What is 25 November?

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25 November and
16 Days of Activism
Club Toolkit
Zonta and 25 November
16 Days of Activism Dates: 25 November – 10 December, 2013
Main Zonta Day: 25 November, 2013
What is 25 November? On this date, Zonta seeks to engage our 30,000 members to
participate in a common day of activism in unity with the UN’s International Day for the
Elimination of Violence Against Women and the subsequent 16 Days of Activism. While
clubs are encouraged to take action throughout all 16 days, we will build awareness with
an activism-focused day worldwide. Participating in this day helps us send a stronger,
more impactful message and increases Zonta’s visibility.
16 Days of Activism is a global campaign to raise awareness about gender-based
violence as a human rights issue at the local, national, regional and international levels,
and demonstrate the solidarity of women around the world organizing in opposition to
violence against women.
Many clubs have already planned activities. If your club has not yet planned an activity,
here are some ideas you can begin planning today:
Advanced planning required:
Give a presentation at a local school to educate and empower young women
Invite a local expert on women’s issues to address your community
Host a viewing party and discussion of relevant documentaries such as Girl Rising
or Half the Sky
Organize a “silent march” in which shoes are displayed in a particular location to
represent victims of domestic violence
Take and share a photo of your club wearing orange clothing and Zonta Says NO
ribbon/wristband, holding up their hands to say “no.”
Organize a collection for Zonta’s ZISVAW Fund
Take a group self defense class
Collect items to donate to a local women’s shelter
Host a day of blogging in which club members blog about women’s issues; include
Zonta Says NO logo.
• No planning required:
Share the Zonta Says NO infographic on your social networks
Print and display the Zonta Says NO infographic at your workplace
Use Facebook to give thanks to a positive female role model
Wear a ribbon, give a ribbon
Wear orange and tell five people why
“Share Your Story” on ZontaSaysNo.com or www.zonta.org
Once your club has planned an activity or activities,
here are some tools to help you promote the event(s):
• Email your event details to [email protected] to be listed on
• Update the press release template with event details and send to local
media outlets with an invitation to attend
• Prior: Post event details on your Facebook and Twitter pages to
encourage attendance
Engage on • Day of: Share frequent photo updates during your activity via Facebook,
social media Instagram and Twitter using the hashtags #ZontaSaysNO and #16Days
Follow up
• After event, update the press release template again with activity photos
and results; send to local media outlets
• Follow up with participants to thank them for their participation
• “Share Your Story” on Zonta.org
Social Media
Social media will play a significant role in our November 25 day of action.
Here’s how we can boost our visibility on our social networks:
Change your default/profile/cover photo to an image selected from the Zonta Says NO image library
Use the hashtags #ZontaSaysNO and #16Days
Engage your Twitter network before, during and after your event by copying and pasting these sample
I pledge to say NO to violence against women. Join me at ZontaSaysNo.com #ZontaSaysNO #16Days
1 in 3 women around the world will experience physical/sexual violence by a partner. #ZontaSaysNO
Take steps to save lives. Silent marches represent the millions of women silenced by partner violence.
#ZontaSaysNO #16Days
About 140M women suffer from female genital mutilation/cutting. That’s almost 1 million women represented
per minute each day. #ZontaSaysNO #16Days
Globally, 38% of all murdered women were murdered by their intimate partners. #ZontaSaysNO #16Days
Join Zonta International’s 30K members in saying NO to violence against women and girls.
zontasaysno.com #ZontaSaysNo. #16Days
Empower women worldwide to say NO to violent acts against women and girls that go unreported each day.
#ZontaSaysNo #16Days
Wear Orange. Show your support of saying NO to violence by purchasing Zonta Says NO wristbands or
ribbon: http://bit.ly/12iVKLH
Women are 2 to 4 times more likely than men to become infected with HIV during intercourse. Forced sex or
rape increases this risk. #ZontaSaysNO #16Days
What will YOU do to stop violence against women and girls in your local community? Join #ZontaSaysNO