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Transcript Introduction

Presented by: Tom Radak, Adrienne Wuellner,
Taqhi Mohammed, and Maggie Daly Skogsbakken
 A how-to guide for
Transit and Land Use
 Help eliminate barriers to
transit usage
 Define the role land use and development have on
transit access
 Suggestions to retrofit non-transit supportive areas
Challenges of Transit Planning
in a Suburban Landscape
 Suburban sprawl is not walkable; first/last mile
 Huge setbacks create barriers to transit
 Lack of transit/pedestrian amenities
 Accessibility issues
 Higher costs for retrofitting infrastructure
Issues in Suburbia
 As the Suburbia planning team, you have received
several comments/concerns about this area of town.
 Suburbia High School is causing heavy congestion in
the morning and afternoon due to students driving,
parent drop-offs, slow bus alighting, and students
walking and biking to school
 Unsafe crossing for school kids; several incidents
 Causes bus delays, significant traffic backups
 Subdivision residents cannot walk or bike to amenities
Your Task for Today
 Work as a team
 Use your “Planner’s Toolbox” to create a safe space for
all users of the roadway and sidewalk network
 Prioritize safety and comfort of pedestrians, bicyclists,
and transit vehicles
 Focus on all hours of the day, not only school hours –
predict where the usage will be heaviest
 Stay within budget of 65 Points
 You have until 12pm. A spokesperson from each group
will have 5 minutes to present your plan.
 Have Fun!
 Suburbia High School is causing heavy congestion in the
morning and afternoon due to students driving, parent
drop-offs, slow bus alighting, and students walking and
biking to school
Causes bus delays, significant traffic backups
Unsafe crossing for school kids; several incidents
Subdivision residents cannot walk to amenities
Prioritize safety and comfort of pedestrians, bicyclists, and
transit vehicles
Focus on all hours of the day, not only school hours –
predict where the usage will be heaviest
You have until 12pm.
You have a budget of 65 Points.
Excellent Work!
 Thank you for coming
 Enjoy your goodies!
 You now have your own
copy of the Guidelines; it
is preloaded on the flash
drive you’ll receive at
your lunch seat.