Mid Term Review Jeopardy - Ms. Costas` History Class

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Transcript Mid Term Review Jeopardy - Ms. Costas` History Class

Early US Civil War
Early U.S.
$100 Question
Developed in 1793 by
Eli Whitney
What is…
Cotton Gin
$200 Question
This left the
determination of
slavery to be voted on
by the state’s settlers
What is…
$300 Question
Draws the Mason Dixon line (36, 30) –
states above this line are free states,
states below are slave states
What is…
Missouri Compromise
$400 Question
US foreign policy regarding Latin
American countries that stated
that further efforts by European
nations to colonize lands in North
and South American would be
taken as acts of aggression,
requiring US intervention
What is…
Monroe Doctrine
$500 Question
Supreme Court Case; position was
appointed by Adams but refused by
Jefferson; ruling states Judiciary
Act of 1789 unconstitutional;
establishes judicial review
What is…
Marbury vs.
Civil War
$100 Question
This was a Supreme Court
case in 1857 that declared
slaves were “private
What is…
Dred Scott
$200 Question
This is the site in
which the first shots
of the war were fired
Who are…
Fort Sumter
$300 Question
This man’s actions at
Harper’s Ferry were one of
the main causes of the Civil
What is…
John Brown
$400 Question
The site where Lee and
Grant settled the terms
regarding the end of
the Civil War
Who is…
Court House,
$500 Question
The Civil War saw the
implementation of two new
forms of legislation that had
never been part of the U.S.
Who is…
Conscription and
National Income
$100 Question
He was the first African
American to serve in the U.S.
What is…
Hiram Revels
$200 Question
Sherman promised this
to freedmen who moved
to vacant lands on the
east coast
What is…
40 Acres and a Mule
$300 Question
The election of this man
brought the end of
Who is…
Rutherford B.
$400 Question
Which plan said 50% of
the people need to pledge
loyalty before re-entering
the Union?
What is…
The Radical
Republican’s Plan
$500 Question
What law split 10 southern
states into 5 military monitored
districts and got rid of any state
government that had not
ratified the 14th Amendment?
Who is…
The Reconstruction
Act of 1867
The West
$100 Question
This crop was to the
West as cotton was to
the South
What is…
$200 Question
160 acres of
Reservation land
awarded to the head of
What is…
Dawes Act
$300 Question
A ritual that celebrated the
hope for a day of reckoning
when the white settlers
would disappear, buffalo
return, and ancestors rise
from the dead
Who is…
Ghost Dance
$400 Question
What well known Native
American said the wellknown quote, “I will fight
no more, forever”
What is…
Chief Joseph
$500 Question
Name the 3 minerals found in the
West that served the needs of
industries in the East
Who is…
Gold, silver, and copper
$100 Question
This is when a company
controls all of the businesses
that go into making a product
What is…
$200 Question
This was the famous fire
that killed over 140
women in NYC
Who is…
Triangle Shirtwaist
Factory Fire
$300 Question
This person gave away a lot
of his money. In fact, he
used his money to found the
University of Chicago
Who is…
John D. Rockefeller
$400 Question
This is what you call it
when two or more
companies join together
to end competition
What is…
A Trust
$500 Question
What was the first
industry to be
What is…
Gilded Age
$100 Question
He was a corrupt
political boss who led
Tammany Hall
What is…
William “Boss” Tweed
$200 Question
What was the name of
the book published by
Jacob Riis, and what was
the book’s purpose?
What is…
How the Other Half
Lives – to help the urban
poor by exposing problems
of child labor,
homelessness, poverty,
crime, etc.
$300 Question
To search for and expose
corruption, scandal, and
crime as a means for reform
What is…
$400 Question
What were 3 parts of the
Populist Party Platform?
What is…
Graduated Income Tax
Gov’t ownership of railroads
12 Hour Workday
Initiative and Referendum
Secret Ballots
Free Silver
Limits on Immigration
Direct Election of US Senators
Civil Service Exams
End Corporate Subsidies
$500 Question
Movement that taught
religion and human
dignity would help the
poor overcome problems
of industrialization
What is…
Social Gospel
Final Jeopardy
In 1456, Scottish King James II
banned people from playing what
two increasingly popular sports,
because they were distracting
people from training in archery?
What is…
Soccer (football) / Golf