Cellular Energetics By: Anndrea Navesky

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Transcript Cellular Energetics By: Anndrea Navesky

Cellular Energetics By: Anndrea Navesky

Glycolysis Takes place in cytoplasm Aerobic and anaerobic cycle Yeilds: ATP= 4 gross; 2 net NAD= 2 NADH (goes to electron transport chain, ETC)



Kreb’s Cycle • • • Pyruvate enters the cycle Occurs in mitochondrial matrix Yeilds: – ATP= 1 per pyruvate cycle – NAD= 6 NADH – FAD= 2 FADH 2 – NADH and FADH 2 go to ETC


Electron Transport Chain • • • • Occurs in inner membrane of mitochondria Hydrogen and electrons are carried along chain to transfer energy Electrochemical gradient = ATP O 2 is the final electron accepter in the form of H 2 O


ETC Complexes

ATP Synthase Protein Complex • • Contains a rotor, rod, and knob • Rotor spins clockwise when H+ flows though • Rod begins to spin activating the catalytic sites in the knob Knob contains catalytic sites that join ADP to inorganic phosphate to make ATP

ATP Synthase Protein Complex