Transcript Slide 1

Semester Exam Practice
How does one refer to an
atomic form of an element
containing the same number of
protons but a different number
of neutrons?
A) ion
B) radioactive
C) isomer
D) isotope
E) polar atom
Polymers of polysaccharides, fats, and proteins are all
synthesized from monomers by
A) the removal of water (dehydration reactions).
B) connecting monosaccharides together.
C) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers.
D) the addition of water to each monomer.
E) ionic bonding of the monomers.
Carbohydrates normally function in animals as
A) energy-storage molecules.
B) enzymes in the regulation of metabolic processes.
C) sites of protein synthesis.
D) the functional units of lipids.
18) Which of the following are polysaccharides?
A) cholesterol and triacylglycerol
B) uracil and thymine
C) glucose and sucrose
D) RNA and DNA
E) glycogen and starch
20) What is a fat or triacylglycerol?
A) a protein with tertiary structure
B) a lipid made of three fatty acids and glycerol
C) a molecule formed from three alcohols
D) a carbohydrate with three sugars
E) a kind of lipid that makes up much of the plasma
The following questions are based on the reaction A + B Â C + D
shown in Figure 6.2
Which of the following terms best describes the reaction?
A) exergonic
B) nonspontaneous
C) anabolic
D) allosteric
E) endergonic
All of the following molecules are part of the cell
membrane except
A) protein.
B) phosphate group.
C) nucleic acids.
D) steroid.
E) lipid.
The presence of cholesterol in the plasma membranes
of some animals
A) makes the membrane less flexible, so it can sustain
greater pressure from within the cell.
B) enables the membrane to stay fluid more easily when
cell temperature drops.
C) enables the animal to add hydrogen atoms to
unsaturated phospholipids.
D) makes the animal more susceptible to circulatory
E) enables the animal to remove hydrogen atoms from
saturated phospholipids.
All of the following cellular activities require ATP energy
A) protein synthesis.
B) exocytosis.
C) cytoplasmic streaming.
D) movement of O2 into the cell.
E) Na+ ions moving out of the cell.
Which of the following statements is correct about
A) It is an active process in which molecules move
from a region of lower concentration to one of
higher concentration.
B) It requires an expenditure of energy by the cell.
C) It requires integral proteins in the cell
D) It is very rapid over long distances.
E) It is a passive process in which molecules move
from a region of higher concentration to a region of
lower concentration.
Initially, in terms of molarity, the solution in side A with
respect to that in side B is
Membrane is
A) plasmolyzed.
permeable to
B) hypertonic.
glucose &
C) isotonic.
water, but not
D) saturated.
E) hypotonic.
to glucose &
water, but
not sucrose
After the system reaches equilibrium, what changes are
observed? Figure 8.2
A) The amount of glucose is higher in side A than in side B.
B) The water level is higher in side A than in side B.
C) The amount of sucrose and glucose are equal on both sides.
D) The water level is higher in side B than in side A.
E) The water level is unchanged.
Which process in eukaryotic cells will normally proceed
whether O2 is present or absent?
A) the Krebs cycle
B) electron transport
C) fermentation
D) glycolysis
E) oxidative phosphorylation
64) In addition to ATP, what are the end products of
A) NADH and pyruvate
B) H2O and ethyl alcohol
C) CO2 and NADH
D) CO2 and ethyl alcohol
E) CO2 and H2O
All of the following are functions of the Krebs cycle
A) adding electrons and protons to oxygen to form water.
B) production of ATP.
C) production of FADH2.
D) release of carbon dioxide.
E) production of NADH.
The Krebs cycle produces which of the following
molecules that then transfer energy to the electron
transport system?
D) CO2 and FAD
E) ATP and CO2
What is the primary function of the light reactions of
A) to use ATP to make glucose
B) to produce energy-rich glucose from carbon dioxide
and water
C) to produce NADPH used in respiration
D) to convert light energy to the chemical energy of
E) to produce ATP and NADPH
The genetic material is duplicated during what phase
of the cell cycle?
B.G1 Phase
C.S phase
D.G2 Phase
Chromosomes are aligned along the cell's equator
A) prophase.
B) interphase.
C) prometaphase.
D) anaphase.
E) metaphase.
One difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell
is that
A) the cell cycle of the cancer cell is arrested at the S
B) cancer cells continue to divide even when they are
tightly packed together.
C) cancer cells are always in the M phase of the cell
D) cancer cells cannot function properly because they
suffer from density-dependent inhibition.
E) the cancer cell is unable to synthesize DNA.
Food chains are relatively short in communities because
A) energy is lost as it passes from one trophic level to
the next higher level.
B) very few predatory species have evolved.
C) local extinction of one species dooms all the other
species in a food web.
D) most plant species are inedible.
E) two herbivore species may not feed on the same
plant species.