Transcript ingliz tili
Mavzu : Revision
Maqsad: o`quvchilarni o`tgan mavzularda bilim
ko`nikma va malakalarini tekshirish
A) ta`limil maqsad: ona tili va boshqa fanlar bo`yicha
egallagan bilimlar hamda qo`shimcha manbalar
asosida mavzular bo`yicha ingliz tilida mustaqil
ravishda qilosiy ma`lumot bera olish malakalarini
B) tarbiyaviy maqsad: o`quvchilarga vatanparvarlik va
axloqiy poklik , mehnatsevarlik tuyg`usini singdirish
C) rivojlantiruvchi maqsad: ingliz tili sohasida
egallagan bilim, ko`nikma va malakalari asosida
keyinchalik ish faoliyatida mustaqil qo`llash
malakalarini rivojlantirish
Turi: yangi bilim berish
Metodi: noan`anaviy
Jihozlash: kartichkalar,
savolnoma testlar, suratlar,
1. Tashkiliy qisim:
-Good morning
- Sit down, please
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent today?
- What kind of season is it now?
- What season is it now?
2. Uyga vazifani tekshirish:
What was your home task for today?
Who do you learn by heart the singer “ Move over”?
Who is the first yoday?
“Move over”
There are six in the bed and the little one says,
“Move over, move over ’’
There are five in the bed and the little one says,
“Move over, move over”
There are four in the bed and the little one says,
“Move over, move over”
There are three in the bed and the little one says,
“Move over, move over”
There are two in the bed and the little one says,
“Move over , move over”
So, there is one in the bet, and the little one says,
“ Ah. That`s nise. I can sleep now.
Good night, everybody !“
3. Answer your question in the carts
1) How many season are there in Uzbekistan?
2) Speak about your friend?
3) Speak about your body?
4) Count the day of the week?
5) Speak about your school?
6) How many lesson are there today?
7) What time is it?
8) Count 8 domestic animals?
9) Count 8 wind animals?
10) Speak about season?
11) Speak about holiday in Uzbekiston?
12) Look and say this numer :
23, 57, 99, 105, 2012.
13) Speak about your family?
Write the words in the crossword
We eat this often
We eat this with tea
We make it with meat
It begins with “m”
We eat this at Navruz
Jackie likes these
4. Look the pictures and comlate the sentence
Uyga vazifa:
To do ex: 3, 4a, 4b
To learn the grammar reference