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Branding with PR
To be visible provokes an interest
Zonta International
District 21 ▪ Sweden & Latvia
Kiki Ann Mauritzson
PR Coordinator D 21 – who I am?
Already as a 5-year old I knew what to become…
… an acrobat
How did it all start?
 During the1920:s 1930:s crisis
the women became unwelcomed on the labour market
 The women were blamed for
the birth-rate decline
 Women rarely held leadership
 The female suffrage became an
international network starting
in the USA
 In this spirit Zonta was founded
Marian de Forest
in Buffalo, USA 1919
”Women” and ”rights”
were two different things. Ms.
Marian de Forest began her career
as a newspaper reporter, one of
the first women in this profession.
She joined the staff of the Buffalo
Express, and became a famous
play writer. Ms. de Forest
envisioned a strong network that
would help women reach their
rightful places in the professions.
Five founders and some more
 Zonta was founded in 1919, 8 November in Buffalo, USA.
 Zonta International grew rapidly to a worldwide,
nonpartisan and nonsectarian service organization of
executives in business and the professions working
together in advancing the status of women.
Amelia Earhart Stipendium
In 1928 female education became
a priority in Zonta. In 1938 the
”Amelia Earhart Fellowship
Program” was established after
the Zontian Amelia Earhart, the
first female solo air pilot crossing
the Atlantic.
”Please know I am quite aware of the
hazards. I want to do it because I want
to do it. Women must try to do things as
men have tried. When they fail, their
failure must be but a challenge to
Amelia Earhart, 1937
Human rights are
women´s rights too
Women's equality is not yet a reality.
Women worldwide face systemized discrimination - they lack
opportunies to live healthy lives, free from legal, social, economic
and political inequality. Zonta International empowers women to
overcome barriers to their equal human rights through its
International Service Projects funded by the Zonta International
Foundation. Zonta has general consultative status with the Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC), one of six principal bodies carrying
out UN work.
At the Convention in 2010 the Codes of Ethical Conduct,
according to the UN resolution 1325, was adopted.
Zonta becomes International
The first European club was founded in Vienna, Austria in 1930
Zonta International
 The first Swedish club was founded in Stockholm in 1935.
 After the Second World War millions of women were forced back to
their homes. After getting used to independence, meaning freedom.
 Equal pay for equal work and childcare were important issues in
 The first club in Latvia was founded in Riga in 1993.
 Over 31,000 members belong to more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 66
countries and geographic areas today.
 Zonta International's headquarters is situated in Chicago, USA.
 The Zonta friendship is everywhere. Zontians fund and participate in
projects fundamental to promote women's economic self-sufficiency,
political equality, access to education and health care and the
elimination of violence against women.
 Through cooperation with the UN and through advocacy we can
change in the legislation, for example violence against women.
Latvia Clubs part of District 21, area 06
 The first club was founded in Riga in 1993
 The second club was founded in Jelgava in the year 1997
and in 2002 the third club was founded in Valmiera.
In 2005, the fourth club was founded in Bauska.
 2010 the fifth club in Latvia is chartered,
we welcome Ogre
Why PR? An economic crisis package,
plan the communication, in order to:
 Save time and money for all of us
we are stressed ”experience addicters”
 Professional strengthen the brandname
of Zonta
 Affect the knowledge, attitude & behavior
 To be visible, strengthen loyality and in
the long term, - recruit more members and
help more women
 Create cost-effective and trustworthy
tools for marketing Zonta
A strong brand name means:
 Known in a relevant context
 Known for something special
 Has a clear, professional
Baiba och Velta
Kirsi Nickels
Provoce an interest through
branding Zonta
 Have clear messages
It is a professional network, mentorship,
scholarships and service projects which
make a different for women
 Show the role models of Zonta
Report about the top-ranking women
 Use social media
Reach out and recruit the younger
generation and open up for dialog, but
respect the copyright of texts and images
on the Internet
Honest and trustworthy
 "Zonta" is derived from a native language of the Sioux,
a word meaning honest and trustworthy.
 It was adopted in 1919 to symbolize the combined
qualities of honesty and trust, inspiration and the ability
to work together for service and world understanding.
