Transcript Slide 1

Setting Up a New Village Scheme
The Story of Hartfields
Karen Croucher and Mark Bevan
Centre for Housing Policy
University of York
The Centre for Housing Policy
Context, project aims and methods
Barriers, challenges and constraints
Partnership relationships
Financial model
Physical environment
Selection of residents
Lessons for policy makers and practitioners
The Centre for Housing Policy
The Centre for Housing Policy
• 242 units of mixed tenure accommodation (flats
and some cottages)
• High density
• Range of communal facilities
• Owned and managed by Joseph Rowntree
• Partnership with Hartlepool BC
• £10M from DH Extracare Funding Programme
• £0.7M from Housing Corporation
• Rooted in wider extracare strategy for Hartlepool
The Centre for Housing Policy
Aims of the project
• Funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation
• Track the early development of Hartfields
• Explore the key decisions and why they were
• Explore the expectations of key stakeholders:
partner organisations, service providers,
residents, local community
• Draw out practice lessons for similar
• Contribute to the evidence base
The Centre for Housing Policy
• Collate documentation that recorded decision
making process
• Interviews with key stakeholders before scheme
opened and in first year of operation
Hartlepool Borough Council
Primary Care Trust
Key managers at the JR Housing Trust
New staff and residents at Hartfields
Other local stakeholders: community groups,
voluntary sector
The Centre for Housing Policy
Partnership Working: Hartlepool Extra Care
Partnership Committee
• Clear remit and focus
Oversee the development of the Care Village
Monitor funding agreement between DH and HBC
Conclude business when first residents arrive
Final decisions on development with JRHT
Wide representation
Problem solving role
Organisation change at HBC and JRF/JRHT
Different concerns of different partners
The Centre for Housing Policy
Financial model
• DH funding and JRHT investment
• Mixed tenure: 40% for sale, 40% for rent
(nominations from HBC), 20% shared ownership
• Affordable
• Supporting People funding
• Four bands of care initially planned
• Fair Access to Care: substantial or critical needs
• Attendance Allowance to cover low/moderate
• Housing market collapse/recession
The Centre for Housing Policy
• Marketing strategy prepared 2006
• Promote the idea of an “extracare village”
Independent living
Services and costs
Mixed tenure
Facilities shared with wider community
• Range of promotional activities
• Sell properties in a recession
• Flexible options for purchasers
The Centre for Housing Policy
Physical environment
• Green field site designated for residential
• Increase in site price
• Speed of development/Design and build
• Location of social facilities
• Location of facilities to be shared with wider
community: GP surgery, day centre, park
• Parking and transport
The Centre for Housing Policy
Resident selection
Independent living
Hartlepool residents aged 60 and above
Mixed tenure and range of needs across tenure
Complicated allocation process
Difficulties selling properties
Initial HBC allocations to high level needs
Concentration of disabled/frail in rented
The Centre for Housing Policy
Messages for policy makers and practitioners
• Enabling role of planning
• Role of Partnership Committee
• Promoting realistic expectations of “extra care”
to residents and providers
• Accommodating different lifestyle choices and
• Responding to external challenges/changes
• Managing complex communities of older people
– New skills? Combination of skills? Training? Sharing?
The Centre for Housing Policy
Future Challenges
• Public sector funding
– Supporting People
– Attendance Allowance
– Personalised budgets
• Local housing market
• Competition from other extracare schemes
• Demonstrate the added-value of preventive
• Balancing and meeting diverse needs
The Centre for Housing Policy
A different way of life
When I heard of Hartfields, I said, “This is the
kind of place I’ve been thinking about”, and I
couldn’t put it exactly into words, but I used to
think, “Why can’t you go to a place as a stepping
stone, before you get to a place where you need
complete attention?”. And when I read about
here, it was “well, this has been my thinking all
along”. So I was determined to get here, by hook
or by crook. And I’m enjoying it.
Hartfield resident, 2009
The Centre for Housing Policy