire
The Chanak Crisis Significance
• Britain asked Prime
Minister King for help
****First time we refused
unconditional support for
the British Empire in war
The Halibut Treaty 1923
• Canada and the US
negotiated a treaty to
protect the Halibut stocks
in BC and Alaska
• Treaty established the
international Pacific
Halibut Commission
- Way to co-manage the Pacific
The Halibut Treaty Significance
• Canada negotiated the
treaty without involving
British officials
- British protested!
• Seen as a victory in
independent diplomacy
for Mackenzie King
- Key argument at the Imperial
The Imperial Conference of 1926
• Conference in which the
dominions of the British
Empire requested formal
recognition of their
• Where Canada made its
greatest progress towards legal
The Balfour Report 1926
• Reported the conclusions of the Imperial
• Acknowledged that Canada was an autonomous
community within the British Empire, and not
subordinate to Britain
• The Canadian Governor General was only a
representative of the British Monarch
Leader of
the Liberal
General Lord
of the British
Monarch in
Leader of the
The King Byng Crisis of 1926
• In 1926 the Governor General refused the Prime
Minister’s request to dissolve Parliament and call an
• Significance
- Mackenzie King publically challenged Britain
over the role of the Governor General and
Britain's influence on Canada’s internal politics
The King-Byng Crisis Story Time
• 1925 Election
Liberals win fewer seats than Conservatives
- King forms minority coalition government with
Progressive party, so King stays in power!
Conservatives Angry!
- Call for a vote of disapproval over King’s Liberal
- Progressives avoid scandal and back out of coalition
The King-Byng Crisis 1926
• King asked Byng to now dissolve parliament call
an election
- Knows he will win!
Byng Refuses
- King Resigns
- Meighen asked to form a new government
The King-Byng Crisis 1926
• Meighen Government fails!
- Subject to a vote of non-confidence
• Byng forced to dissolve Parliament
- Election set for September 1926
Return of the King!
• 1926 Election
• King and his Liberals
win a majority
• All of that Drama for
the same ending
The Statute of Westminster 1931
• Legalized the Balfour Report
• Formally turned the British Empire into the
British Commonwealth
- Canada autonomous within the Commonwealth
The Dominion of Canada now independent from
British colonial powers
Restrictions on Canada’s Independence
1. The British North
American Act remained
- Canadian Federal and
Provincial governments could
not agree on Amending
2. Judicial Committee of
the Privy Council
remained the final court
of appeal for Canadians