Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali

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Transcript Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali

‫دعاء أبي حمزة ألثمالي‬
Du`a Abi Hamzah
This presentation has been adapted from a presentation
distributed by KSI Muslim centre at www.dubaijamaat.com.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ‫َأ َّلل ُه َّم َص ّل َع َلى ُم َح َّم و ٍد َ أ ُم َحم ٍد‬
O Allah, send Your blessings upon
Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ِِّ ‫من ألر ِّح ِّيم‬
ِّ ‫ِّبس ِّم‬
ِّ ‫هللا ألرح‬
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate,
the Merciful.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫ِأل ِّهي ال تؤ ِّدب ِّني ِّبعقوب ِّتك ال تمكر ِّبي ِّفي‬
ْ َ َ َْ ْ َ َ
‫ِّحيل ِّتك ِّمن أين ِّلي ألخير يا ر ِّب‬
O Lord! Do not punish me, and do not plot
against me. Where else can I find good, O
Lord –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َال ُي‬
َ ‫وج ُ ٍد أ َّال ِّم ْن ِّع ْن ِّ ٍد َك َ ِّم ْن َأ ْي َن ِّل َي أل َّن َج ُاة‬
َ‫َال ُت ْس َت َط ُاع أ َّال بك‬
ِّ ِ
When it is only found in You? And where
can I find salvation when it only comes
from You?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َال َّأل ِّذي َأ ْح َس َن ْأس َت ْغ َنى َع ْن َع ْو ِّن َك َ َر ْح َم ِّت َك‬
َ‫َال َّأل ِّذي َأ َس َاء َ ْأج َت َ َرأ َع َل ْي َك َ َل ْم ُي ْر ِّض َك َخ َرج‬
َ‫َع ْن ُق ْ ٍد َرِّتك‬
Even those who do good still need to seek
Your aid and Your mercy, and those who
transgress You and displease You still are
not outside of Your control.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫يا ر ِّب يا ر ِّب يا ر ِّب‬
O Lord, O Lord, O Lord…. (repeat until out
of breath)
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫ب َك َع َر ْف ُت َك َ َأ ْن َت َد َل ْل َت ِّني َع َل ْي َك َ َد َع ْو َت ِّني أ َل ْيك‬
َ‫َ َل ْو َال َأ ْن َت َل ْم َأ ْدر َما َأ ْنت‬
Through You, I became acquainted with
You, and You guided me and invited me to
Yourself. Had You not done that, I would
never have known Who You are.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد ِّ َّ ِّّلِل َّأل ِّذي َأ ْد ُع ُوه َف ُيج ُيب ِّني َ أ ْن ُك ْنت‬
‫ب ِّطيائ ِّحين ي ٍدعو ِّني‬
All praise be to Allah Who answers me
when I call upon Him – even though I am
slow to respond when He wants
something from me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد ِّ َّ ِّّلِل َّأل ِّذي َأ ْس َا ُل ُه َف ُي ْع ِّط ِّيني َ أ ْن ُك ْنت‬
‫ب ِّخيال ِّحين يستق ِّرض ِّني‬
All praise be to Allah Who gives to me
when I ask from Him – even though I am
unwilling to give when He asks from me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫اجتي َ َأ ْخلو‬
َِّ ‫َ ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد ِّ َّ ِّّلِل َّأل ِّذي ُأ َن ِّاد ِّيه ُك َّل َما ِّش ْئ ُت ِّل َح‬
‫ِّب ِّه حيث ِّشئت ِّل ِّس ِّري ِّبغي ِّر ش ِّف ويع فيق ِّضي ِّلي‬
‫حاج ِّتي‬
All praise be to Allah Who takes care of
whatever I need when I entreat Him. He
allows me to commune with Him in private
whenever I want without having to seek
permission to speak to Him.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد ِّ َّ ِّّلِل َّأل ِّذي َال َأ ْد ُعو َغ ْي َر ُه َ َل ْو َد َع ْو ُت َغ ْي َره‬
‫لم يست ِّجب ِّلي دعا ِّئي‬
All praise be to Allah Whom alone I
beseech, and if I called upon others, they
would not respond to me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد ِّ َّ ِّّلِل َّأل ِّذي َال َأ ْر ُجو َغ ْي َر ُه َ َل ْو َر َج ْو ُت َغ ْي َره‬
‫الخلف رجا ِّئي‬
All praise be to Allah Whom alone I have
hope in, and if I put my hope in others,
they would let me down.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد ِّ َّ ِّّلِل َّأل ِّذي َ َك َل ِّني أ َل ْي ِّه َف َا ْك َر َم ِّني َ َلم‬
َ ْ َ
‫اس في ِّهينو ِّني‬
ِّ ‫ي ِّكل ِّني ِألى ألن‬
All praise be to Allah who honored me by
letting me trust Him, for if He had left me
to the people, they would have disgraced
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ََّ َ َّ َ َ َّ َّ ُ ْ َ ْ َ
‫ألحم ٍد ِّ ِّّلِل أل ِّذي تحبب ِألي ُو غ ِّني ع ِّني‬
All praise me to Allah Who endeared
himself to me even though He is far above
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد ِّ َّ ِّّلِل َّأل ِّذي َي ْح ُل ُم َع ِّّني َح َّتى َك َا ِّّني َال َذ ْنب‬
‫ِّلي ف ِّربي أحم ٍد شي وء ِّعن ِّ ٍدي أح ُّ ِّبحم ِّ ٍدي‬
And all praise be to Allah is so kind to me
that I feel like I have no sins at all. So my
Lord is the most praiseworthy thing to me,
and I cannot think of anything else that
has more right to be praised.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َّألل ُه َّم أ ِّّني َأ ِّج ُ ٍد ُس ُب َل ْأل َم َطا ِّل ِّب أ َل ْي َك ُم ْش َر َع ًة‬
ِ َ َ
ً‫َم َناُ َل َّألر َج ِّاء أل ْي َك (ل َ ٍد ْي َك) ُم ْت َر َعة‬
O Allah! I find the paths leading towards
You wide open and the rivers of hope in
You vast.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ أ ِّال ْس ِّت َع َان َة ب َف ْض ِّل َك ِّل َم ْن َأ َّم َل َك ُم َب‬
َ‫اح ًة َ َأ ْب َوأب‬
َ ‫ين َم ْف ُت‬
َ ‫لصار ِّخ‬
َّ ‫أل ٍد َع ِّاء أ َل ْي َك ِّل‬
Those who have hope in You easily find
help in You, and the doors of prayer are
wide open to those who implore You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َأ ْع َل ُم َأ َّن َك ِّل َّلر ِّأجي ( ِّل َّلر ِّأج‬
َ ‫ين) ب َم ْو ِّضع أ َج َاب وة‬
ِ َ ِّ ِّ
َْْ َ َُْْ
‫ِّللمله ِّوفين ( ِّللملهو ِّف) ِّبمرص ِّ ٍد ِأغاث وة‬
I know that You are ready to answer
anyone who asks, and You are ready to aid
anyone who is distressed.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َأ َّن ِّفي َّألل ْه ِّف أ َلى ُج ِّود َك َ ّألر َضا ب َق َضا ِّئك‬
ِّ ِّ
ْ َْ ْ ً َ
‫ِّعوضا ِّمن من ِّع ألب ِّاخ ِّلين من ٍد حة عما ِّفي أي ِّ ٍدي‬
َ‫ْأل ُم ْس َت ْا ِّثرين‬
When I am desperate, I call upon Your
generosity, and I beseech You to make me
contented with Your decree. How much I
prefer that to when the miserly reject me
or toss me selfish handouts.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫يب ْأل َم َس َافة َ َأ َّن َك ال‬
َ‫َ َأ َّن َّألرأح َل أ َل ْي َك قر‬
ُ ‫َت ْح َتج ُب َع ْن َخ ْلق َك أ َّال َأ ْن َت ْح ُج َب ُه ُم ْ َأال ْع َما‬
ِ ِّ ْ
َ‫(أال َما ُ ) ُد َنك‬
Whoever travels towards You finds himself
near to his goal, and You do not veil
Yourself from Creation unless their own
misdeeds block them from You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َق ْ ٍد َق َص ْ ٍد ُت أ َل ْي َك ب َط ِّل َب ِّتي َ َت َو َّج ْه ُت أ َل ْيك‬
ِّ ِ
‫ِّبحاج ِّتي‬
I have approached You with my request,
and I have turned towards You in my need.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ َج َع ْل ُت ب َك ْأس ِّت َغ َاث ِّتي َ ب ُ ٍد َعا ِّئ َك َت َوس ِّلي ِّمن‬
‫غي ِّر أس ِّتحق واق ِّالس ِّتم ِّاعك ِّم ِّني‬
I have made You the one who will save me.
By calling upon You, I have made You my
intercessor even though I am not worthy
of Your attention,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َال ْأس ِّتيج‬
َ ‫اب ِّل َع ْفو َك َع ِّّني َب ْل ِّل ِّث َق ِّتي ب َك َر ِّم َك‬
ِّْ َ
ََ َ َْ ْ َ ُُ
‫سكو ِّني ِألى ِّص ٍد ِّق ع ِّ ٍدك لج ِّئي ِألى ِأاليم ِّان‬
َ‫ب َت ْو ِّح ِّي ٍدك‬
Nor am I worthy of Your pardon. Instead,
it is because I am certain of Your
generosity, and I am convinced of Your
promise, and I take refuge in my faith in
Your Oneness (tawhid)
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫ي ِّق ِّيني ( ِّثق ِّتي) ِّبمع ِّرف ِّتك ِّم ِّني أن ال رب ِّلي‬
َ ‫َغ ْي ُر َك َ َال أ َل َه ( ِّلي) أ َّال َأ ْن َت َ ْح َ ٍد َك َال َشر‬
َ‫يك َلك‬
And my certainty in knowing that there is
no Lord for me and no God but You, alone
with no partner.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ٌ‫َّألل ُه َّم َأ ْن َت ْأل َقا ِّئ ُل َ َق ْو ُل َك َح ُّ َ َ ْع ُ ٍد َك ِّص ْ ٍدق‬
َ َّ ‫أّلِل ِّم ْن َف ْض ِّل ِّه أ َّن‬
َ َّ ‫ألص ْ ٍد ُق) َ ْأس َا ُلوأ‬
ْ‫أّلِل َك َان ِّب ُكم‬
ّ ِّ (
ِ ً
‫ر ِّحيما‬
O Lord! You are the One Who spoke, and
Your word is truth, and Your promise is
fulfilled: “Ask Allah from His grace; verily
Allah has always been merciful towards
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َل ْي َس ِّم ْن ِّص َفا ِّت َك َيا َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َأ ْن َت ْا ُم َر بالس َؤأ‬
َ‫َت ْم َن َع ْأل َعط َّية‬
And it is not like You, O my Master, for
You to order me to ask but refuse to
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ ُ َّ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ
َ ‫ات َع َلى َأ ُْل َم ْم َل َك ِّت َك‬
ِّ ‫أنت ألمنان ِّبالع ِّطي‬
َ)‫ْأل َعا ِّئ ُ ٍد َع َل ْيه ْم ب َت َحنن َ ْرأ َف ِّت َك (ب ُح ْسن ِّن ْع َم ِّتك‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ ِّ
You give open-handedly to all who live in
Your kingdom and treat them with Your
loving kindness.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫أ َلهي َرَّب ْي َت ِّني ِّفي ِّن َع ِّم َك َ أ ْح َسا ِّن َك َص ِّغي ًرأ‬
ِّ ِ
َ‫اس ِّمي َك ِّبي ًرأ َف َيا َم ْن َرَّبا ِّني ِّفي أل ٍد ْنيا‬
ْ ‫َن َّو ُْ َت ِّب‬
‫ِّب ِاحسا ِّن ِّه‬
O God! You nurtured me when I was
small, and You elevated my name as I
grew. O You Who raised me in this world
with kindness and compassion –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َت َفض ِّل ِّه ( ِّب َف ْض ِّل ِّه) َ ِّن َع ِّم ِّه َ َأ َش َار ِّلي ِّفي ْأال ِّخر ِّة‬
‫ِألى عف ِّو ِّه كر ِّم ِّه‬
And indicated that You would forgive me
and be generous to me in the next –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ َ
‫مع ِّرف ِّتي يا موالي د ِّلي ِّلي (دلت ِّني) عليك ح ِّبي‬
َ‫َل َك َش ِّف ِّيعي أ َل ْيك‬
My knowledge of You – O my Master –
guides me to You, and my love for You
intercedes with You for me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ َأ َنا َ أ ِّث ٌ ُّ ِّم ْن َد ِّلي ِّلي ب َ ٍد َال َل ِّت َك َ َسا ِّك ٌن ِّمن‬
َ‫َش ِّف ِّيعي أ َلى َش َف َاع ِّتك‬
You guidance assures me of what I know,
and Your intervention in my life assures
me of Your intercession.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َأ ْد ُع‬
ّ‫وك َيا َس ِّّي ِّ ٍدي ِّب ِّل َسان َق ْ ٍد َأ ْخ َر َس ُه َذ ْن ُب ُه َر ِّب‬
َ ‫ُأ َن ِّاج‬
ُ‫يك ب َق ْلب َق ْ ٍد َأ ْ َب َق ُه ُج ْر ُمه‬
‫ِّ و‬
O my Master, I pray to You with a tongue
that has been paralyzed by its sins. O
Lord, I confide in You with a heart that has
been doomed by its mischief.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫وك َيا َر ّب َر ِّأُ ًبا َر ِّأغ ًبا َرأج ًيا َخا ِّئ ًفا أ َذأ َ َرأ ْيت‬
ُ‫َم ْو َال َي ُذ ُنوبي َفز ْعت‬
ِّ ِّ
I pray to You, O Lord, frightened but
hopeful. When I behold my sins, O Lord, I
am terrified,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ)‫َ أ َذأ َ َرأ ْي ُت َك َر َم َك َطم ْع ُت َفا ْن َع َف ْو َت ( َغ َف ْرت‬
‫فخير ر ِّأح وم ِأن عذبت فغير ظا ِّل وم‬
But when I see Your generosity, I long for
it. If You forgive me, You are most
merciful – but if You punish me, You are
not unjust.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ ُ َّ َ َّ ُ
‫حج ِّتي يا أّلِل ِّفي جرأ ِّتي على مسال ِّتك مع ِأتيا ِّني‬
ُ ‫َما َت ْك َر ُه ُج‬
َ‫ود َك َ َك َر ُمك‬
O Allah, despite all of my sins, I am daring
to approach You because I know You are
generous and kind.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ُع َّ ٍد ِّتي ِّفي ِّش َّ ٍد ِّتي َم َع ِّق َّل ِّة َح َيا ِّئي َ ْرأ َف ُت َك‬
َ‫َر ْح َم ُتك‬
Although I had no shame in committing
sins, I still rely on Your benevolence and
compassion in my time of need.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫ق ٍد رجوت أن ال ت ِّخيب بين ذي ِّن ذي ِّن مني ِّتي‬
‫فح ِّق ُّ رجا ِّئي أسمع دعا ِّئي‬
Please do not disappoint me in my
prayers. Let my hopes become real, and
listen to my prayers.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫يا خير من دعاه د وأع أفضل من رجاه ر وأج‬
O Best of those whom we call upon and
have hope in!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َع ُظ َم َيا َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َأ َم ِّلي َ َس َاء َع َم ِّلي َف َا ْع ِّط ِّني ِّمن‬
‫عف ِّوك ِّب ِّمق ٍد ِّأر أم ِّلي‬
O my Master, my hopes are great, but my
deeds are evil. So, with Your pardon, treat
me according to my hopes,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ َال ُت َؤ ِّأخ ْذ ِّني ب َا ْس َوأ َع َم ِّلي َفا َّن َك َر َم َك َي ِّجل َعن‬
ِّ ْ
ْ َ َ ُْ َ َ ُ
‫مجاز ِّأة ألمذ ِّن ِّبين ِّحلمك يكبر عن مكاف ِّاة‬
َ‫ْأل ُم َق ِّ ّصرين‬
And do not punish me for my evil deeds.