 The members of Zontas are in different occupations
 In the man-dominated world, it is tuff beeing a woman
trying to have her career.
Branding incl. the mutual corporate
identity/graphic profile is the foundation
 The corporate identity includes above all: colour,
form, layout and logotype. The base is the story
of the logotype
 The Zonta Emblem, was officially authorized,
along with the Zonta colors of mahogany and
gold, already in 1920.
 The emblem, composed of many symbols of the
Sioux people, became Zonta´s emblem signifying
a group of successful business executives and
professionals who are loyal, honest, trustworthy
and inspired to advance the status of women
The story of
the Zonta Logotype
"Zonta" is derived from the language of Lakhota, a
language of the Native-American Sioux peoples,
meaning honest and trustworthy. The emblem is
an adaption and composite of several Sioux
symbols which when superimposed take on a
special significance for Zontians. The Zonta colors
are mahogany and gold.
Club logotype & nameplate
 Use the club logotype
not the district´s nor the international
 The nameplate is in gold
rectangular 85 x 30 mm
Print the logotype in PMS 1815
The name is in black
If you aren´t visible
– you are invisible!
International Women's Day and the
Zonta Rose day the 8th March, is a
global day celebrating the economic,
political and social achievements of
women past, present and future.
 What can you offer Zonta then?
 What can Zonta offer you?
 What does the yellow rose mean?
Presumtive members get a short introduction in print
about the network, the aim and objective of Zonta
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence
is an international campaign
25th November – 10th December.
Violence against women takes many forms: sexual assault, child
marriage, incest, wife beating, prostitution, female genital mutilation,
trafficking, sexual violence during wars, sexual harrassment, forced
sterilization, date rape, pornography and bride kidnapping. Violence
against women may also take many forms of psychological abuse,
intimidation and harassment.
All are unacceptable violations of human rights. Together they form a
huge obstacle to gender equality and genuine human progress.
Each year, for 16 days, bookended by the International Day to End
Violence Against Women (25 November) and Human Rights Day (1
December), groups from around the world join together to speak out
against gender violence. Because all too often, it is covered up or
tacitly condoned.
Writing for a reader
skimming through a text
On the screen
reading in circels
& 25 % slower:
 Club logotype in the
letter head
 Contact
 Short explenation about
 Cross-reference to the
web for more
Short, simple & correct
Alternate layout
Provoke an interest
Clear headlines, introductions  The most important in
& fact boxes
the beginning
 Short, simple & correct
Increase the readable!
The image = info, provoke
an interest, summarize
the text
 Zonta now, then & the future
 Relations, occupations, board…
 Places, culture & serviceproject
Foundation Ambassador Viveka
och Area Director Carolyn
Your own PR-aktivity
for networking, development and engagement and a strong Zonta!
 Inform on the web, e-mail, 
on Facebook …
 In your CV
 In media, debate articles,
press releases
 Wear pins
 Clothing; Scarfs, aprons
 Printed matters
stickers, business cards, stamps,
envelopes, adress ZI c/o…
Say Z-meeting…
Talk about Z with the
hairdresser, friends…
Talk about Z, listening at a
Mingle and mention Z
Give a yellow rose; ”means
Advancing the status of
women worldwide
Zonta International is a unique worldwide
network of executives. We work together in
advancing the legal, political, economic,
health, educational and professional status of
women, and preventing violence against
women. Zonta has consultative status in the
UN and the Council of Europe. District 21 is
composed of clubs in Sweden and Latvia. The
yellow rose symbolizes friendship. By buying
this card you are helping women in need.
Read more >> www.zonta21.org
The New Copenhagen Opera House
Photo Kiki Ann Mauritzson
Remember visibility
To be seen and recognized in the
media blitz, Zonta must improve
its communication skills. Public
relations are important tools in
branding Zonta, to make Zonta
known. Uniformity in the graphic
profile is a must, to create the
identity of Zonta.
Thank you for
your attention!
Any questions?
 Kiki Ann Mauritzson
 [email protected]
 070-29 04 275
The New Copenhagen Opera House
Photo Kiki Ann Mauritzson