Role of expert in international arbitration

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Role of expert in international
Josef Kotrba (on behalf of Andrew Flower)
Prague, September 2014
Who is the expert witness
“Persons who are professionally acquainted with some science or are skilled in
some art or trade, or who have experience or knowledge in relation to matters which
are not generally known to the people.”
Quoted from Miller v. Slate, 9 Okl. Cr. 255, 131, p. 717, 718, L.R.A. 1915A, 1088,
cited in Black’s Law Dictionary, at n. 40.
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The role of an expert witness
• Primary role:
Provide tribunal with independent and objective expertise with neutral view of case
Establish and measure economic losses (if any), value of a business
Present expert opinion with conclusions
• Advisory/consultant role:
Role of case strategy consultant
Objective to maximize client’s interests; perform reasonable, defensible analysis
No requirement to be independent
Distinct from testifying expert witness
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The services provided by an expert witness
• Primary services:
Identify and explain technical issues relating to valuation, accounting, finance and
Prepare expert report(s) – expert’s opinion on damages
Review other expert reports - provide commentary or critique
Attendance at hearing – oral testimony, cross-examination, witness conferencing,
assistance during questioning of opposing expert
• Other services:
Identify financial and accounting information needed to assess damages
Review documents, for relevance to financial matters
Obtain external information and conduct research (e.g. industry data)
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To enable effective outcome
• Define the scope (recognizing this can shift)
• Plan adequate time
• Enquire as to availability re. key dates
• Consider teaming with other experts e.g. industry
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Things to watch out for (I)
• Mechanical/calculation/arithmetic errors
• Use of unsupported or different assumptions
• Double-counting
• Reliance on management forecast without adequate due diligence
• Unsupported or different facts relied upon
• Interpretation of facts/information, different experience of experts
• Provide opinion on matters outside of expertise (e.g. legal opinion)
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Things to watch out for (II)
• Acting as an advocate rather than assisting the court/tribunal
• Overly technical, not understandable by non-expert
• “Reality” test – does not assess the overall reasonableness of conclusions,
evaluate quantum of loss as a whole
• Does not consider other methods of quantifying loss as a ‘cross check’
• Inflexibility / unwillingness to acknowledge errors, weaknesses
• Invention of new valuation methodologies!
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Testimony (II)
• Preparation
• Brief direct examination
• Anticipate cross-examination questions
• Draft cross-examination questions for opposing expert
• Signal for issues on re-direct
• Use of expert’s senior team
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Strategies and Practical Tips for Working With
Experts (I)
• Often useful to appoint the expert from the outset
Expert can identify key weaknesses in assumptions over damages/ valuation
Can give initial estimate as to likely loss/ valuation
Assistance with production of documents
Avoid false economies
• Selecting the right expert
Substantive expertise and the wherewithal to deliver within the process
Set realistic deadlines / timetables
Unrealistic deadlines have cost/ efficiency implications
Scope for errors increase
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Strategies and Practical Tips for Working With
Experts (II)
• Preserving the expert’s independence
The expert ‘s opinions are their own
The expert ‘s opinions need to be built on a firm factual and legal foundation
• Communication is key
Throughout the process
Interaction with other experts
• Cost management
Limit the number of ‘alternative scenarios’
Plan adequate time
Accessibility of the client
Access to client data
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