For Your generosity is far more
magnificent than Your punishment, and
Your clemency outweighs Your retribution
towards those who fell short in their
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َأ َنا َيا َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َعا ِّئ ٌذ ب َف ْض ِّل َك َُار ٌب ِّم ْن َك أ َل ْيك‬
ِ َ ِّ ْ ِّ
َ‫ُم َت َن ِّ ّج ٌز َما َ َع ْ ٍد َت ِّم َن أل َّصفح َع َّم ْن أ ْح َس َن بك‬
ِّ ً َ
O my Master, I am seeking refuge in Your
grace, fleeing from You towards You,
trusting Your promise to forgive the errors
of those who maintain hope in You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َما َأ َنا َيا َر ّ ِّب َ َما َخ َطري َُ ْب ِّني ب َف ْض ِّل َك‬
َ‫َت َص َّ ٍد ْق َع َل َّي ب َع ْفوك‬
ِّ ِّ
And what am I, O Lord, but what danger I
am in! Be charitable to me by granting me
Your pardon.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َأ ْي َر ّ ِّب َج ِّّل ْل ِّني ِّب َس ْتر َك َ ْأع ُف َع ْن َت ْو ِّب ِّيخي ِّب َكر ِّم‬
َ‫َ ْجهك‬
O Lord! Honor me with Your protection,
and hide my mistakes by the glory of Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َف َلو َّأط َل َع ْأل َي ْو َم َع َلى َذ ْنبي َغ ْي ُر َك َما َف َع ْل ُت ُه َ َلو‬
ُ‫ِّخ ْف ُت َت ْع ِّج َيل ْأل ُع ُق َوب ِّة َال ْج َت َن ْب ُته‬
If anyone but You saw my sins, I would
never have committed them. But if I feared
that You would hasten Your punishment,
then I would have completely avoided
them –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ََّ َ َّ ُ َ ْ َ َ َّ َ َ
‫ال ِّالنك أُون ألن ِّاظ ِّرين ( ِألي) أخف‬
)‫ألمط ِّل ِّعين (عل َّي‬
Not because You do not see or that You do
not know what I do –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫ألسا ِّتر َين َ َأ ْح َكم‬
‫بل ِّالنك يا ر ِّب خير‬
َ ‫ين ( َ َأ ْح َل ُم ْ َأال ْح َلم‬
َ ‫ْأل َحا ِّكم‬
ُ‫ين) َ َأ ْك َرم‬
َ‫ْ َأال ْك َر ِّمين‬
But rather, O Lord, because You hide my
sins so well, and judge so justly, and give
so generously.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َس َّت ُار ْأل ُع ُيوب َغ َّف ُار ألذ ُنوب َع َّال ُم ْألغي‬
ُ‫وب َت ْس ُتر‬
َ‫ألذ ْن َب ب َك َر ِّم َك َ ُت َؤ ِّ ّخ ُر ْأل ُع ُق َوب َة ب ِّح ْلمك‬
ِّ ِّ
You are the One Who conceals defects,
forgives sins, and knows the unseen. You
hide our sins by Your kindness and
postpone Your punishment by Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َْ َ ْ ََ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ََ
‫فلك ألحم ٍد على ِّحل ِّمك بع ٍد ِّعل ِّمك على‬
َ‫َع ْفو َك َب ْع َ ٍد ُق ْ ٍد َرِّتك‬
So all praise be to You for Your leniency
despite Your knowledge and Your pardon
despite Your power.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ُّ َ ُ َ ُ ْ َ َ
‫يح ِّمل ِّني يج ِّرئ ِّني على مع ِّصي ِّتك ِّحلمك ع ِّني‬
َ‫َ َي ْ ٍد ُعو ِّني ِألى ِّقل ِّة ألحي ِّاء َسترك علي‬
Because You were so patient with me, I
thought that I could transgress. And
because You hid my sins, I have become
brazen in committing them.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ُ ْ َُ
‫يس ِّرع ِّني ِألى ألتوث ِّب على مح ِّار ِّمك مع ِّرف ِّتي‬
َ‫ب َس َع ِّة َر ْح َم ِّت َك َ َع ِّظيم َع ْفوك‬
ِّ ِّ
I only hasten to commit what You forbade
because I recognize the vastness of Your
mercy and the immenseness of Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ ‫وم َيا َغاف َر‬
َ‫َيا َحل ُيم َيا َكر ُيم َيا َحي َيا قي‬
َ‫ألذ ْنب يا‬
‫قا ِّبل ألتو ِّب يا ع ِّظيم ألم ِّن يا ق ِّ ٍديم ِأالحس ِّان‬
O Merciful, O Generous, O Everlasting, O
Eternal, O Forgiver of Sins, O Acceptor of
Repentance, O Bearer of Great Bounties, O
Ancient in Goodness!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َأ ْي َن َس ْت ُر َك ْأل َجم ُيل َأ ْي َن َع ْف ُو َك ْأل َج ِّلي ُل َأ ْين‬
َِّّ ‫َف َر ُج َك ألق ِّريب أين ِّغياثك‬
Where is your magnificent veil for my
secrets? Where is Your tremendous
pardon? Where is Your near reprieve?
Where is Your swift aid?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َأ ْي َن َر ْح َم ُت َك ْأل َو ِّأس َع ُة َأ ْي َن َع َط َاي‬
َ‫اك ْأل َف ِّاض َل ُة َأ ْين‬
ُ‫ألسن َّية‬
َِّّ ‫َم َو ِّأُ ُب َك أله ِّنيئة أين صنا ِّئعك‬
Where is Your boundless mercy? Where
are Your generous blessings? Where are
Your gratifying gifts? Where are Your kind
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َأ ْي َن َف ْض ُل َك ْأل َع ِّظ ُيم َأ ْي َن َمن َك ْأل َج ِّسي ُم َأ ْين‬
ُ‫أ ْح َس ُان َك ْأل َق ِّ ٍد ُيم َأ ْي َن َك َر ُم َك َيا َكريم‬
Where is Your matchless abundance?
Where are Your vast bounties? Where is
Your ancient goodness? Where is Your
generosity, O Generous One!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫اس َت ْن ِّق ْذ ِّني‬
ْ ‫ِّب ِّه ( َ ِّب ُم َح َّم و ٍد َ أ ِّ ُم َح َّم و ٍد ) َف‬
ُ‫ِّب َر ْح َم ِّت َك َف َخ ِّّل ْص ِّني َيا ُم ْح ِّس ُن َيا ُم ْج ِّم ُل َيا ُم ْن ِّعم‬
ُ‫َيا ُم ْفضل‬
By this – and by Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad – save me. By Your
mercy, rescue me. O Source of Good, O
Creator of Beauty, O Originator of
Blessings, O Possessor of Bounties –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َل ْس ُت َأ َّت ِّك ُل ِّفي َّألن َجا ِّة ِّم ْن ِّع َقاب َك َع َلى َأ ْع َما ِّلنا‬
ُ‫َب ْل ب َف ْضل َك َع َل ْي َنا َال َّن َك َأ ُْ ُل َّألت ْق َوى َ َأ ُْل‬
ِّ ِّ
َ‫ْأل َم ْغ ِّفر ِّة‬
I cannot rely upon my deeds to save me
from Your torment. Instead, I am relying
upon Your grace, for You are the source of
righteousness and forgiveness.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً‫ألذ ْنب َك َرما‬
َّ ‫ُت ْب ٍد ُئ ب ْاال ْح َسان ن َعم ًا َ َت ْع ُفو َعن‬
ِّ ِّ ِ ِّ ِّ
You begin everything good with blessings,
and You forgive our slips with Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫يح ما‬
َ ‫َف َما َن ْ ٍدري َما َن ْش ُك ُر َأ َج ِّم َيل َما َت ْن ُش ُر َأ ْم َق ِّب‬
ُ‫َت ْس ُتر‬
So how should we know what we should
be more thankful for – the beauty that You
have spread, or the ugliness that You have
hidden –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َأ ْم َع ِّظ َيم َما َأ ْب َل ْي َت َ َأ ْ َل ْي َت َأ ْم َك ِّث َير َما ِّم ْنه‬
َ‫َن َّج ْي َت َ َع َاف ْيت‬
The many misfortunes You have averted,
or the afflictions You have rescued us
from and cured?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫يب َم ْن َت َح َّب َب أ َل ْي َك َ َيا ُق َّر َة َع ْين َم ْن َالذ‬
َ ‫َيا َح ِّب‬
َ‫ب َك َ ْأن َق َط َع أ َل ْيك‬
O Friend of whomever shows his love
towards You! O Light of the eyes of
whoever attaches himself to You and cuts
himself off from others!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ّ‫َأ ْن َت ْأل ُم ْح ِّس ُن َ َن ْح ُن ْأل ُم ِّس ُيُئ َن َف َت َجا َ ْز َيا َر ِّب‬
َ‫َع ْن َقبيح َما ِّع ْن َ ٍد َنا ب َجميل َما ِّع ْن َ ٍدك‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
O Lord! You are flawless, and we commit
sins. So overlook the ugliness of our
deeds by the beauty of what is with You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أي جه ول يا ر ِّب ال يسعه جودك أ أي زم وان‬
َ‫َأ ْط َو ُ ِّم ْن َأ َنا ِّتك‬
O Lord! What foolish can Your
benevolence not correct? What era
outlasts Your patience?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َما َق ْ ٍد ُر َأ ْع َما ِّل َنا ِّفي َج ْن ِّب ِّن َع ِّم َك َ َك ْيف‬
ً ‫َن ْس َت ْك ث ُر َأ ْع َم‬
َ)‫اال ُن َقاب ُل ب َها َك َر َم َك ( َك َر َأم َتك‬
ِّ ِّ
What are our deeds compared to Your
blessings? How can we count our good
deeds when we compare them to Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫ين َما َ ِّس َع ُه ْم ِّمن‬
ُ ‫َب ْل َك ْي َف َي ِّض‬
َ ‫ي ُّ َع َلى ْأل ُم ْذ ِّنب‬
َ‫َر ْح َم ِّتك‬
And how can sinners despair when they
are encompassed by Your mercy?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َيا َ ِّأس َع ْأل َم ْغ ِّف َر ِّة َيا َب ِّاس َط ْأل َي َ ٍد ْين ِّبال َّر ْحم ِّة‬
O Vast Forgiver! O Open-Handed in
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َف َو ِّع َّزِّت َك َيا َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َل ْو َن َه ْرَت ِّني ( ْأن َت َه ْرَت ِّني) ما‬
َ‫َبر ْح ُت ِّم ْن َباب َك َ َال َك َف ْف ُت َع ْن َت َمل ِّقك‬
So by Your might, O my Master, even if
You refused me, I would not depart from
Your door, nor would I cease to praise You
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫ِّل َما ْأن َت َهى أ َل َّي ِّم َن ْأل َم ْعر َف ِّة ب ُج ِّود َك َ َك َر ِّمك‬
ِّ ِّ
Since I have acknowledged Your mercy
and kindness.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َأ ْن َت ْأل َف ِّاع ُل ِّل َما َت َشا ُء ُت َع ِّّذ ُب َم ْن َت َش ُاء ِّبما‬
ُ‫َت َش ُاء َك ْي َف َت َش ُاء َ َت ْر َح ُم َم ْن َت َش ُاء ِّب َما َت َشاء‬
ُ‫َك ْي َف َت َشاء‬
And You do whatever You will. You
punish whomever You will however You
will, and You have mercy upon whomever
You will however You will.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َال ُت ْس َا ُ َع ْن ف ْعل َك َ َال ُت َنا َز ُع في ُم ْلك َك َ ال‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
َ‫ُت َش َار ُك ِّفي َأ ْمر َك َ َال ُت َضاد ِّفي ُح ْكمك‬
No one questions Your actions, and no
one challenges Your authority. No one
shares in Your command, and no one
contradicts Your judgment.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َال َي ْعتر‬
َ ُّ ُ ‫ض َع َل ْي َك َأ َح ٌ ٍد ِّفي َت ْ ٍدبير َك َل َك ْأل َخ ْل‬
ِّ ْ ِّ
َّ ‫َأال ْم ُر َت َب َار َك‬
َ‫أّلِل َرب أل َع َالمين‬
And no one can criticize how You rule the
universe. Yours is the Creation and the
Command. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of
the Worlds.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َيا َر ّ ِّب َُ َذأ َم َق ُام َم ْن َال َذ ب َك َ ْأس َت َج َار ب َك َر ِّم َك‬
َ‫َأ ِّل َف أ ْح َس َان َك َ ِّن َع َمك‬
O Lord! This is the situation of someone
who sought refuge in You, allied himself
with Your generosity, and anticipated Your
goodness and blessings.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ َأ ْن َت ألجوأد أل ِّذي ال ي ِّضي ُّ عفوك ال ينقص‬
َ‫َف ْض ُل َك َ َال َت ِّقل َر ْح َم ُتك‬
You are the munificent one Whose
forgiveness is never strained, Whose
bounties never decrease, and Whose
mercy never lacks.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َ ْ ْ َّ َ ْ َ ْ َّ َ َ ْ َ َ
‫ق ٍد توثقنا ِّمنك ِّبالصف ِّح ألق ِّ ٍد ِّيم ألفض ِّل‬
ْ َ ْ َّ َ
‫ألع ِّظ ِّيم ألرحم ِّة ألو ِّأسع ِّة‬
We have been assured of Your ancient
pardon, great bountifulness, and vast
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َأ َف َت َر َأك ( ُت َر َأك) َيا َر ّ ِّب ُت ْخ ِّل ُف ُظ ُن َون َنا َأ ْ ُت َخ ِّّيب‬
ُ‫أ َم َال َنا َك َّال َيا َكريم‬
O Lord, would You ever contradict these
thoughts or disappoint our hopes? No,
never, O Most Generous!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َف َل ْي َس َُ َذأ َظ َّن َنا ( َظن َنا) ب َك َ َال َُ َذأ ِّفيك‬
)‫طمعنا (طمعنا‬
