Transcript Slide 1

Spring 2014 EOC
Test Security
April 3, 2014
Assessment Administration
Test Security
• Must strictly adhere to all JPPSS Test
Security Policy procedures.
• All personnel involved in any aspect of
standardized testing must trained.
• Only personnel trained in test security and
administration shall be allowed to have
access to or administer any standardized
Test Security
• Assurance
– All parties involved in the testing procedure must sign
the EOC Security and Confidentiality Agreement.
EOC Homepage
Test Coordinator Materials Tab
Security and Confidentiality Agreement
Fax School Test Coordinator’s to Harriet Hillson.
– 349-8573
• Keep Test Administrators’ agreements on file at school.
– The EOC Security and Confidentiality Agreement.
must be kept on file for three (3) years.
Test Security
• Materials: Storage
– A predetermined, secure, locked area must be
designated for storage of secure materials – the
principal and School Test Coordinator (STC) should
have the only keys for the duration of testing.
– It is strongly recommended that no one work in the
secure storage area without another person
Test Security
• Secure Materials include
– Test items or anything containing test items
• Braille books
• Communication Assistance scripts
• Student responses
– All paper materials containing student work or notes
– Typing Help charts
– Geometry Reference Sheet
– Writer’s Checklists
– Student log-in information
• These materials must be shredded when testing is
Test Security
• Materials: Storage and Use
– Test materials must NEVER be left in open areas or
– Test Administrators (TA) should be given access
to test materials ONLY on the day(s) the test is
Test Security
• Accommodations for Special Populations
– LEP accommodations are permitted on this
– Must be accommodations the student receives on a
regular basis throughout the school year (IEP, IAP,
– Accommodations are in place only in order to give
the student with disabilities a level playing field with
non-disabled peers.
Test Security
• Classroom Preparation
– The classroom must be prepared for testing.
– Manila folders or other visual barriers may be placed between
adjacent computers to prevent students from viewing the
computer monitors of neighboring students.
– If computer labs are configured in rows, care should be taken
that students cannot see the work of students seated in front of
– Seating charts must be completed by each TA.
– Any content related bulletin boards, walls, or posters must be
covered or removed.
– Conduct a walk through to determine that classroom
preparation has occurred.
Test Security
• Test Administration
– Testing signs must be on door.
– If TA does not know students, then an ID must be presented by
the students before testing begins.
– TA must have a list of accommodations for the students.
– Students must have room for materials and to write at desks.
– TA must read directions as written.
Test Security
• Reopening a closed test session without a valid
reason in a violation of test security.
• Valid reasons include
Student became ill
Student needed more time
Student was absent – makeup test
Lost Internet connection
Lost power
Computer crashed
Emergency during testing
Approved accommodations
Other (explanation must be provided)
Test Security
• Testing should be scheduled to allow students enough
time to complete a test session on the same day it is
– Review testing schedule and suggested times for each session.
Test Security
• Cell Phones
– If an individual student’s cell phone is seen, rings,
or if there is any cell phone activity while the phone is
on the student’s person during the actual testing
sessions, then the test on which the student is
working will be voided. In such instances, the
teacher is to collect the student’s test and answer
document immediately and have a hall monitor take
the student to the office.
– The student must remain out the classroom until
testing is completed for that subject. An Irregularity
Report and a Void Notification Form must be
completed and sent to the Chip Farman as soon as
Test Security
• Cell Phones
– If a student’s cell phone rings and it is with the
phones that have been collected, all students are to
continue testing. An investigation by the Principal
and School Test Coordinator will be conducted when
testing is completed to determine if tests will be
– If a TA’s cell phone rings, is seen, or if there is any
cell phone activity during testing, all students are to
continue testing. An investigation by the Principal
and School Test Coordinator will be conducted when
testing is completed to determine if tests will be
voided due to Administrative Error.
Test Security
• Administrative Error
– If tests are voided due to Administrative Error, a
retest may be give prior to the next scheduled test
– $350 charge to school for each retest due to
administrative error.
Test Security
• How to Avoid a Violation
– Do not examine any test items.
– Do not give students access to test questions prior to
– Do not copy, reproduce, discuss, or use at any time,
all or part of any secure test booklet or answer
– Do not coach examinees in any manner during the
Test Security
• How to Avoid a Violation
– Do not alter or interfere with examinees’ responses
in any way.
– Do not provide answers to students in any form written, printed, verbal, or nonverbal.
– Administer the tests in a manner that is consistent
with instructions provided by LDE.
– Follow all security regulations for distribution and
return of secure materials.
Test Security
• How to Avoid a Violation
– Have a written accounting of secure materials
before, during, and after testing.
– Report ANY testing irregularities to the Principal
and the District Test Coordinator.
(Appendix IX)
– Testing irregularities to be on the look out for:
• Plagiarism
• Unauthorized materials use
Test Security
• What Happens After a Violation
– The District Test Coordinator (DTC) shall be notified
in writing immediately by the School Test
Coordinator (STC) and Principal.
– The District Test Coordinator (DTC) starts an
investigation process.
– A report of the investigation and a written plan of
action is provided to JPPSS and State
Superintendent within 30 days.
Test Security
• When something out of the ordinary happens
complete an irregularity form.
State Monitoring During Testing
Monitor’s Role
Observing testing
Documenting observations
Notifying LDOE of issues requiring immediate attention
NOT Monitor’s Role
Assisting in testing including supervision of students or
Answering questions regarding testing
Providing immediate feedback to schools
District Monitoring During Testing
DISTRICT monitors will be in the schools
during all phases of testing.
Monitor’s Role
Observing testing
Documenting observations
Notifying LDOE of issues requiring immediate attention
NOT Monitor’s Role
Assisting in testing including supervision of students or
Answering questions regarding testing
Providing immediate feedback to schools
Test Security
• Training at School Site
– Test administrators must have ample time to read
the manual before testing occurs.
• At least one week before testing begins.
• Summary
– Test Security is of the utmost importance.
– Completely read the entire “JPPSS Test Security
Policy” and Test Administrator Manual BEFORE
testing begins.