Hounslow PowerPoint Template

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Tuesday, 07 July 2015
Health and Wellbeing Grants
Phill Austen-Reed
Health and Wellbeing Grants
• Drawn from the public health resources
allocated to LBH
• Continues from and grows the funding we
allocated in 2012/13
• Aimed at organisations within community
and voluntary sector (HCN)
• Based upon local health and wellbeing
strategy and priorities
• Should have a particular focus on promoting
healthy weight in children and families
• Provide particular support for Hounslow’s
more vulnerable residents
• Up to £15,000 over 12 months
• Show links with partners in delivery
• Demonstrate how will have an impact on
1. Reduction in weight and improved ability to
maintain a healthy weight
2. Increased regular participation in Physical activity and /
or sport sessions
3. Improvement in healthy eating behaviours
4. Reduced feeling of isolation through greater
participation in local social activities (these could
include active, creative or learning activities)
5. Improved emotional well-being
Applications should:
• Focus on delivering projects to children and families
• Take into account existing structures, projects and
programmes, and avoid duplication
• Identify at least 10% match funding which can be in the
form of funding, gift in kind support, or volunteering.
• Be for predominantly revenue costs – capital items
should not total more than 10% of the funding being
applied for.
Applications should:
• Make a difference over the longer term and identify what
impact the project will have on the stated outcomes and
how it will offer value for money for the target
• Be from or done in partnership with local borough
• Demonstrate evidence of need for the proposed project
• Demonstrate how the project will be accessible to the
community being targeted
• Demonstrate how partner organisations are also
engaged in the project.
Funding could be used for?
• Salaries
• Seed funding for newer organisations offering something
different to the borough.
• Expenses of project staff and volunteers
• Reasonable proportion of rent, heating, lighting,
maintenance etc.
• Training of staff and volunteers
• Monitoring and evaluation of the project
• Marketing and publicity
• Health and wellbeing related events, if part of a project.
• Capital costs (only up to 10% of total)
Funding can’t be used for
• Retrospective funding, including staff development time.
• Any costs which someone else is already paying for
(unless this is coming to an end)
• Items that only benefit one individual and are not needed
to deliver the project outcomes.
• Funds to build up a reserve or surplus
Monitoring and Evaluation
• Important to consider this early
• Develop a method and process as part of the
application (don’t leave it until afterwards)
• Include it within your costs
• Need to show what impact the project has made
– Comparison between start of the project and follow up
• 6 update and 12 month report required.
Application Process
• LBH Panel
• Independently assessed and scored
– Scoring allocation identified on the application form
• Moderated to agree final scoring
• Agreed by Director
• Successful organisations sent grant agreement
• Organisation invoices for first payment once
agreement signed and any further requests have
been satisfied
Application Process
Grant Advertised
14 November
Application deadline
14 January
Applications assessed
w/c 18 January
Internal Approval
w/c 17 February
Organisations informed
w/c 24 February
Project delivery
From 17 March
Feedback and discussion
In your groups please discuss:
1. What initial ideas and opportunities do you think
your organisation may put forward?
– Would you be interested in discussing this further
with other organisations working on a similar area.
2. Does the process seem reasonable to you?
– What difficulties might there be for you in applying
3. Based on your experience, do the outcomes feel
relevant to the people you work / have contact