Locating the Cover Sheet (PPT)

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Transcript Locating the Cover Sheet (PPT)

How to find the Cover sheet = Core Data Form =
Wizard Form in IRBNet
Cover sheet will ask for basic information:
• PI, contact person, Co-I, research team list
• Type of research
• Type of review
• Funding information
• Risk level
• Vulnerable populations as participants
When completed, you can print this form, and the form
and your answers will prompt you as to additional forms
or other documents you need to prepare and upload to
complete your submission.
The web space icon here
confirms your location in
the protocol work space.
Go to the designer page in
your protocol by clicking on
the designer button on the
Click the add new
document button.
Click the add button.
Initial Set up
Initial Set up
through set up
from here
Available After Initial Set Up
Create a new wizard. If you have an
existing cover sheet you want to
duplicate from another study with
similar information to save effort,
choose clone. You will have the
opportunity to edit the existing form
before adding it to your study record.