Transcript UTK Honors

Honors and Scholars Programs
Chancellor’s Honors Program
• Principal university-wide
honors program
• Core values – intellectual
curiosity, critical
awareness and social
• Program emphasis on
global awareness,
research, scholarly and
creative production
Support for Students
• Study abroad and
research grants
• Priority registration
• Honors LLC
• Honors advising
• Honors research
• Computer lab for
• Honors tutoring
CHP Application Process
• Apply to UT by November 1st
• Will be invited to apply (30 ACT and 4.0
weighted GPA minimum)
• Complete Honors essay by December 1st
• Complete UT scholarship application by
December 1st
• Decisions will be made by January 1st
Haslam Scholars Program
• Highly selective
• Admit 15 first-year
students per cohort
• Program pillars are
integrity, diversity,
social justice and
social responsibility
Support for Students
• Scholarship award
• Tutorial-model
• Study abroad trip
• Additional funding for
research or study
HSP Application Process
• Apply to UT by November 1st
• Complete UT scholarship application by
December 1st
• Complete Haslam Scholars Program
application on website by November 1st
Host-A-Student Visits
Contact Sarah Hunter:
[email protected]