The Industrial Revolution Begins 1750

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The Industrial Revolution Begins
1750 - 1850
Chapter 5
Witness History Audio
Matthew Boulton and the Steam Engine
Dawn of the Industrial Age
thousands of years people throughout civilizations
lived and worked in small farming villages.
In the mid-1700s a chain of events changed the way of life
for all time.
The Industrial Revolution started in Britain.
Production shifted from simple hand tools to complex
The Industrial Revolution spread to the rest of the world.
 In
Life Changes as Industry Spreads
1750, most people worked the land, using handmade tools.
 They lived in cottages lit by firelight and candles.
 They made their own clothing and grew their own food.
 They knew little of the world that existed beyond their village.
 By
the 1850s, many villages had grown into industrial cities.
 People were able to buy clothing and food that someone else produced.
 Travelers moved by train or steamships powered by the steam engine.
 Skyscrapers and suburbs helped trigger the industrialization of the “West,” the
industrialized countries in Europe.
Jethro Tull’s Seed Drill
Agriculture Spurs Industry
pg 171-172
1. What kinds of statistics might reflect the changes
that occurred in the Industrial Revolution?
2. How did farming methods improve during the
second agricultural revolution?
3. How did these changes help lead to the Industrial
New Technology Becomes Key
pg 173
1. Which two technologies contributed to the
Industrial Revolution?
2. How did these two technologies influence
each other?