We would never expect this from You or
anticipate this from You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً ‫يك َأ َم ًال َطو‬
َ‫يال َك ِّثي ًرأ أ َّن َل َنا ِّفيك‬
َ ‫َيا َر ّب أ َّن َل َنا ِّف‬
ِ ً ِّ
ِ ِّ
‫رجاء ع ِّظيما‬
O Lord, we have long held many hopes in
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫اك َ َن ْح ُن َن ْر ُجو َأ ْن َت ْس ُت َر َع َل ْي َنا َ َد َع ْو َناك‬
َ ‫َع َص ْي َن‬
َ‫يب َل َنا َف َح ّق ْ ُّ َر َج َاءنا‬
‫نحن نرجو أن تست ِّج‬
We disobeyed You, and now we hope that
You will protect us. We invoke You and
hope that You will respond to our call. So
make our wishes come true,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َم ْو َال َنا َف َق ْ ٍد َع ِّل ْم َنا َما َن ْس َت ْو ِّج ُب ب َا ْع َما ِّل َنا َ َل ِّكن‬
َ‫ِّع ْل ُم َك ِّف َينا َ ِّع ْل ُم َنا ب َا َّن َك َال َت ْصر ُف َنا َع ْنك‬
O our Master, for we know what we
deserve on account of our deeds. But
because we know that You know us and
will not reject us,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫( َح َّث َنا َع َلى َّألر ْغ َب ِّة أ َل ْي َك) َ أ ْن ُك َّنا َغ ْير‬
َ‫ين ِّل َر ْح َم ِّتك‬
َ ‫ُم ْس َت ْو ِّجب‬
We have been motivated to plead to You
even though we do not deserve Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َف َا ْن َت َأ ُْ ٌل َأ ْن َت ُج‬
َ‫ود َع َل ْي َنا َ َع َلى ْأل ُم ْذ ِّنبين‬
ُ‫ب َف ْضل َس َع ِّت َك َف ْام ُن ْن َع َل ْي َنا ب َما َأ ْن َت َأ ُْ ُله‬
ِّ ِّ
But it befits You to bestow Your kindness
upon us and upon the sinners with Your
vast open-handedness. So be kind to us
as You are wont,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ ‫َ ُج ْ ٍد َع َل ْي َنا َفا َّنا ُم ْح َت‬
َ ‫اج‬
ُ‫ون أ َلى َن ْي ِّل َك َيا َغ َّفار‬
َ‫ب ُنور َك ْأُ َت َ ٍد ْينا‬
ِّ ِّ
And act favorably towards us, for we are
desperately in need of Your aid. O Most
Forgiving! By Your light, we were guided.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ)‫َ ب َف ْض ِّل َك ْأس َت ْغ َن ْي َنا َ ب ِّن ْع َم ِّت َك ( ِّفي ِّن َعمك‬
َ‫َأ ْص َب ْح َنا َ َأ ْم َس ْينا‬
By Your blessings, we were freed from
need morning and night.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫ُذ ُن ُوب َنا َب ْي َن َي َ ٍد ْي َك َن ْس َت ْغ ِّف ُر َك َّألل ُه َّم ِّم ْن َها َ َن ُتوب‬
َ‫أ َل ْيك‬
Our sins lie before You. We seek Your
forgiveness, O Allah, and repent to You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ِّّ ‫َت َت َح َّب ُب أ َل ْي َنا ب‬
َ‫الن َعم َ ُن َعار ُض َك بالذ ُنوب َخ ْي ُرك‬
ِّ ِّ ِ
ِّ ِّ
ٌ‫أ َل ْي َنا َناز ٌ َ َشرَنا أ َل ْي َك َصاع ٍد‬
You befriend us with Your gifts, but we
rebuke You with our sins. You give Your
best to us, and we return it with our worst.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫لم يز ال يزأ ملك ك ِّريم يا ِّتيك (عنا) ِّبعم ول‬
َ ‫َقبيح َف َال َي ْم َن ُع َك َذل َك م ْن َأ ْن َت ُح‬
َ‫وط َنا ب ِّن َعمك‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
‫ِّ و‬
Still, as always, Your honored angel brings
You news of our evil deeds, but that does
not stop You from surrounding us with
Your grace.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َت َت َف َّض َل َع َل ْي َنا با َال ِّئ َك َف ُس ْب َح َان َك َما َأ ْح َل َم َك‬
ً‫َأ ْع َظ َم َك َ َأ ْك َر َم َك ُم ْب ٍد ًائ َ ُمعي ٍدأ‬
You continue to bestow Your blessings
upon us. Glory be to You! How mild and
how great and how generous You are in
what You create and what you bring back
to Yourself.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َت َق َّ ٍد َس ْت َأ ْس َم ُاؤ َك َ َج َّل َث َن ُاؤ َك َ َك ُر َم َص َنا ِّئ ُعك‬
َ‫َ ِّف َع ُالك‬
Holy are Your names, and glorified be
Your praise. Generous are Your favors
and works.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َأ ْن َت أ َلهي َأ ْ َس ُع َف ْض ًال َ َأ ْع َظ ُم ِّح ْل ًما ِّم ْن َأن‬
ِّ ِ
‫تقا ِّيس ِّني ِّب ِّفع ِّلي خ ِّطيئ ِّتي‬
O God, You are most vast in goodness and
greater in patience than to take me to
account for my wrongdoings and errors.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫فالعفو ألعفو ألعفو س ِّي ِّ ٍدي س ِّي ِّ ٍدي س ِّي ِّ ٍدي‬
So I beg You: forgive me, forgive me,
forgive me, O my Master, O my Master, O
my Master!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َّألل ُه َّم ْأش َغ ْل َنا بذ ْكر َك َ َأع ْذ َنا م ْن َس َخط َك َ َأج ْرنا‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
ْ‫ِّم ْن َع َذأب َك َ ْأر ُز ْق َنا ِّم ْن َم َو ِّأُب َك َ َأ ْن ِّع ْم َع َل ْي َنا ِّمن‬
َ‫َف ْض ِّلك‬
Engage us in Your remembrance, and
guard us from Your wrath. Protect us from
Your retribution, and grant us Your gifts.
Favor us with Your blessings.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ ْأر ُز ْق َنا َح َّج َب ْي ِّت َك َ زَي َار َة َق ْبر َنب ّيك‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
Grant us the opportunity to make the hajj
and to visit the grave of Your Prophet –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َص َل َو ُأت َك َ َر ْح َم ُت َك َ َم ْغ ِّف َرُت َك َ ر ْض َو ُأن َك َع َل ْي ِّه‬
ٌ‫يب ُم ِّجيب‬
ٌ ‫َع َلى َأ ُْل َب ْي ِّت ِّه أ َّن َك َقر‬
ِّ ِ
– Your blessings and mercy and
forgiveness and pleasure be upon him and
upon his family. Truly, You are near, and
You respond.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ‫َ ْأر ُز ْق َنا َع َم ًال ب َط َاع ِّت َك َ َت َو َّف َنا َع َلى ِّم َّل ِّت َك َ ُسن ِّة‬
‫ن ِّب ِّيك صلى أّلِل علي ِّه أ ِّل ِّه‬
Let us work in obedience to You, and let
us die upon Your path and the path of
Your prophet (peace be upon him and His
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أللهم أغ ِّفر ِّلي ِّلوأ ِّل ٍدي أرحمهما كما ربيا ِّني‬
‫ص ِّغيرأ أج ِّز ُِّما ِّب ِاالحس ِّان ِأحسانا ِّبالس ِّيائ ِّت‬
ً‫ُغ ْف َرأنا‬
O Allah, forgive us and our parents, and
have mercy upon them, for they raised us
when we were small. Repay their
goodness with goodness and their errors
with forgiveness.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ ْ َّ ُ َّ
َ ‫ات ْ َأال ْح َي ِّاء ِّم ْن ُه ْم‬
ِّ ‫أللهم أغ ِّفر ِّللمؤ ِّم ِّنين ألمؤ ِّمن‬
ْ ْ ُ ََْ َ َََْ ْ َ َ َ َْْ
‫أت ( ِّفي‬
ِّ ‫أت تا ِّبع بيننا بينهم ِّبالخير‬
ِّ ‫أالمو‬
ِّ ‫ألخي‬
O Allah, forgive the believing men and
women, alive and dead, and join us
together in good deeds.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َّألل ُه َّم ْأغ ِّف ْر ِّل َح ّي َنا َ َم ّي ِّت َنا َ َش ِّاُ ِّ ٍد َنا َ َغا ِّئبنا‬
َ ‫َذ َكرَنا َ ُأ ْن َث َانا (أ َنا ِّث َنا) َص ِّغيرَنا َ َكبيرَنا ُح ّرَنا‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
َ‫َم ْم ُلو ِّكنا‬
O Allah, forgive the living and the dead,
present or absent, male or female, young
or old, free or enslaved.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ َْ َ ََ
ً ‫ون ب َّاّلِل َ َضلوأ َض َال ًال َبع‬
َ ‫ي ٍدأ‬
ِّ ِّ ‫كذب ألع ِّادل‬
ً‫َخس ُر أ ُخ ْس َر ًأنا ُمبينا‬
Indeed, the enemies of Allah have lied
about Him and wandered far astray. They
have incurred a major loss.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أللهم ص ِّل على محم و ٍد أ ِّ محم و ٍد أخ ِّتم ِّلي‬
ْ‫ب َخير‬
‫ِّ و‬
O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad, and end my life with good.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫اي َ أخ َرتي َ ال‬
ْ‫َ ْأك فني َما َأ َُ َّمني م ْن َأ ْمر ُدني‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ ِّ
‫تس ِّلط علي من ال يرحم ِّني‬
Handle my cares in this world and in the
next, and do not put someone in authority
over me who will not have mercy upon me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أجعل علي ِّمنك ِّأقية ب ِّاقية ال تسلب ِّني‬
َ‫َصا ِّل َح َما أنعمت ِّب ِّه علي‬
Shield me with Your everlasting
protection, and do not deprive me of the
wholesome blessings You have bestowed.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً‫َ ْأر ُز ْقني م ْن َف ْضل َك ر ْز ًقا َ أس ًعا َح َال ًال َط ّيبا‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
Grant me expansive, halal, good
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َّألل ُه َّم ْأح ُر ْس ِّني ب َح َر َأس ِّت َك َ ْأح َف ْظ ِّني ب ِّح ْف ِّظ َك‬
َ‫ْأك َ ْال ِّني ب ِّك َال َء ِّتك‬
O Allah! Shield me with Your protection,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ ْ َ َّ
‫أر ق ِّني ِّحج بي ِّتك ألحر ِّأم ِّفي ع ِّامنا ُذأ ِّفي‬
ُ‫ُك ّ ِّل َع وام َ زَي َار َة َق ْبر َن ِّب ِّّي َك َ أال ِّئم ِّة علي ِّهم‬
ُ‫ألس َالم‬
And grant me the opportunity to visit Your
Sacred House, this year and every year,
and to visit the grave of Your Prophet and
the Imams (peace be upon them)
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َال ُت ْخ ِّل ِّني َيا َر ّ ِّب ِّم ْن ِّت ْل َك ْأل َم َش ِّاُ ِّ ٍد أل َّشر َيف ِّة‬
َ‫ْأل َم َو ِّأق ِّف ْأل َكريم ِّة‬
And do not deprive me, O Lord, from
visiting these honorable places and these
noble sanctuaries.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َّألل ُه َّم ُت ْب َع َل َّي َح َّتى َال َأ ْع ِّص َيك‬
O Allah! Accept my repentance until I no
longer transgress,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ ‫َ َأ ْله ْمني ْأل َخ ْي َر َ ْأل َع َم َل به َ َخ ْش َي َت َك ب‬
َ ‫الل ْيل‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
َ‫َّألن َهار َما َأ ْب َق ْي َت ِّني َيا َر َّب ْأل َع َالمين‬
And inspire me to do good and fear You
night and day for as long as You keep me
alive, O Lord of the Worlds.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َّألل ُه َّم أ ِّّني ُك َّل َما ُق ْل ُت َق ْ ٍد َت َه َّي ْا ُت َ َت َع َّب ْات‬
َ‫لص َال ِّة َب ْي َن َي َ ٍد ْيك‬
َّ ‫( َت َع َّب ْي ُت) َ ُق ْم ُت ِّل‬
O Allah! Whenever I said I was ready to
stand before You and worship You,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً ‫اج ْي ُت َك َأ ْل َق ْي َت َع َل َّي ُن َع‬
َ ‫َ َن‬
َ ‫اسا أ َذأ َأ َنا َص َّل ْي ُت‬
َِ َ
ُ‫اج ْيت‬
َ ‫اج َات َك أذأ أ َنا َن‬
َ ‫َس َل ْب َت ِّني ُم َن‬
And I began to confide in You, You cast
sleep over me as I prayed. You kept me
from communing with You when I began to
entreat You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َما ِّلي ُك َّل َما ُق ْل ُت َق ْ ٍد َص َل َح ْت َسر َيرِّتي َ َق ُر َب ِّمن‬
‫س ألتوأ ِّبين مج ِّل ِّسي‬
ِّ ‫مجا ِّل‬
Why me? Every time I secretly told myself
that I was reformed and sat in the
company of those who turn towards You,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َع َر َض ْت ِّلي َب ِّل َّي ٌة َأ َز َأل ْت َق َ ٍد ِّمي َ َح َال ْت َب ْي ِّني‬
َ‫َب ْي َن ِّخ ْ ٍد َم ِّتك‬
You gave me over to sorrow which
unsettled me and kept me from serving
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َل َع َّل َك َع ْن َباب َك َط َر ْد َت ِّني َ َع ْن ِّخ ْ ٍد َم ِّتك‬
َ‫َن َّح ْي َت ِّني َأ ْ َل َع َّل َك َ َرأ ْي َت ِّني ُم ْس َت ِّخ ّف ًا ب َح ِّّقك‬
‫فاقصيت ِّني‬
O my Master! Have I been thrown from
Your door, or barred from Your service?
