최신로봇기술동향(정낙영 교수).

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Robotics Trends in Japan
Nak Young Chong
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
[email protected]
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
1. Robot Industry Overview
2. Emerging Trends and Technologies
3. Comparison of Robotics Projects
4. Concluding Remarks and Suggestions
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
주요지역・국가의 산업용로봇
가동대수 (2010) 및 예측 (2014)
IFR World Robotics 2011, 일본로봇공업회 산업동향리포트 2011
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Shipment Value
일본로봇산업의 지역별 출하액 (1M JPY)
로봇공업회 매니퓰레이터, 로봇에 관한 기업실태조사보고서
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Domestic Shipment
국내출하내역 (2010년, 1M JPY)
로봇공업회 매니퓰레이터, 로봇에 관한 기업실태조사보고서
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
2011년 로봇사업 수익동향
Increase in both
income and profit:
flat income,
flat profit: 27%
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
해외시장공략을 위한 방책
생산거점의 신설
생산거점의 증산
판매거점망의 확충
국내상사와의 연계
현지상사와의 연계
국내생산의 이점: 국내메이커가
감속기・모터 등 요소부품 독점
현지조달의 확대
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
May 2013
Feb 2013
Industry Overview
Industrial robot manufacturers
eye China
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute
of Scienceas
Technology grows.
주요로봇메이커의 설비투자계획 (2011)
Industry Overview
주요로봇메이커의 연구개발투자계획 (2011)
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
로봇산업의 발전을 위한 필요시책
산업용로봇의 기본구조의 혁신・기술진보
표준화활동・국제규격책정에 적극관여
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
제3기 과학기술기본계획 개요 2006-2010
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
로봇분야의 도입시나리오
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
제4기 과학기술기본계획 개요 (2011- )
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Funding
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
MEXT 문부과학성
1. 과학연구비조성사업
2. 전략적창조연구추진사업: CRESTO(팀),
PRESTO(개인), ERATO(총괄실시)
3. 연구성과전개사업
4. 국제과학기술공동연구추진사업
5. 국가과제대응형연구개발추진사업
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
METI 경제산업성
1. NEDO: New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization
2. 산업기술분야
2.1 전자/정보통신--- 전자디바이스, 넷트웍/컴퓨팅,
가전(디스플레이, 유기트랜지스터, 조명)
2.2 바이오테크--- 바이오시스템, 의료시스템
2.3 기계시스템--- 로봇, MEMS/레이저, 복지용구
2.4 재료/나노테크--- 재료/부재, 희소금속
2.5 IT융합
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
MIC 총무성
1. SCOPE 전략적정보통신연구개발추진사업
Strategic Information and Communications R&D
Promotion Programme
2. 전략적국제연계형연구개발추진사업
3. 선진적통신애플리케이션개발추진사업
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research on Priority Areas 2005-2009
Mobiligence: Intelligent Functions Born from Mobility
Prof. Hajime Asama
Dept. of Precision Engineering
The University of Tokyo
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
JST ERATO Asada 2005-2010
Prof. Minoru Asada
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka University
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
JST ERATO Maenaka 2007-2012
Human-Sensing Fusion
Prof. Kazusuke Maenaka
Graduate School of Engineering
University of Hyogo
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
JST ERATO Okanoya (2008-2013)
Emotional Information
Prof. Kazuo Okanoya
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
The University of Tokyo
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research on Innovative Areas (2011-2015)
Prof. Tatsuo Arai
Graduate School of Engineering Science
Osaka University
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research on Innovative Areas (2011-2015)
Neural Computation for Prediction and Decision Making
Prof. Kenji Doya
Neural Computation Unit
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research on Innovative Areas (2012-2016)
Prof. Masami Hagiya
Graduate School of Information Science & Tech.
The University of Tokyo
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
NEDO 생활지원로봇실용화프로젝트 (20092013)
1. 2013년도예산 8.42억엔 (2012년도 13.5억엔,
2011년도 19.90억엔, 2010년도 14.49억엔, 2009년도
2. Dr. Hirohisa Hirukawa (AIST)
3. 생활지원로봇의 안전성검증방법
4. 안전기술도입로봇의 개발:
이동작업형(조종), 이동작업형(자율),
인간장착(밀착)형, 탑승형
리듬보행어시스트 (2012)
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
NEDO IT융합에 의한 신사회시스템의
개발・실증프로젝트 (2012-2016)
1. 2013년도예산 13.11억엔 (2012년도 15억엔)
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Private Foundation
1. JFC (Japan Foundation Center, 1988년 설립)--공익재단법인조성재단센터
2. 학술연구, 장학금, 사회복지, 문화문예, 환경,
시민활동, 국제교류, 국제협력분야
3. 1,148단체 (조성단체요람 2012년)
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Human Networking
1. Mailing List
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
2. HUROBINT: Association for young researchers in
the field of robotics and artificial intelligence
3. IEEE Tokyo Young Researchers Workshop
Robotics Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology