Transcript Slide 1

Dr Manoj Kumar Therayil,
President, OPENMIND
 Educating public
 Supporting research
 Conducting research
 Training health care staff
 Improving quality of care
 Advocacy for better care
 Helping local self governments
 Building healthy communities
Educating Public
Provide reliable, independent and evidence based
health information to help individuals and communities
make best health care decisions
1.Patient Information Leaflets (PILs)
2. Evidence based summary guidelines for public and
professionals on clinical conditions
Encourage, support and conduct clinical, community and health
service research and audits on subjects relevant to health care in
1.Comprehensive survey of child maltreatment
2.Service provision review of childhood malignancies
3.Adolescent wellbeing and lifestyle study
4. Annual audit awards for hospitals and individuals 2012
5.Evidence Based Medicine workshop series
6.Research network
Training health care staff
Build capacity with in primary care services to provide
evidence based and effective care
1.Skill based workshops for Primary care doctors
2.Nurse lead outpatient screening clinic pilot
3.Gift A Lecture-International faculty Program
Improving quality of care
Support, initiate and organise and build networks with
service providers and professional organisations and
public bodies to develop , implement and monitor
standards of care in all health care facilities
1.Olg age home/care homes: Care Standards 2012.
working party appointed.
Advocacy for better care
To initiate, support and work with other organisations to
ensure equitable access to appropriate and high quality
health care based solely on clinical needs
1.Annual Health and Society seminar
2.Patients Charter- 2012
Helping local self governments
To work with local communities in enhancing the capability
to effectively address health and social care needs
1.Our Children Our future Project: with Thrissur Corporation,
SCPO, HCPO, WCPO with a referral pathway triggered by
suspicion and risk assessment
2.Project FIRST BELL- 2011
Building healthy communities
To initiate debates, promote policy initiatives and
support interventions that would create , sustain and
nurture healthy communities
Community healthy living Centres- team of architects,
structural engineers and project managers will offer
free design and implementation support services to
local bodies.
Our partners
 Indian Medical Association
 Kerala State Health service
 Independent clinical service providers
 Medical education sector
 Local self governments
 Health and social care organisations
Our principles
 Inspired by problems and guided by ideas
 Encouraged by diversity of opinions
 Putting people first
 Promoting the best for the most
 Enhance participation in decision making
Our values
 Transparency
 Accountability
 Inclusiveness
 Cohesiveness
 Reflectiveness
 Respect for unknown
 Rigorous on evidence
Our vision
 Effective , efficient and evidence based health care
that is…
delivered free at the point of delivery
determined by clinical needs
provided by services that uphold human dignity
Spirit of our logo
 The open rectangle represents our desire to think out of
the box and to deviate from the norms
 The human figure embodies our wish to place the
public at the heart of our actions.
 The open arms describe our keen interest in welcoming
 The horizon stands for our boundless ambitions
 Message from Dr.Sree Kumar Vasudeven, President,