Did You see me disregard Your right and
distance me?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً ‫َأ ْ َل َع َّل َك َ َرأ ْي َتني ُم ْعر‬
َ‫ضا َع ْن َك َف َق َل ْي َت ِّني َأ ْ َل َع َّلك‬
َ)‫ين ( ْأل َك َّذأبين‬
َ ‫َ َج ْ ٍد َت ِّني ِّفي َم َق ِّام ْأل َك ِّاذب‬
‫فرفضت ِّني‬
Did You see me separate myself from You,
so You turned away from me? Or did You
see me associate with liars, so You
refused me?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ ‫َأ ْ َل َع َّل َك َ َرأ ْي َت ِّني َغ ْي َر َشا ِّكر ِّل َن ْع َما ِّئ َك َف َح َر ْم َت ِّني َأ‬
ََْ َ ََُْ
‫س ألعلم ِّاء فخذلت ِّني‬
ِّ ‫لعلك فق ٍدت ِّني ِّمن مجا ِّل‬
Did You find me ungrateful for You
blessings, so You deprived me? Or did
You notice that I was absent from the
gatherings of the scholars and the
knowledgeable, so You disgraced me?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫ين َفم ْن َر ْح َم ِّتك‬
َ ‫َأ ْ َل َع َّل َك َ َرأ ْي َت ِّني ِّفي ْأل َغ ِّاف ِّل‬
‫أيست ِّني‬
Perhaps I sat among the forgetful, so You
withdrew Your mercy?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َأ ْ َل َع َّل َك َ َرأ ْي َت ِّني أ ِّل َف َم َجا ِّلس ْأل َب َّطا ِّل‬
َ ‫ين َف َب ْي ِّني‬
ِّ َ َ
‫بينهم خليت ِّني أ لعلك لم ت ِّحب أن تسمع دعا ِّئي‬
‫فباع ٍدت ِّني‬
Perhaps you saw me enjoying myself in
vain gatherings, so You befriended those
people with me? Or perhaps You do not
like to listen to my prayers, so You
rejected me?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َأ ْ َل َع َّل َك ب ُج ْر ِّمي َ َجر َيرِّتي َك َاف ْي َت ِّني َأ ْ َل َع َّلك‬
‫ِّب ِّقل ِّة حيا ِّئي ِّمنك جازيت ِّني‬
Perhaps because of my offenses, You had
enough of me? Or perhaps because of my
shamelessness before You, You
recompensed me?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َفا ْن َع َف ْو َت َيا َر ّب َف َط َال َما َع َف ْو َت َعن ْأل ُم ْذ ِّنبين‬
‫قب ِّلي ِّالن كرمك أي ر ِّب ي ِّجل عن مكاف ِّاة‬
َ‫ْأل ُم َق ِّ ّصرين‬
If You forgive me, O Lord, You have
forgiven many sinners before me, and
Your nobility, O Lord, outweighs Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ٌ‫َ َأ َنا َعا ِّئ ٌذ ب َف ْضل َك َُار ٌب م ْن َك أ َل ْي َك ُم َت َن ّجز‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
َ‫( ُم ْن َت ِّج ٌز) َما َ َع ْ ٍد َت ِّم َن أل َّص ْفح َع َّم ْن َأ ْح َس َن بك‬
ِّ ً َ
O my Master, I am seeking refuge in Your
grace, fleeing from You towards You,
trusting Your promise to forgive the
wrongs of those who have hope in You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫أ َلهي َأ ْن َت َأ ْ َس ُع َف ْض ًال َ َأ ْع َظ ُم ِّح ْل ًما ِّم ْن َأن‬
ِّ ِ
َّ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ُ
‫تقا ِّيس ِّني ِّبعم ِّلي أ أن تست ِّزل ِّني ِّبخ ِّطيئ ِّتي‬
O Allah! You are more generous and more
patient than to take me to account for my
misdeeds and my mistakes.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫ما أنا يا س ِّي ِّ ٍدي ما خط ِّري‬
What am I, O my Master, but what danger I
am in!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َُ ْب ِّني ب َف ْض ِّل َك َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َ َت َص َّ ٍد ْق َع َل َّي ب َع ْفو َك‬
ِّ ِّ
َ‫َج ِّّل ْل ِّني ب َس ْتر َك َ ْأع ُف َع ْن َت ْوب ِّيخي ب َك َر ِّم َ ْجهك‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
Treat me with Your benevolence and Your
pardon, and honor me by hiding my
secrets. Forgive my errors by the
kindness of Your face.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫ألصغ ُير َّألذي َرَّب ْي َت ُه َ َأ َنا ْأل َجاُل‬
َ‫َس ّي ٍدي َأنا‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
ُ‫َّأل ِّذي َع َّل ْم َته‬
O my Master! I am the young one whom
You raised, and I am the ignorant one
whom You taught.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ َّ َّ َ َ َ
‫أنا ألضا أل ِّذي ُ ٍديته أنا ألو ِّضيع أل ِّذي‬
ُ‫َر َف ْع َته‬
I was straying and You guided me. I was
humiliated, and You elevated me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ َأ َنا ْأل َخا ِّئ ُف َّأل ِّذي أ َم ْن َت ُه َ ْأل َجا ِّئ ُع َّأل ِّذي َأ ْش َب ْع َته‬
ُ‫َ ْأل َع ْط َش ُان َّأل ِّذي َأ ْر َ ْي َته‬
I was frightened, and You saved me. I was
hungry, and You fed me. I was thirsty, and
You gave me water.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ْأل َعاري َّأل ِّذي َك َس ْو َت ُه َ ْأل َف ِّق ُير َّأل ِّذي َأ ْغ َن ْي َت ُه‬
ُ‫يف َّأل ِّذي َق َّو ْي َته‬
ُ ‫ألض ِّع‬
I was naked, and You clothed me. I was
poor, and You enriched me. I was weak,
and You strengthened me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ َ
َ ‫ألس ِّق ُيم َّأل ِّذي َش َف ْي َت ُه‬
َّ ‫ألذ ِّل ُيل أل ِّذي أعززته‬
ُ‫ألسا ِّئ ُل َّأل ِّذي َأ ْع َط ْي َته‬
I was insignificant, and You honored me. I
was ill, and You cured me. I begged from
You, and You gave to me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ ْأل ُم ْذ ِّن ُب َّأل ِّذي َس َت ْرَت ُه َ ْأل َخ ِّاط ُئ َّأل ِّذي َأ َق ْل َته‬
I sinned, and You hid my sins. I erred, and
You lessened my errors.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ ُ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َّ َ َّ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ
‫أنا ألق ِّليل أل ِّذي ك ثرته ألمستضعف أل ِّذي‬
َّ ‫َن َص ْرَت ُه َ َأ َنا‬
ُ‫ألطر ُي ٍد َّأل ِّذي أ َ ْي َته‬
I was nothing, and You made me
something. I was oppressed, and You
aided me. I was fleeing, and You sheltered
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َأ َنا َيا َر ّ ِّب َّأل ِّذي َل ْم َأ ْس َت ْح ِّي َك ِّفي ْأل َخ َال ِّء َ َلم‬
ْ ُ ْ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ ُ
‫أر ِّأقبك ِّفي ألم ِال أنا ص ِّاحب أل ٍد ِّأُي ألعظمى‬
O Lord, I am the one who felt no shame
before You when I was alone, nor did I
respect You in front of others. I am the
one who had horrible intentions.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َأ َنا َّأل ِّذي َع َلى َس ّي ِّ ٍد ِّه ْأج َت َرى َأ َنا َّأل ِّذي َع َص ْيت‬
‫جبار ألسم ِّاء‬
I am the one who dared to go against his
Master. I am the one who rebelled against
the Commander of the Heavens.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ َ َ
‫يل (ألمع ِّاصي‬
ِّ ‫أنا أل ِّذي أعطيت ع َّلى مع ِّاصي ألج ِّل‬
ُ‫َج ِّل َيل) ألر َشا َأ َنا أل ِّذي ِّحي َن ُب ِّ ّش ْر ُت ب َها َخ َر ْجت‬
‫ِأليها أسعى‬
I am the one who disobeyed the greatest
of all. I am the one who, when warned,
rushed to disobey.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َأ َنا َّأل ِّذي َأ ْم َه ْل َت ِّني َف َما ْأر َع َو ْي ُت َ َس َت ْر َت َع َل َّي َفما‬
ْ ُ ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ ُ َْْ َْ
‫أستحييت ع ِّملت (ع ِّلمت) ِّبالمع ِّاصي‬
ُ‫َف َت َع َّ ٍد ْيت‬
I am the one whom You awaited, but I did
not understand. You covered my sins, but
still I had no shame before You and
persisted in my transgressions until they
became normal to me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ َأ ْس َق ْط َت ِّني ِّم ْن َع ْي ِّن َك ( ِّع ْن ِّ ٍد َك) َف َما َب َال ْيت‬
َ‫َفب ِّح ْلم َك َأ ْم َه ْل َت ِّني َ ب ِّس ْتر َك َس َت ْرَت ِّني َح َّتى َك َا َّنك‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
‫أغفلت ِّني‬
You disregarded me, but I did not feel the
pain. Patiently, you veiled my sins, as if
You overlooked me
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫ات ْأل َم َع ِّاصي َج َّن ْب َت ِّني َح َّتى َك َا َّنك‬
ِّ ‫ِّمن عقوب‬
‫أستحييت ِّني‬
And shielded me from punishment as if
You shied away from me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ َ
َ‫ين َع َص ْي ُت َك َ َأ َنا ب ُرُبوب َّيت َك َجاح ٌ ٍد َ ال‬
‫ِأل ِّهي لم أع ِّصك ِّح‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
َ‫ض َ َال ِّل َو ِّع ِّي ٍدك‬
ٌ ‫ب َا ْمر َك ُم ْس َت ِّخف َ َال ِّل ُع ُق َوب ِّت َك ُم َت َع ّر‬
ِّ ِّ
ٌ‫ُم َت َها ن‬
O God! I did not disobey You because I
disbelieved in Your divinity, or because I
belittled Your commands, or because I
feared not Your warning.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ َّ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ٌ َ َ ْ َ
‫ل ِّكن خ ِّطيئة عرضت سولت ِّلي نف ِّسي غلب ِّني‬
ْ َ ُ ْ َّ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ
‫ُوأي أعان ِّني عليها ِّشقو ِّتي غرِّني ِّسترك ألمرخى‬
I erred because my sinful desires
overcame me, and the misery of my
situation made it easier. Then Your
protective veil over my sins lured me to
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َف َق ْ ٍد َع َص ْي ُت َك َ َخ َال ْف ُت َك ب ُج ْه ِّ ٍدي َف ْاال َن ِّمن‬
‫عذأ ِّبك من يستن ِّقذ ِّني‬
