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What is it?
• Dynamic, interactive system
• Person and environment have to be
studied jointly
• A person’s behaviour is a function of both
the person and their environment –
especially the person’s perception of their
Competence and environmental
Competence: best functional capacity of
an individual
Measured in five areas:
1. Biological health
2. Sensory-perceptual functioning
3. Motor skills
4. Cognitive skills
5. Ego strength
Competence and environmental
Environmental press: demands placed
by the environment on each individual
• The demands can be:
1. Physical
2. Interpersonal
3. Social
Lawton and Nahemov’s model
• The less competent a person is, the more
impact the environment has
Kahana’s Congruence Model
• People search for environments that best
meet their needs
• Environments vary in their ability to meet
different people’s needs and demands
• Congruence is especially important when
options are limited
• This model is helpful in assessing longterm care facilities
Stress and Coping Theory
• Older adults’ adaptation to the
environment depends on
• Their perception of environmental stress
• Their attempts to cope
• Social systems and institutions may buffer
the effects of stress
Loss-Continuum Concept
• Aging seen as a progressive series of
losses that reduces one’s social
• Therefore, home and neighbourhood
become more important
• Very important to help individuals maintain
competence and independence
• This model is more a practical guide and
not a theory
Concept of Everyday Competence
• Ability to perform behaviours essential for
independent living:
• Physical
• Psychological
• Social
Willis Model of Everyday
• Antecedents: individual (e.g. health, cognitive status)
and sociocultural (e.g. social policy, health care policy)
• Components: intraindividual (how a person experiences
their health, cognition) and contextual (how a particular
policy is implemented in each case)
• Mechanisms: variables that can affect expression of
competence, e.g. personal perception of selfcompetence or of control
• Outcomes: primarily physical and psychological wellbeing, the basic components of successful aging
What Is Optimal Aging?
Avoiding disease
Engaged in life (as opposed to withdrawal)
Good cognitive and physical functioning
The last two more important: many seniors
with diseases age successfully
• Important: dignity and independence
Healthy lifestyle
Cognitive stimulation
Positive, optimistic outlook
Social network
Healthy finances
Importance of health promotion programs
adapted to all groups (SES, ethnicity, etc)
• Four levels of preventive intervention (see text)