Now I have transgressed and opposed You
willingly. So who will rescue me from
Your retribution?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َْ ْ َ
‫ِّمن أي ِّ ٍدي ألخصم ِّاء غ ٍدأ من يخ ِّلص ِّني ِّبحب ِّل‬
‫من أت ِّصل ِأن أنت قطعت حبلك ع ِّني‬
And tomorrow, who will redeem me from
the hands of the angels? Whose rope will
I hold onto if You cut your rope from me?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َف َوأ َس ْو َأ َتا ( َأ َس َفا) َع َلى َما َأ ْح َصى ِّك َت ُاب َك ِّمن‬
‫عم ِّلي أل ِّذي لو ال ما أرجو ِّمن كر ِّمك سع ِّة‬
َ‫َر ْح َم ِّتك‬
Alas for what Your book has recorded
about me and my deeds! Had I not had
hope in Your forgiveness and openhandedness –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫اي َعن ْألقن‬
َ‫وط َل َق َن ْط ُت ِّع ْن َ ٍد ما‬
ِّ ‫نه ِّيك ِأي‬
ُ‫َأ َت َذ َّك ُر َُا َيا َخ ْي َر َم ْن َد َع ُاه َدأع َ َأ ْف َض َل َم ْن َر َجاه‬
‫ر وأج‬
And Your firm command ordering me not to
give up hope, I would have despaired when I
realized what I committed. O best of those
who are called upon and O best of those
who are hoped in!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َّألل ُه َّم ب ِّذ َّم ِّة ْأال ْس َال ِّم َأ َت َو َّس ُل أ َل ْي َك َ ب ُح ْرم ِّة‬
ِ ْ ِّ
َ‫أل ُق ْرأن َأ ْع َتم ُ ٍد أل ْيك‬
ِ ِّ ِّ
O Allah, under the protection of Islam, I
implore You, and by the sanctity of the
Qur’an, I hold onto You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ‫َ ِّب ُح ِّّبي َّألن ِّب َّي أأال ِّم َّي ألقر ِّش َّي أله ِّاش ِّم َّي ألع ِّربي‬
َ‫ِّّألت َه ِّام َّي ْأل َم ِّّك َّي ْأل َم َ ٍد ِّن َّي َأ ْر ُجو ألزْل َف َة َل َ ٍد ْيك‬
And by my love for the unschooled
Prophet – the Qurayshi, Arab, Tahami,
Meccan, Madinan one – I seek nearness to
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫وحش أس ِّتيناس ِأيما ِّني ال تجعل ثوأ ِّبي‬
ِّ ‫فال ت‬
َ‫أب َم ْن َع َب َ ٍد ِّس َوأك‬
َ ‫َث َو‬
So please do not disrupt the familiarity of
my faith. Please do not recompense me
like You do those who worship other than
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َفا َّن َق ْو ًما أ َم ُنوأ ِّب َا ْل ِّس َن ِّت ِّه ْم ِّل َي ْح ِّق ُنوأ ِّب ِّه ِّد َم َاء ُُم‬
‫فادركوأ ما أملوأ‬
For some people professed faith with their
tongues to save their blood, and they
achieved their aim.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ‫َ أ َّنا أ َم َّنا ب َك ب َا ْل ِّس َن ِّت َنا َ ُق ُلوب َنا ِّل َت ْع ُف َو َعنا‬
ِّ ِّ
ْ َّ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ
‫فاد ِّركنا (فاد ِّرك ِّبنا) ما أملنا ث ِّبت رجاءك ِّفي‬
َ‫ُص ُ ٍد رنا‬
But have believed in You from the depths
of our hearts so that You might be kind to
us. So help us with what we long for, and
entrench our love for You deep into our
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ َال ُتز ْغ ُق ُل َوب َنا َب ْع َ ٍد أ ْذ َُ َ ٍد ْي َت َنا َ َُ ْب َل َنا ِّمن‬
ُ‫َل ُ ٍد ْن َك َر ْح َم ًة أ َّن َك َأ ْن َت ْأل َو َُّاب‬
Do not let our hearts go astray after You
have guided us, and grant us Your mercy;
indeed, You are known for Your gifts.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َف َو ِّع َّزِّت َك َلو ْأن َت َه ْرَت ِّني َما َبر ْح ُت ِّم ْن َبابك‬
I swear by Your glory that even if You sent
me away, I would never stop knocking on
Your door.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َال َك َف ْف ُت َع ْن َت َمل ِّق َك ِّل َما ُأ ْله َم َق ْلبي (يا‬
ِّ ِّ
َ‫َس ّي ِّ ٍدي) ِّم َن ْأل َم ْعر َف ِّة ب َك َر ِّم َك َ َس َع ِّة َر ْح َم ِّتك‬
ِّ ِّ
Nor would I cease to extol You, for
knowledge of Your benevolence and the
vastness of Your compassion has inspired
my heart.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫أ َلى َم ْن َي ْذ َُ ُب ْأل َع ْب ُ ٍد أ َّال أ َلى َم ْو َال ُه َ أ َلى َمن‬
َ َّ ُ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ َ ْ َ
‫يلت ِّجئ ألمخلوق ِأال ِألى خا ِّل ِّق ِّه‬
Who can a slave go to but to his master?
Where can a creature seek refuge in but in
his Creator?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ْ ‫أ َلهي َل ْو َق َرْن َتني ب‬
ْ‫اال ْص َف ِّاد َ َم َن ْع َت ِّني َس ْي َب َك ِّمن‬
ِّ ِّ ْ ِّ ِ
َ‫َب ْين َأال ْش َه ِّاد َ َد َل ْل َت َع َلى َف َضا ِّئ ِّحي ُع ُيون‬
‫أل ِّعب ِّاد‬
O Lord! Even if, on the Day of Judgment,
You chain me down and deprive me of all
good before everyone and disgrace me
before the eyes of Your slaves,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َ َّ َ َ ْ َ َ َ
‫أمرت ِّبي ِألى ألن ِّار حلت بي ِّني بين أالبر ِّأر‬
َ‫َما َق َط ْع ُت َر َجا ِّئي ِّم ْنك‬
And You order me to Hell and separate me
from the faithful, I will never let go of my
hope in You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َما َص َر ْف ُت َت ْا ِّمي ِّلي ِّل ْل َع ْفو َع ْن َك َ َال َخ َر َج ُحبك‬
َْ ْ
‫ِّمن قل ِّبي‬
I will not despair of Your pardon, nor will I
cease to love You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أنا ال أنسى أي ِّاديك ِّعن ِّ ٍدي سترك عل َّي ِّفي د ِّأر‬
ْ َ ْ َ ْ َّ ُ ْ ْ َ ّ َ َ ْ
‫أل ٍدنيا س ِّي ِّ ٍدي أخ ِّرج حب أل ٍدنيا ِّمن قل ِّبي‬
I will not forget how You helped me, or
how You kept my secrets. O my Master!
Expel the love of this world from my heart!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ ْأج َم ْع َب ْي ِّني َ َب ْي َن ْأل ُم ْص َط َفى َ أ ِّل ِّه ِّخ َي َرِّت َك ِّمن‬
‫خل ِّقك خات ِّم ألن ِّب ِّيين محم و ٍد صلى أّلِل علي ِّه أ ِّل ِّه‬
Join me with Your chosen one and his
family, the best of Your creation and the
last of Your Prophets – Muhammad, may
Your blessings be upon him and his
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ ّ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ
‫أنقل ِّني ِألى درج ِّة ألتوب ِّة ِأليك أ ِّع ِّني ِّبالبك ِّاء‬
َ‫يف َ ْأالما‬
ِّ ‫على نف ِّسي فق ٍد أفنيت ِّبالتس ِّو‬
‫عم ِّري‬
Bring me to the level where I will repent to
You. Inspire me to cry over my soul, for I
have wasted my life in vain pursuits and
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َ ْ َ ُ َْ َ ْ َ َ
)‫ق ٍد نزلت من ِّزلة أال ِّي ِّسين ِّمن خي ِّري (حيا ِّتي‬
‫فمن يكون أسوأ حاال ِّم ِّني‬
And now I have come to You hopeless of
there being any good in me. So who is
worse off than me?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫أ ْن َأ َنا ُن ِّق ْل ُت َع َلى ِّم ْثل َحا ِّلي أ َلى َق ْبري ( َق ْبر) َلم‬
ِّ ْ ِ ْ َ ِّ َ
‫أم ِّه ٍده ِّلرق ٍد ِّتي لم أفرشه ِّبالعم ِّل ألصا ِّل ِّح‬
‫ِّلضجع ِّتي‬
If I am brought to my grave like this, and I
have not prepared it by lining it with good
deeds for my repose,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫ما ِّلي ال أب ِّكي ال أد ِّر ِألى ما يكون م ِّص ِّيري‬
What is wrong with me that I would not
wail and weep, when I know not my fate?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ َأ َرى َن ْفسي ُت َخاد ُع ِّني َ َأ َّيامي ُت َخا ِّت ُل ِّني َ َق ٍد‬
ْ ُ َ ْ َ َْ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ َ
‫خفقت ِّعن ٍد (فوق) رأ ِّسي أج ِّنحة ألمو ِّت‬
I see my self deceiving itself. My days are
fading as the wings of death flutter near
my head.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َف َما ِّلي َال َأ ْب ِّكي َأ ْب ِّكي ِّل ُخ ُر ج َن ْف ِّسي َأ ْب ِّكي ِّل ُظ ْلم ِّة‬
‫قب ِّري أب ِّكي ِّل ِّض ِّي ُّ لح ِّ ٍدي أب ِّكي ِّلسؤأ ِّ منك ور ن ِّك وير‬
َ‫أ َّياي‬
What is wrong with me that I do not cry? I
cry over surrendering my soul. I cry over
the darkness and narrowness of my grave.
I cry over the questioning of Munkar and
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً‫يال َحامال‬
ً ‫َأ ْبكي ل ُخ ُر جي م ْن َق ْبري ُع ْرَي ًانا َذل‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
‫ِّثق ِّلي على ظه ِّري‬
I cry over being forced from my grave
naked, humiliated, bearing the book of my
deeds on my back.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُُّ ‫َأ ْن ُظ ُر َم َّر ًة َع ْن َيم ِّيني َ ُأ ْخ َرى َع ْن ِّش َما ِّلي أ ِّذ أ ْل َخ َال ِّئ‬
ٌ‫ِّفي َش ْان َغ ْير َش ْا ِّني ِّل ُك ّل ْأمرئ ِّم ْن ُه ْم َي ْو َم ِّئ وذ َش ْان‬
‫ِّ ِّ و‬
ِّ ‫و‬
‫يغ ِّن ِّيه‬
I look once to my right and once to my left.
Today, all of creation is overwhelmed with
their own concerns, and no one is paying
any heed to me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ٌ‫ُ ُج ٌوه َي ْو َم ِّئ وذ ُم ْس ِّف َر ٌة َض ِّاح َك ٌة ُم ْس َت ْب ِّش َر ٌة َ ُ ُجوه‬
ٌ‫َي ْو َمئذ َع َل ْي َها َغ َب َر ٌة َت ْر َُ ُق َها َق َت َر ٌة َ ذ َّلة‬
‫ِّ و‬
“Some faces on that day will be bright and
joyous, and others will be submissive and
humiliated, covered in dust.”
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َع َل ْي َك ُم َع َّو ِّلي َ ُم ْع َت َم ِّ ٍدي َ َر َجا ِّئي‬
‫توك ِّلي ِّبرحم ِّتك تعل ِّقي‬
O my Master! You are the one I rely on
and depend on and have hope and trust in
and, by Your mercy, I cling to.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫يب ب َر ْح َم ِّت َك َم ْن َت َش ُاء َ َت ْه ِّ ٍدي ب َك َر َأم ِّت َك َمن‬
ِّ ‫ت ِّص‬
ُ‫ُت ِّحب‬
You send Your mercy upon whomever You
will, and You guide by Your grace
whomever You like.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ ْ ّ َ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ
‫ألشر ِّك قل ِّبي‬
ِّ ‫فلك ألحم ٍد على ما نقيت ِّمن‬
Praise be to You for purifying my heart
from associating partners with You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َل َك ْأل َح ْم ُ ٍد َع َلى َب ْسط ل َساني َأ َفبل َساني َُذأ‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
‫ألكا ِّ أشكرك أم ِّبغاي ِّة جه ِّ ٍدي (جه ِّ ٍدي) ِّفي‬
َ‫َع َم ِّلي ُأ ْر ِّضيك‬
Praise be to You for releasing these fetters
from my tongue. Am I thanking You with
this heavy tongue of mine, or trying to
please You with these small efforts?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ َما َق ْ ٍد ُر ِّل َسا ِّني َيا َر ّ ِّب ِّفي َج ْن ِّب ُش ْكر َك َ َما َق ْ ٍدر‬
ََّ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ
)‫عم ِّلي ِّفي جن ِّب ِّنع ِّمك ِأحسا ِّنك ( ِألي‬
What are my words compared to what You
have given me? What are my deeds
compared to Your compassion?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫أ َلهي أ َّن (أ َّال َأ َّن) ُج‬
َ‫ود َك َب َس َط َأ َم ِّلي َ ُش ْك َرك‬
َ)‫َقب َل َع َم ِّلي َس ّي ِّ ٍدي أ َل ْي َك َر ْغ َب ِّتي َ أ َل ْي َك ( ِّم ْنك‬
ِ ِّ
‫رُب ِّتي‬
O God! Your generosity has rekindled my
hope, and Your gratefulness has impelled
me to try harder. O my Master! You are my
only hope and fear.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ َ َ َْ َ
َ َ
‫ِأليك تا ِّمي ِّلي ق ٍد ساق ِّني ِأليك أم ِّلي‬
All of my desires have been directed
towards You, and they have been realized.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ َ َْ َ َ
‫عليك ( ِأليك) يا ِّأح ِّ ٍدي عك فت (ع ِّلقت) ُِّم ِّتي‬
َ َ ََْ ْ َ َ َْ َ َ ْ َ َ
‫ِّفيما ِّعن ٍدك أنبسطت رغب ِّتي لك خا ِّلص رجا ِّئي‬
‫خو ِّفي‬
You are my only concern, O Matchless
One. My aspirations are in You, and You
are my ultimate hope and fear.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ب َك َأ ِّن َس ْت َم َح َّب ِّتي َ أ َل ْي َك َأ ْل َق ْي ُت ب َي ِّ ٍدي‬
‫ِّبحب ِّل طاع ِّتك م ٍددت رُب ِّتي‬
I came to love You, and I cast my hands
before You, and I held onto the rope of
Your obedience.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫اجا ِّت َك َب َّر ْدت‬
َ ‫اش َق ْلبي َ ب ُم َن‬
َ ‫( َيا) َم ْو َال َي ب ِّذ ْكر َك َع‬
ِّ ِّ َ
َِّ ِّ َ ْ َ َ
‫أل َم ألخو ِّف ع ِّني فيا موالي يا مؤم ِّلي يا منتهى‬
‫ُسؤ ِّلي‬
O my Master! My heart became alive
through remembering You. In confiding to
You, I lost my pain of fright. So, O my
Master, and O the One in whom I hope,
and O my ultimate aim,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َْ َ َْ َ َْ ْ َّ
ُ ْ
‫ف ِّرق بي ِّني بين ذن ِّبي ألما ِّن ِّع ِّلي ِّمن لز ِّم‬
َ‫َط َاع ِّتك‬
Separate me from my sins which keep me
from Your obedience!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ َ ْ َ َ َّ َ
‫ف ِانما أسالك ِّلق ِّ ٍد ِّيم ألرج ِّاء ِّفيك ع ِّظ ِّيم ألطم ِّع‬
ْ َّ ‫م ْن َك َّألذي َأ ْ َج ْب َت ُه َع َلى َن ْفس َك م َن‬
َ ‫ألرأ َف ِّة‬
ِّ ِّ
َ‫َّألر ْحم ِّة‬
I only ask You this because You have
eternally been a source of hope and
because You made us long for You by
decreeing Yourself to act with mercy and
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ْ ‫َف‬
َ ‫اال ْم ُر َل َك َ ْح َ ٍد َك َال َشر‬
ْ‫يك َل َك َ ْأل َخ ْل ُ ُّ ُكل ُهم‬
َ‫ِّع َي ُال َك َ ِّفي َق ْب َض ِّتك‬
Full command is Yours, alone, with no
partner, and all of Creation are Your
dependents, resting in Your hands.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ ُكل َش ْي وء َخ ِّاض ٌع َل َك َت َب َار ْك َت َيا َر َّب ْأل َع َالمين‬
Everything remains humble before You –
blessed be You, Lord of all the Worlds!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫أ َلهي ْأر َح ْم ِّني أ َذأ ْأن َق َط َع ْت ُح َّج ِّتي َ َك َّل َعن‬
ِّ ِ
ُ َ َّ َ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ
‫جوأ ِّبك ِّلسا ِّني طاش ِّعن ٍد سؤأ ِّلك ِأياي ل ِّبي‬
O Lord! Have mercy when my excuses
have run out, and my tongue can no
longer answer You when You question me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َف َيا َع ِّظ َيم َر َجا ِّئي َال ُت َخ ّي ْب ِّني أ َذأ ْأش َت َّ ٍد ْت َف َاق ِّتي‬
ِ ِّ َ
‫ال ترد ِّني ِّلجه ِّلي‬
You are my greatest hope, so do not
disappoint me when calamity overwhelms
me. Do not refuse me because of my
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َال َت ْم َن ْع ِّني ِّل ِّق َّل ِّة َص ْبري َأ ْع ِّط ِّني ِّل َف ْقري‬
‫أرحم ِّني ِّلضع ِّفي‬
Do not deprive me because of my
impatience. Provide for me, for I am poor;
have mercy upon me, for I am weak.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َع َل ْي َك ُم ْع َت َم ِّ ٍدي َ ُم َع َّو ِّلي َ َر َجا ِّئي‬
‫توك ِّلي ِّبرحم ِّتك تعل ِّقي‬
O my Master! I am depending on You and
putting all my trust and hope in You, and,
by Your mercy, I am holding on to You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ)‫َ ِّب ِّف َنا ِّئ َك َأ ُحط َر ْح ِّلي َ ِّب ُج ِّود َك َأ ْق ِّص ُ ٍد ( َأ ْق ُصر‬
‫ط ِّلب ِّتي ِّبكر ِّمك أي ر ِّب أستف ِّتح دعا ِّئي‬
In Your presence, my journey reaches its
end. O Lord, I direct my request by Your
kindness, and I begin my prayer by You
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َل َ ٍد ْي َك َأ ْر ُجو َف َاق ِّتي ( ِّض َي َاف ِّتي) َ ب ِّغ َن‬
ُ‫اك َأ ْج ُبر‬
‫عيل ِّتي‬
Through You, I seek relief from my
poverty, and a cure for my troubles.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َت ْح َت ِّظ ّل َع ْفو َك ِّق َي ِّامي َ أ َلى ُج ِّود َك َ َك َر ِّمك‬
ِّ ِّ
‫أرفع بص ِّري ِألى معر ِّفك أ ِّديم نظ ِّري‬
I stand under the shadow of Your pardon.
I raise my eyes to Your honor and
generosity, and I gaze at Your favor.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫النار َ َأ ْن َت َم ْوض ُع َأ َملي َ ال‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ْ ‫فال تح ِّرق ِّني ِّب‬
‫تس ِّك ِّني ألها ِّ ية ف ِانك قرة عي ِّني‬
Do not burn me in Hell when I have put my
hope in You. And do not cast me into the
abyss when You are the light of my eyes.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َيا َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َال ُت َك ِّّذ ْب َظ ِّّني با ْح َسا ِّن َك َ َم ْع ُر ِّفك‬
ُ‫َفا َّن َك ِّث َق ِّتي َ َال َت ْحر ْم ِّني َث َو َأب َك َفا َّن َك ْأل َعارف‬
‫ِّبفق ِّري‬
O my Master! Do not disappoint my
expectations of Your goodness, for You
are the one I rely upon. And do not
deprive me of Your rewards since You are
aware of my severe need.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫أ َلهي أ ْن َك َان َق ْ ٍد َد َنا َأ َج ِّلي َ َل ْم ُي َق ّرْب ِّني ِّم ْنك‬
ِّ َ َ
َْ َ ْ ََ َ َ
َ‫أف أل ْي َك بذ ْنبي َ َسائل‬
ِّ ِّ ِ ‫عم ِّلي فق ٍد جعلت أ ِّالع ِّتر‬
‫ِّعل ِّلي‬
O God! If the end of my life has drawn
near, and my deeds have not brought me
closer to You, then I confess my sins as an
excuse before You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫أ َلهي أ ْن َع َف ْو َت َف َم ْن َأ ْ َلى م ْن َك ب ْال َعفو‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
ِ ِّ ِ
O God, if You pardon me, then there is no
one more worthy than You to pardon,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ أ ْن َع َّذ ْب َت َف َم ْن َأ ْع َ ٍد ُ ِّم ْن َك ِّفي ْأل ُح ْك ِّم ْأر َحم‬
‫ِّفي ُ ِّذ ِّه أل ٍدنيا غرب ِّتي‬
But if You punish men, then who is more
just than You in judgment? Have mercy
upon my misery in this world,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ
‫ِّعن ٍد ألمو ِّت كرب ِّتي ِّفي ألقب ِّر ح ٍد ِّتي ِّفي‬
َ‫َّألل ْح ِّ ٍد َ ْح َش ِّتي َ أ َذأ ُن ِّش ْر ُت ِّل ْل ِّح َساب َب ْي َن َي َ ٍد ْيك‬
‫ذ مو ِّق ِّفي‬
My calamity at death, and my loneliness
and terror in my grave. Have mercy upon
my helplessness when You resurrect me
to be judged.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ْأغ ِّف ْر ِّلي َما َخ ِّف َي َع َلى أ ْال َد ِّم ّي‬
َ ‫ين ِّم ْن َع َم ِّلي‬
‫أ ِّدم ِّلي ما ِّب ِّه َسترت ِّني‬
Forgive me for my deeds that You hid from
the people, and continue to hide what You
have hidden.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ ََ ً َ َْ ْ َ
‫أش تق ِّلب ِّني أي ِّ ٍدي‬
ِّ ‫أرحم ِّني ص ِّريعا على أل ِّفر‬
‫أ ِّحب ِّتي‬
Have mercy upon me when I am lying
motionless on my deathbed, and my
friends have gathered around me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫تفضل علي مم ٍد دأ على ألمغتس ِّل يق ِّلب ِّني‬
‫(يغ ِّسل ِّني) صا ِّلح ِّجيرِّتي‬
Be good to me when I am stretched out for
the funeral bath and the righteous among
my neighbors wash my body.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً ‫َ َت َح َّن ْن َع َل َّي َم ْح ُم‬
َ‫وال َق ْ ٍد َت َنا َ َ ْ َأال ْقرَب ُاء َأ ْط َرأف‬
ْ َ َ ْ َ ً ُ ْ َ َّ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ
‫جنازِّتي ج ٍد علي منقوال ق ٍد نزلت ِّبك ِّحي ٍدأ ِّفي‬
Be kind to me as I am carried by my
relatives to my grave. Be compassionate
towards me as I am passed from hand to
hand until I am put in the ground.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ ْأر َح ْم في َذل َك ْأل َب ْيت ْأل َج ٍدي ٍد ُغ ْرَبتي َح َّتى ال‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
َ‫َأ ْس َت ْا ِّن َس ب َغ ْيرك‬
ِّ ِّ
Have mercy upon the severity of my
loneliness in my new home, for I never
sought to be close to anyone but You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫يا س ِّي ِّ ٍدي ِأن كلت ِّني ِألى نف ِّسي ُلكت س ِّي ِّ ٍدي‬
ْ ُ َْ ْ ُ َْ َ ْ َ َ
‫ف ِّبمن أست ِّغيث ِأن لم ت ِّقل ِّني عثرِّتي‬
O my Master! If you left me to take care of
myself, I would have perished. O my
Master, who would I turn to if You did not
prevent me from stumbling?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َفا َلى َم ْن َأ ْف َز ُع أ ْن َف َق ْ ٍد ُت ِّع َن َاي َت َك ِّفي َض ْج َع ِّتي‬
َ ْ ُ ََْ ْ َ َ
‫ِألى من ألت ِّجئ ِأن لم تن ِّفس كرب ِّتي‬
Who would I run to if You turned away
from me in my time of need? Whom could
I turn to if You did not ease my
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َم ْن ِّلي َ َم ْن َي ْر َح ُم ِّني أ ْن َل ْم َت ْر َح ْم ِّني‬
‫فضل من أؤ ِّمل ِأن ع ِّ ٍدمت فضلك يوم فاق ِّتي‬
O my Master, who else do I have? Who
will have mercy upon me if You do not
have mercy upon me? Whose help will I
expect if You refuse to help me on that day
of misery?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َ َ
‫وب ِأذأ أنقضى أج ِّلي‬
ِّ ‫ِألى م ِّن أل ِّفرأر ِّمن ألذن‬
َ‫َس ّي ِّ ٍدي َال ُت َع ِّّذ ْب ِّني َ َأ َنا َأ ْر ُجوك‬
Where can I run from my sins when my
time has come? O my Master, do not
punish me while I still have hope in You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ‫أ َلهي ( َّألل ُه َّم) َح ِّّق ْ ُّ َر َجا ِّئي َ أ ِّم ْن َخ ْو ِّفي َفان‬
ِّ ِ
َ‫َك ْث َر َة ُذ ُنوبي َال َأ ْر ُجو ِّف َيها ( َل َها) أ َّال َع ْف َوك‬
O God, fulfill my desire, and ease my
terror, for even with this multitude of sins,
I hope for nothing except Your pardon.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َس ّي ٍدي َأ َنا َأ ْس َا ُل َك َما َال َأ ْس َتح ُّ َ َأ ْن َت َأ ُْل‬
ِّ ِّ
َ‫َّألت ْق َوى َ َأ ُْ ُل ْأل َم ْغ ِّفر ِّة‬
O my Master, I am asking you for things
which I do not deserve, but it befits You to
forgive me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫فاغ ِّفر ِّلي أل ِّبس ِّني ِّمن نظ ِّرك ثوبا يغ ِّطي عل َّي‬
ِّ ‫ألت ِّبع‬
So forgive me and hide me from Your sight
with a cloak that will protect me from the
consequences of my sins.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َت ْغ ِّف ُر َُا ِّلي َ َال ُأ َط َال ُب ب َها أ َّن َك ُذ َم ّن َق ِّ ٍد ويم‬
ِ ِّ
‫صف وح ع ِّظ ويم تجا و ك ِّر ويم‬
Hide my sins and do not take me to
account for them. Indeed, You have
eternally been known for Your goodness
and great favors and high honor.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫يض َس ْي َب َك َع َلى َم ْن َال َي ْس َا ُلك‬
ُ ‫أ َل ِّهي َأ ْن َت َّأل ِّذي ُت ِّف‬
َ‫َ َع َلى ْأل َج ِّاح ِّ ٍد َين ب ُرُبوب َّي ِّتك‬
ِّ ِّ
O God! You bestow overflowing blessings
on those who do not ask and even on
those who deny Your existence.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َف َك ْي َف َس ّي ِّ ٍدي ب َم ْن َس َا َل َك َ َأ ْي َق َن َأ َّن ْأل َخ ْل َ ُّ َلك‬
ِّ ِّ
َ‫َ ْ َأال ْم َر أ َل ْي َك َت َب َار ْك َت َ َت َع َال ْي َت َيا َر َّب ْأل َع َالمين‬
So how, O my Master, would you treat
someone who implored You and had full
certainty in You? All of creation and
command is Yours – blessed be You and
most High, O Lord of the Worlds!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫اص ُة َب ْين‬
َ ‫َس ِّّي ِّ ٍدي َع ْب ُ ٍد َك ِّب َبا ِّب َك َأ َق َام ْت ُه ْأل َخ َص‬
‫ي ٍديك يقرع باب ِأحسا ِّنك ِّب ٍدعا ِّئ ِّه‬
O my Master, Your slave is knocking at
Your door and begging for aid, calling
upon Your goodness with his prayers.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ)‫( َ َي ْس َت ْع ِّط ُف َجم َيل َن َظر َك ب َم ْك ُنون َر َجا ِّئك‬
ِّ ْ ِّ
‫فال تع ِّرض ِّبوج ِّهك ألك ِّر ِّيم ع ِّني‬
So please do not cast away Your beautiful
gaze or turn away Your honorable face.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ ْأق َب ْل م ّني َما َأ ُقو ُ َف َق ْ ٍد َد َع ْو ُت ( َد ْع َو ُت َك) ب َهذأ‬
ِّ ِّ
‫أل ٍدع ِّاء‬
Accept from me what I have said in this
prayer, for I have called out to You with
these words.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َأ َنا َأ ْر ُجو َأ ْن َال َت ُر َّد ِّني َم ْعر َف ًة ِّم ِّّني ب َ ْرأ َف ِّت َك‬
َ‫َر ْح َم ِّتك‬
And I have hope that You will not refuse
me since I have long been aware of Your
goodness and mercy.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫يك َسا ِّئ ٌل َ َال َي ْن ُق ُصك‬
َ ‫أ َلهي َأ ْن َت َّأل ِّذي َال ُي ْح ِّف‬
ِّ ِ
ُ ‫َنائ ٌل َأ ْن َت َك َما َت ُقو ُ َ َف ْو َق َما َن ُقو‬
O God! You are never burdened by a
supplicant, nor are you ever encumbered
by responding. You are just as You say
You are, and better than we say You are.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً ‫يال َ َف َرج ًا َقر‬
ً ‫َّألل ُه َّم أ ّني َأ ْس َا ُل َك َص ْب ًرأ َجم‬
َ ‫يبا‬
ِّ ِ
ً‫َق ْو ًال َصاد ًقا َ َأ ْج ًرأ َعظيما‬
O Allah! I ask You to grant me patience,
relief from my difficulties, a true
affirmation, and a great reward.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َأ ْس َا ُل َك َيا َر ّب ِّم َن ْأل َخ ْير ُك ِّّل ِّه َما َع ِّل ْم ُت ِّم ْن ُه َ ما‬
ْ‫َل ْم َأ ْع َلم‬
O Lord, I ask You for all of the good which
I am aware of, and the good which I am not
aware of.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َأ ْس َا ُل َك َّألل ُه َّم ِّم ْن َخ ْير َما َس َا َل َك ِّم ْن ُه ِّع َب ُادك‬
‫ألصا ِّلحون يا خير من س ِّئل أجود من أعطى‬
O Allah, I ask you for the best of what Your
righteous servants have asked you. O best
of those who are besought and most
generous of those who give!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ ُ َ َّ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ
‫أع ِّط ِّني سؤ ِّلي ِّفي نف ِّسي أُ ِّلي أ ِّل ٍدي ل ِّ ٍدي‬
َ‫( َ َل ِّ ٍدي) َ َأ ُْل ُح َز َأن ِّتي َ أ ْخ َوأ ِّني ِّفيك‬
Grant me my request for myself and my
family and my parents and my children
and my friends and my brethren in faith.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫( َ ) َأ ْر ِّغ ْ ٍد َع ْي ِّشي َ َأ ْظ ِّه ْر ُم ُر َّ ِّتي َ َأ ْص ِّل ْح َج ِّميع‬
‫أحوأ ِّلي‬
Enrich my life; make me gracious; and
improve all aspects of my life.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ْأج َع ْل ِّني ِّم َّم ْن َأ َط ْل َت ُع ُم َر ُه َ َح َّس ْن َت َع َم َل ُه‬
َ ‫َأ ْت َم ْم َت َع َل ْي ِّه ِّن ْع َم َت َك َ َر ِّض‬
ُ‫يت َع ْنه‬
Make me one of those whom You have
made to live long, made him do good,
completed Your blessing upon him, and
been pleased with him.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أحييته حياة ط ِّيبة ِّفي أد ِّم ألسر ِّر أسب ِّغ‬
ْ ّ ََ َ َ َ َ ْ
ِّ ‫ألكرأم ِّة أت ِّم ألعي‬
Let me live my life with purity, happiness,
honor, and contentment.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫أ َّن َك َت ْف َع ُل َما َت َش ُاء َ َال َت ْف َع ُل ( َي ْف َع ُل) َما َي َشاء‬
َ‫َغ ْي ُرك‬
Indeed, You do what You will and not what
others will.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫اصة ذ ْكر َك َ َال َت ْج َعل‬
َ‫َّألل ُه َّم ُخ َّص ِّني م ْن َك بخ‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
‫شيائ ِّمما أتقرب ِّب ِّه ِّفي أن ِّاء أللي ِّل‬
O Allah! Distinguish me by letting me
remember You, and do not let any moment
that I try to come closer to you, day or
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َأ ْط َرأف َّألن َهار رَي ًاء َ َال ُس ْم َع ًة َ َال َأ َش ًرأ َ ال‬
َ‫َب َط ًرأ َ ْأج َع ْل ِّني َل َك ِّم َن ْأل َخ ِّاش ِّعين‬
Be for the sake of show or arrogance. Let
me fear You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ ّْ
‫ألرز ِّق أالمن ِّفي‬
‫أللهم أع ِّط ِّني ألسعة ِّفي‬
ْ َ َّ ُ َ َ َ ْ
ََْ َ َْ َ َْْ
‫ألوط ِّن قرة ألعي ِّن ِّفي أالُ ِّل ألما ِّ ألول ِّ ٍد‬
O Allah! Grant me liberal sustenance, and
safety in my homeland. Make my family
and wealth and children a source of joy to
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ َّ ّ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ
‫ألصحة ِّفي أل ِّجس ِّم‬
ِّ ‫ألمقام ِّفي ِّنع ِّمك ِّعن ِّ ٍدي‬
‫أل ٍد ِّين‬
ِّ ‫ألقوة ِّفي ألب ٍد ِّن ألسالمة ِّفي‬
Let me continue to enjoy Your blessings,
bodily health and strength. Safeguard my
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َّ‫َ ْأس َت ْع ِّم ْل ِّني ب َط َاع ِّت َك َ َط َاع ِّة َر ُسو ِّل َك ُم َحم و ٍد‬
‫صلى أّلِل علي ِّه أ ِّل ِّه أب ٍدأ ما أستعمرت ِّني‬
Employ me in Your obedience and
obedience to Your Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him and his family) for
ever, as long as You prolong my life.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ّ‫َ ْأج َع ْلني م ْن َأ ْ َفر ع َباد َك ع ْن َ ٍد َك َنصي ًبا في ُكل‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
ِّ َ ِّ ِّ
َ‫َخ ْير َأ ْن َزْل َت ُه َ ُت ْن ُزل ُه في َش ْهر َر َم َض َان في ل ْيلة‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ْ ِّ ِّ
ْ‫أل َق ٍدر‬
Grant me the best share of the good that
You send down on Your worshippers in
the month of Ramadhan and on Laylat alQadr –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ َما َأ ْن َت ُم ْن ُزل ُه ِّفي ُك ّل َس َن وة ِّم ْن َر ْح َم وة َت ْن ُش ُر َُا‬
َ‫َع ِّاف َي وة ُت ْل ِّب ُسها‬
And You send this down every year as a
form of mercy and pardon.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫ات تتقبلها س ِّيائ وت‬
‫ب ِّلي وة ت ٍدفعها حسن و‬
َ‫َت َت َجا َ ُز َع ْنها‬
Protect us from calamities, accept our
good deeds, and forgive our bad.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ْأر ُز ْق ِّني َح َّج َب ْي ِّت َك ْأل َح َر ِّأم ِّفي َع ِّام َنا ( َع ِّامي) َُ َذأ‬
َ‫ِّفي ُك ّل َعام َ ْأر ُز ْق ِّني ر ْزق ًا َ ِّأس ًعا ِّم ْن َف ْض ِّلك‬
‫ِّ و‬
ِّ ْ
‫ألو ِّأس ِّع‬
Grant me the opportunity to visit Your
Sacred House, this year and every year,
and grant me liberal sustenance from Your
boundless resources.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َّ َ َّ ْ ْ َ
‫ض ع ِّني‬
ِّ ‫أص ِّرف ع ِّني يا س ِّي ِّ ٍدي أالسوأء أق‬
َ‫أل ٍد ْي َن َ ألظالم‬
ُ‫ات َح َّتى َال َأ َت َا َّذى ب َش ْي وء ِّم ْنه‬
Protect me, O my Master, from the
misfortunes of life. Pay back my debts
and help me to compensate for any
injustices that I committed so that I will not
be harmed because of them.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ُخ ْذ َع ِّّني ب َا ْس َماع َ َأ ْب َصار َأ ْع َ ٍدأ ِّئي َ ُح َّس ِّادي‬
‫ألب ِّاغين عل َي‬
Preoccupy the hearing and sight of those
who are jealous of me and have ill will
towards me,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ )‫َ ْأن ُص ْرِّني َع َل ْيه ْم َ َأ ِّق َّر َع ْي ِّني ( َ َح ِّّق ْ ُّ َظ ِّّني‬
َْ ْ َّ
‫ف ِّرح قل ِّبي‬
And help me against them. Comfort my
eyes, and bring joy to my heart.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً ‫َ ْأج َع ْل لي م ْن َُ ّمي َ َك ْربي َف َر‬
ً ‫جا َ َم ْخ َر‬
َ ‫جا‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
َ‫ْأج َع ْل َم ْن َأ َر َأد ِّني ب ُس ووء ِّم ْن َجميع َخ ْل ِّق َك َت ْحت‬
ِّ ِّ
‫ق ٍدم َي‬
Relieve me from my suffering, and put any
one of Your creatures who wishes to harm
me beneath my feet.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أك ِّف ِّني شر ألشيط ِّان شر ألسلط ِّان س ِّيائ ِّت‬
ُ‫َع َملي َ َط ّه ْرِّني م َن ألذن‬
َ‫وب ُك ِّّلها‬
ِّ ِّ
Guard me from the evil of Satan and the
evil of despotic rulers and the evils of my
own deeds. Purify me from sins
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َأج ْرني م َن َّألنار ب َع ْفو َك َ َأ ْدخ ْلني ْأل َج َّنة‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
َ‫ب َر ْح َم ِّت َك َ َز ّ ْج ِّني ِّم َن ْأل ُحور ْأل ِّعين ب َف ْض ِّلك‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
Save me from the Fire by Your
forgiveness. Let me enter Paradise by
Your mercy, and marry me there to the
companions with the beautiful, big and
lustrous eyes by Your grace.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َْ َ
‫أل ِّحق ِّني ِّبا ِّليا ِّئك ألصا ِّل ِّحين محم و ٍد أ ِّل ِّه‬
ْ َ َّ َ ّ َّ َ ْ َ ْ
‫أالبر ِّأر ألط ِّي ِّبين ألط ِّاُ ِّرين أالخي ِّار‬
Unite me with Your awliyaa’ – Muhammad
and his family – the virtuous, the purified,
and the blessed –
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َص َل َو ُأت َك َع َل ْيه ْم َ َع َلى َأ ْج َس ِّاد ُِّ ْم َ َأ ْر َ ِّأحه ْم‬
َِّّ ‫َر ْح َم ُة‬
ُ‫أّلِل َ َب َر َك ُاته‬
May Your grace and mercy and blessings
be upon their bodies and their souls.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َّ َ ّ َ َ َ
‫ِأل ِّهي س ِّي ِّ ٍدي ِّعزِّتك جال ِّلك ل ِّئن طالبت ِّني‬
َ‫ب ُذ ُنوبي َ ُال َطا ِّل َب َّن َك ب َع ْفوك‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
O God, and O my Master, by Your might
and glory, if You call me to account for my
sins, I will call upon You by Your pardon.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ َل ِّئ ْن َط َال ْب َت ِّني ب ُل ْؤ ِّمي َ ُال َطا ِّل َب َّن َك ب َك َر ِّم َك َ َل ِّئن‬
َ‫َأ ْد َخ ْل َت ِّني َّألن َار َ ُال ْخب َر َّن َأ ُْ َل َّألنار ب ُح ّبي َلك‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
If You call me to account for my
meanness, I will call upon Your generosity.
If you cast me into the Hellfire, I will tell all
of its inhabitants how much I love You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫أ َلهي َ َس ّي ِّ ٍدي أ ْن ُك ْن َت َال َت ْغ ِّف ُر أ َّال ِّ َال ْ ِّل َيا ِّئ َك‬
ِّ ِ
َ‫َأ ُْل َط َاع ِّت َك َفا َلى َم ْن َي ْف َز ُع ْأل ُم ْذ ِّن ُبون‬
O God and O my Master, if You only
forgive Your close friends and those who
obey You, then to whom will the sinners
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ أ ْن ُك ْن َت َال ُت ْكر ُم أ َّال َأ ُْ َل ْأل َو َف ِّاء ب َك َفب َمن‬
ِّ ِّ
ُ ‫َي ْس َتغ‬
َ‫يث ْأل ُم ِّس ُيُئن‬
And if You only honor those who are loyal
to You, then in whom will the wrongdoers
seek aid?
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫أ َلهي أ ْن َأ ْد َخ ْل َت ِّني َّألن َار َف ِّفي َذ ِّل َك ُس ُر ُر َع ُ ٍد ّ َك‬
ِّ ِ
َ‫أ ْن َأ ْد َخ ْل َت ِّني ْأل َج َّن َة َف ِّفي َذ ِّل َك ُس ُر ُر َنب ّيك‬
ِّ ِّ
O God! If you cast me into the Fire, then
that will make Your enemies happy. But if
You take me to Paradise, then that will
make Your Prophet happy.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َِّّ َ ‫َ َأ َنا‬
ْ‫أّلِل َأ ْع َل ُم َأ َّن ُس ُر َر َنب ّي َك َأ َحب أ َل ْي َك ِّمن‬
ِّ ِّ
َ‫ُس ُر ر َع ُ ٍد ّ ك‬
ِّ ِّ
And, by Allah, I am sure that you prefer the
happiness of Your Prophet to the
happiness of Your enemies.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً‫َّألل ُه َّم أ ّني َأ ْس َا ُل َك َأ ْن َت ْم َ َال َق ْلبي ُح ّب ًا َل َك َ َخ ْش َية‬
ِّ ِ
ً ‫م ْن َك َ َت ْص ٍد‬
َ‫يقا ب ِّك َتابك‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
O Allah! Let my heart and mind be filled
with love for You. Let me always respect
Your boundaries and sincerely follow Your
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ أ َيم ًانا ب َك َ َف َر ًقا ِّم ْن َك َ َش ْو ًقا أ َل ْيك‬
ِّ ِ
Let me have faith in You and passionately
long for You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َيا َذأ ْأل َج َال َ ْأال ْك َر ِّأم َح ّب ْب أ َل َّي ِّل َق َاء َك َ َأ ْحبب‬
ِّ ْ
َ ‫ِّل َقا ِّئي َ ْأج َع ْل ِّلي ِّفي ِّل َقا ِّئ َك َّألر َأح َة َ أل َف َر َج‬
َ‫ْأل َك َر َأمة‬
O possessor of majesty, glory, and honor!
Fill my heart with anticipation of meeting
You. Anticipate meeting me. Make my
meeting with You a moment of ease and
joy and honor.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َّألل ُه َّم َأ ْل ِّح ْق ِّني ب َصا ِّلح َم ْن َم َضى َ ْأج َع ْل ِّني ِّمن‬
َ‫ألصا ِّل ِّحين‬
َّ ‫َصا ِّلح َم ْن َب ِّق َي َ ُخ ْذ ِّبي َس ِّب َيل‬
O Allah! Unite me with those virtuous
people who lived before me. Make me one
of those virtuous people who remain, and
put me on their path.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أ ِّع ِّني على نف ِّسي ِّبما ت ِّعين ِّب ِّه ألصا ِّل ِّحين على‬
‫أنف ِّس ِّهم أخ ِّتم عم ِّلي ِّباح َس ِّن ِّه‬
Help me to overcome my desire to sin in
the same way You help the righteous to
overcome their desires, and make me do
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ ُْ ََ ْ َْ َ
‫أجعل ثوأ ِّبي ِّمنه ألجنة ِّبرحم ِّتك أ ِّع ِّني على‬
‫صا ِّل ِّح ما أعطيت ِّني‬
Make my reward for that Paradise, by Your
mercy. Help me to act with the virtues You
gave me.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ ََْْ ُ
‫ث ِّبت ِّني يا ر ِّب ال ترد ِّني ِّفي س ووء أستنقذت ِّني‬
َ‫ِّم ْن ُه َيا َر َّب ْأل َع َالمين‬
And help me to stand firm, O Lord. Do not
return me to the errors You have saved me
from, O Lord of the Worlds.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َّألل ُه َّم أ ِّّني َأ ْس َا ُل َك أي َم ًانا َال َأ َج َل َل ُه ُد َن ِّل َقا ِّئك‬
‫أح ِّي ِّني ما أحييت ِّني علي ِّه توف ِّني ِأذأ توفيت ِّني‬
ْ‫َع َلي ِّه‬
O Allah! I ask You for a faith that will not
waver until I meet You. Make me live and
die upon it. Resurrect me upon it.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ ‫َ ْأب َع ْث ِّني أ َذأ َب َع ْث َت ِّني َع َل ْي ِّه َ َأ ْبر ْئ َق ْلبي ِّم َن ّألرَي ِّاء‬
ِّ ِّ
ً‫ون َع َملي َخالصا‬
ُ‫ألش ّك َ ألس ْم َعة في دين َك َح َّتى َيك‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
Purify my heart from pretension, doubt,
and hypocrisy in religion so that all of my
actions will be solely for You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أللهم أع ِّط ِّني ب ِّصيرة ِّفي ِّد ِّينك فهما ِّفي‬
َ‫ُح ْكم َك َ ِّف ْق ًها ِّفي ِّع ْلم َك َ ِّك ْف َل ْين ِّم ْن َر ْح َم ِّتك‬
O Allah, grant me insight into Your
religion, understanding of Your
commands, knowledge of Your wisdom,
and a double share of Your mercy.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫رعا يحجزِّني عن مع ِّاصيك ب ِّيض ج ِّهي‬
َ‫ب ُنور َك َ ْأج َع ْل َر ْغ َب ِّتي ِّف َيما ِّع ْن َ ٍدك‬
ِّ ِّ
Keep me from coming close to
transgressing You, and illuminate my face
with Your light. Make me desire what is
with You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ َت َو َّف ِّني ِّفي َسبي ِّل َك َ َع َلى ِّم َّل ِّة َر ُسو ِّل َك َص َّلى َّأّلِل‬
‫علي ِّه أ ِّل ِّه‬
Let me die on Your path and on the way of
Your Messenger – may Allah bless him
and his family.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ ‫َّألل ُه َّم أ ّني َأ ُع‬
ّ‫وذ ِّب َك ِّم َن ْأل َك َس ِّل َ ْأل َف َش ِّل َ ْأل َه ِّم‬
ِّ ِ
َ‫َ ْأل ُج ْبن َ ْأل ُب ْخل َ ْأل َغ ْف َل ِّة َ ْأل َق ْسو ِّة‬
I seek refuge with You from laziness,
failure, misery, cowardliness, stinginess,
unawareness, cruelty,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ّ َ(
ّ‫ألذ َّلة) َ ْأل َم ْس َك َنة َ ْأل َف ْقر َ ْأل َف َاقة َ ُكل‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ َ ِّ
ِّ َ ِّ
َ‫َب ِّل َّي وة َ ْأل َف َو ِّأحش َما ظ َه َر ِّم ْن َها َ َما َبطن‬
humility, poverty, indigence and every
calamity and evil deed – hidden or
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ ‫َ َأ ُع‬
َ ‫وذ ب َك ِّم ْن َن ْفس َال َت ْق َن ُع َ َب ْطن َال َي ْش َب ُع‬
ُ‫َق ْل وب َال َي ْخ َش ُع َ ُد َع واء َال ُي ْس َم ُع َ َع َمل َال َي ْن َفع‬
I seek refuge in You from a self that is never
content, a stomach that is never satisfied, a
heart that is never pious, a prayer that is not
accepted, and a deed that is not beneficial.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ ‫َ َأ ُع‬
َ ‫وذ ب َك َيا َر ّ ِّب َع َلى َن ْف ِّسي َ ِّد ِّيني َ َما ِّلي‬
‫على ج ِّم ِّيع ما ر قت ِّني ِّمن ألشيط ِّان ألر ِّج ِّيم‬
I depend upon You O' Lord, to safeguard
me, my religion, my wealth, and all of what
You gave me from the evil of the cursed
Satan .
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫ألس ِّم ُيع ْأل َع ِّليم‬
َّ ‫أ َّن َك َأ ْن َت‬
Indeed, You see and hear all things.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َّألل ُه َّم أ َّن ُه َال ُي ِّج ُيرِّني ِّم ْن َك َأ َح ٌ ٍد َ َال َأ ِّج ُ ٍد ِّمن‬
ْ‫ُد ِّن َك ُم ْل َت َح ً ٍدأ َف َال َت ْج َع ْل َن ْف ِّسي ِّفي َش ْي وء ِّمن‬
َ‫َع َذأبك‬
O Allah, no one can shield me from You,
and I cannot find any shelter but You. So
do not leave me with any deed that You
would punish me for,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫أب أ ِّل ويم‬
‫ال ترد ِّني ِّبهلك وة ال ترد ِّني ِّبعذ و‬
And do not lead me into destruction and
painful torment.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َّألل ُه َّم َت َق َّب ْل ِّم ِّّني َ َأ ْعل ( َك ْعبي َ ) ِّذ ْكري َ ْأر َفع‬
ِّ ِّ
ْ َ َ َ ‫َ َ َ َ ُ َّ ْز ي‬
‫درج ِّتي حط ِّ ِّر ال تذكرِّني ِّبخ ِّطيئ ِّتي‬
O Allah! Accept my prayer. Welcome me,
and raise my status. Remove this burden
from me, and do not bring up my mistakes.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫أب َم ْن ِّط ِّقي َ َث َوأب‬
َ ‫أب َم ْج ِّل ِّسي َ َث َو‬
َ ‫َ ْأج َع ْل َث َو‬
َ‫اك َ ْأل َج َّنة‬
َ ‫ُد َعا ِّئي ر َض‬
In return for these sessions and these
utterances and my prayers, be pleased
with me, and allow me to enter Paradise.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َ َأ ْع ِّط ِّني َيا َر ّب َجم َيع َما َس َا ْل ُت َك َ ز ْد ِّني ِّمن‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ْ
َ‫َف ْض ِّل َك أ ِّّني أ َل ْي َك َر ِّأغ ٌب َيا َر َّب أل َع َالمين‬
ِ ِ
Grant me, O Lord, all of what I have asked,
and increase Your bounties towards me. I
have full hope in You, O Lord of the
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ‫َّألل ُه َّم أ َّن َك َأ ْن َزْل َت ِّفي ِّك َتاب َك ( ْأل َع ْف َو َ َأ َم ْرَت َنا) َأن‬
َ‫َن ْع ُف َو َع َّم ْن َظ َل َمنا‬
O Allah, You revealed in Your Book that
we should pardon those who wronged us,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َق ْ ٍد َظ َل ْم َنا َأ ْن ُف َس َنا َف ْاع ُف َع َّنا َفا َّن َك َأ ْ َلى ب َذ ِّلك‬
And we have wronged ourselves, so
forgive us. Indeed, You are more worthy
to do that than we are.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫َ َأ َم ْرَت َنا َأ ْن َال َن ُر َّد َسا ِّئ ًال َع ْن َأ ْب َوأب َنا َ َق ْ ٍد ِّج ْئ ُتك‬
‫َسا ِّئال فال ترد ِّني ِأال ِّبقض ِّاء حاج ِّتي‬
And You ordered us not to turn away the
needy who knock on our doors, and I have
come to You needy, so do not turn me
away before You have fulfilled my request.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َ َأ َم ْرَت َنا ب ْاال ْح َسان أ َلى َما َم َل َك ْت َأ ْي َما ُن َنا َ َن ْحن‬
ِ َ ِّ ِ َ ِّ
‫أ ِّرقاؤك فاع ِّت ُّ ِّرقابنا ِّمن ألن ِّار‬
You also ordered us to be kind to those
under our control, and We are enslaved to
You, so save our necks from the Fire.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫يا مفز ِّعي ِّعن ٍد كرب ِّتي يا غو ِّثي ِّعن ٍد ِّش ٍد ِّتي‬
O my shelter in sorrow! O my guardian in
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫أ َل ْي َك َفز ْع ُت َ ب َك ْأس َت َغ ْث ُت َ ُل ْذ ُت َال َأ ُلوذ‬
َ‫ب ِّس َو َأك َ َال َأ ْط ُل ُب ْأل َف َر َج أ َّال ِّم ْنك‬
I am seeking refuge in You alone and
seeking help from You alone and no one
but You.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ُ‫َف َاغ ْثني َ َف ّر ْج َع ّني َيا َم ْن َي ُفك ْ َأالس َير ( َي ْق َبل‬
ِّ ِّ
ِّ ِّ
ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ َْ
‫ألي ِّسير) يعفو ع ِّن ألك ِّث ِّير‬
So help me, and remove my difficulties
from me. O You Who frees the imprisoned
and pardons innumerable sins,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
َ‫ْأق َب ْل ِّم ِّّني ْأل َي ِّس َير َ ْأع ُف َع ِّّني ْأل َك ِّث َير أ َّن َك َأ ْنت‬
ُ‫َّألر ِّح ُيم ْأل َغ ُفور‬
Accept from me these small things, and
forgive me the great. Indeed, You are
merciful and forgiving.
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ً‫َّألل ُه َّم أ ّني َأ ْس َا ُل َك أي َم ًانا ُت َباش ُر به َق ْلبي َ َيقينا‬
ِّ ِ
ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ ِّ
َ‫( َص ِّاد ًقا) َح َّتى َأ ْع َل َم َأ َّن ُه َل ْن ُي ِّص َيب ِّني أ َّال َما َك َت ْبت‬
O Allah, I ask You for a faith that will bring
joy to my heart. I ask You for absolute
certainty in faith until I am sure that
nothing will befall me except what You
have written for me,
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
ْ َ
‫ش ِّبما قسمت ِّلي‬
ِّ ‫ر ِّض ِّني ِّمن ألعي‬
َ‫َيا َأ ْر َح َم َّألر ِّأحمين‬
And make me contented with the life that
You have decreed for me, O Most Merciful
of the Merciful!
Du`á Abu Hamza Thumali
‫علَى ُم َح َّم ٍد ََ ل ِّل ُم َح َّمد‬
َ ‫ص ِّل‬
َ ‫اَللَّ ُه َّم‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad.